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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Will it be brand, brand new...or should I dare, or dare to even hope for, a rebrew of...La Sylphide? That's right! I said it!!!!
  2. Halo has me hoarding my gold for... whatever!...Total and complete anticipation here!. Can you see my eyes bugging from my head through my writing? Seriously - can you? Cuz it feels like it....
  3. Ohmygosh...I hope you're fibbing...I may have to be good for a while since the insurance company (or body shop or whoever pulls the lever on such things) decided our SUV is actually totaled....That just means maaaybe some of my back ups will have to wait...NRs purchases are always a given
  4. I think this is where I went wrong initially with Black! I had tried it as one of the sampler set just starting out at LP, not realizing how the scents morphed over time....like Irish eyes, I'd never encountered artisan perfumes...and I was very leery of everything (embarrassing to say now). I'm POSITIVE that I didn't allow Black to go through the "stages" because you're absolutely right! This gets SO dreamy, creamy and delicious! I had mentally marked it off my list without giving it fair skin time and I could just KICK myself! But I claim ignorance because I really had NO idea how amazing LP was going to be...everything I thought I knew I've written off - it just doesn't apply here!
  5. I pulled out OCCO Black today and I cannot snuggle up to myself enough! I don't know what it is about this. It's cold and damp out. We had snow in the morning followed by a gorgeous sunny afternoon Yeah - go figure! And everything melted but it's still cold and also WET - BLECH! OCCO Black FEELS smoldering and warm to me and in this icky weather I just want to curl up to myself...I think I need to go put on a little more....
  6. Irish eyes ~I think you'll quite like it! It seems so simple...amber & sugar. That's it. But it's GLORIOUS! Absolutely gorgeous. My gf bought a bottle in spray and I know immediately when she's wearing it and she gets within range of my sniffer, lol. *swoons* It isn't heavy either, but, on me, the scent lasts and covers well. To my nose, SA seems more resiny and chewy and seductive where AA seems brighter, cleaner and more perfume like.
  7. I LOVED you entire post btw, but this statement struck me because I feel exactly the same way - and I'd bet a lot of us here do! I've been going crazy trying everything because EVERYTHING I thought I believed is out the window here with LP. So glad you're also enthralled by how amazing all these blooming, morphing, melding perfumes are!
  8. I've used Sugared Honeycomb to cover cops no problem. I've used Sugared Amber over all kinds of phero blends...SS4W, LFM & N, Lace, BANG!, Perfect Match...
  9. Halo - YOU are diabolical! Do you KNOW how far away that is to leave us perched on a statement like that???! I would cry if I could just stop running in circles of anticipation!
  10. NuTrix

    Hello Out There

    Welcome to some of the most fun you'll have - -like - EVER!
  11. Not yesterday BUT it's odd that you asked because I was thinking this would be great in a spray boosted with something social like SS4W and LFM would be a good pairing too for sure! I use LFM hard, one of my top favorites, certainly seems like that combo has all the potential in the world. ALOC is a limited fragrance Not sure why I thought it was permanent??? I'm going to at least need a back up...
  12. I know, right? It's hypnotic! The way I slather - it will be gone all too quickly But I DO love it!!!
  13. Bummer for no noticeable reaction from guy friend - Bonus for selfies though!
  14. I wore this solo today - well, I phero'd, but I didn't layer this scent with anything This is so fluffy, yummy, creamy, hint of maple, something coconut-milky-like DELICIOUS! *swoons*
  15. You know, I have this and just haven't given it much of a fair shake. It's great for time with hubby as it helps improve his mood (he can be restless and grumpy when he hasn't gotten enough sleep). I've noticed I'm more patient with him too so that may be a selfie? Just seems to smooth out rough edges. Haven't worn it for work but after reading some of the reviews...I'm thinking about it...
  16. Ooooo! Now I have to try it layered with Beth's Blushing Milkmaid JUST b/c I have to try the cookies and milk/cream idea!!!!!
  17. I second! LFM definitely gives off a specific vibe that I use in situations where I need people to pay attention and be cooperative at work. Socially - it's Miss Butterfly!
  18. I saw stalk talk light up and just had to stop by, lol. I'm not stalking yet either.....I'm still plotting my next order....
  19. True! I have been in a room when someone asked - "What smells like curry? Man - it's making me hungry for lunch!" Maybe NOT what I was going for...but at least it was a positive response BWAHAHAAAA! Edited to add: I was also impressed that he picked out the curry from all the notes
  20. That would be hugely speculative without knowing the dose/mcg per drop. Without the PM giving that advice - or another of the LP lovelies who may know - you would have to wing it. The closest hypothesis I can offer is that: If a perfumed LP is approx. 1/3 the strength of an Un, and if the dropper bottle is full strength, then you would take a container, fill 2/3 of it's volume with your perfume of choice and then add 1/3 to it from your dropper bottle - however many drops that bay be. Then, hypothetically you would have a phero'd perfume There are several BIG "if"s in there Experimenting with a trial vial and using pipettes to measure out the perfume would be a great way to try w/o wasting much if you aren't sure...
  21. C'est la vie! You shall just have to continue your search for love elsewhere
  22. I have/had a house full of dogs. We had 5 all at once at one point before homing 2 of them...WAY too many in case you're wondering They have had varied reactions - from fawning over me, cuddling up next to me, being downright pushy to give me kisses, curious as hell about what I'm wearing (phero wise) snifing at me like I was a beggin strip... But never anything aggressive So sorry that happened to you. I knew a dog that, (although he had never tried to bite anyone fortunately), he would scare people pretty badly because he would want to be petted and LOVED it, but when you stopped and started to walk away he would begin barking - he was a 120lb rottie - and THAT would alarm anyone but it was apparently his way of communicating "DON'T STOP! KEEP PETTING ME!!!" (Can you say counter productive?LOL) But he would go from sitting politely to standing and barking, and I saw him unerve more than a few dog lovers that way. The owner's could be putting you, or anyone else, in a terrible position if they don't know - or are in denile - about their animal's behavior. Whinning can also indicate over excitement/stimulation and can make a dog behave unpredictably. It's very possibly they may have been telling the truth about it never having happened before...but they may have just been lucky before you too
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