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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Haha - keeps the dating pool just a little more open .... well, like they say in the beer commercial, time to go crack open a cold one ...
  2. Honey, would you mind taking a real cold shower before we have sex and lay really still ...
  3. If you are willing to wait, I will answer tonight after I go home and retry.
  4. Exactly. Sex, food, sleep. A beer here and there. That pretty much sums it up lol. I have heard of it but .... ummmm .... really?!?! But if it pays the bills, what the heck ...
  5. Yeah - haha - I shoulda looked - for some reason I thought they might still be locked. Looks like I need to order a bottle.
  6. Glad I ordered a bottle then haha! ETA: Donsie - we have your custom rank when the time comes: Dissipated Libertine!
  7. I have been working with my sample for a while before I wrote anything, mostly because I have been trying to gauge the effects of the Hedione with the Mrs.. I think Luna and Snoopy have described this scent very well: this is a male tropical aquatic scent. Not the straight up aquatic scent like Sandy Bottom but a very tropical sense to it. And by tropical I mean that sense of tropical greenery and flowers. But don't let the "floral" worry you - it is easily masculine enough for a guy even if some of the ladies like to wear it too. Snoopy said it well when he said he felt like he was on the beach in some tropical paradise, complete with suntan lotion! I like the scent a lot. I would love it if the coconut was not quite as strong but coconut is a note that tends to amp up on my skin so a lot of that effect is me. I am not sure about the effects of the Hedione with the Mrs. as it has been a little like a roller coaster here lately (kids off to college, etc.) so I will report back as I get more of a feel for that.
  8. I have used pheromones for years and have not seen any correlation between using them and weight gain or loss.
  9. Pashazade is one of my favorites but just remember it is not a work scent. Unless he is a Chippendale dancer and sells, well, nevermind haha!
  10. quietguy


    Hello and welcome to the forum. I answered your question about clean men's scents - I hope it helps!
  11. I love the original Armani - one of my favorites to this day. For clean scents, I would recommend samples of the following: LP#9 Eternal Sunshine Ambuscade Kingmaker Enlightenment
  12. quietguy


    Welcome to the forum!
  13. I am not sure the sizes - you would have to ask Mara for that. My recommendations: Sugared Egyptian Musk: If you like Pashazade, then this is for you This blends well with: Sugared Black Pepper Sugared Green Tea Sugared Black Musk: If you like "sweeter" men's colognes (think Burberry Brit), then this could work for you. If you like outdoorsy scents combine: Sugared Green Musk Sugared Woods I think you might want to compare Sugared Smoke with Sugared Campfire. I like the Sugared Smoke. If you want a clean linen type scent combine: Sugared Clean Musk Sugared Clean Linen
  14. I bought a shit ton last year. Probably not as much this year but we will see lol.
  15. I kinda feel sorry for everyone away on vacation or whatever this weekend. Even with double the amount brewed, people have been waiting for rebrews of some of these for so long ... Given my limited experience with sales from only the last several years - you will be fine, ladies.
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