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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Haha - bookworms, we even have our own erotic language ...
  2. I have gotten some great physical sensations from wearing sex mixes around my wife. If that helps ...
  3. AAARRRrrrrrrggggg - never too much sun or heat here on the beach! Plenty o' sharks, too!
  4. ARRRrrrrrgggg, methinks yer be probably right. In the meantimes, while I be waiting, I needs to be convincing Mrs. QG its time to give up the booty. AARRRrrrgggg.
  5. I give good type. Give me a chance to prove it. Let me run my fingers over your keypad.
  6. Haha - IKR? And whenever I wonder how am I gonna actually use/wear all these scents when I am always buying new, I just think of you all and buy a couple more FBs lol!
  7. It certainly seems to be my kind of scent and I am sure I will love it. Just the name made me smile. Plus women in bikinis, ughhh. On a side note, I saw in the news where the roof of a record store collapsed under the weight of all the vinyl they had stored upstairs. I better keep my collection of scents on the ground floor although I know I have nowhere near the collection you or some of the other ladies have.
  8. And one for the guys!! Thank you Mara and team LPMP!
  9. It would if I were your chauffeur ...
  10. I don't know. I usually go with Charisma at first then SS4M before we arrive.
  11. quietguy

    Hello all!

    Hello and welcome to the forum. If you have any questions about guy's scents or pheromones, I will be happy to help as best I can.
  12. I am glad I was well out of the way haha! Anyone get trampled & need first aid lol?
  13. Guys pick up on the scent of copulins on more of a subconscious level. When you are the guy wearing them, you feel more self confident of sorts as the copulins signal (subconsciously) that you just got laid. So it is that "Yeah, I just got some" swagger that hits at that subconscious level even though you may not have. Or maybe you get that swagger on purpose because you know other people (men & women) are picking up on that message at that same subconscious level. But in that case it is more like a good bluff playing poker lol. Both sexes react like "He has it going on". Women may perk up around you as they may react like if another woman wants you that much, you must be worth having/getting to know. Another funny reaction guys might have around you if the copulin dose is too high, is that you may come across more effeminate, more like a woman, which is confusing at that same subconscious level.
  14. This is what I said over in Darbla's thread: MVP creates what I feel is a more outgoing almost party feeling because the a-nols are higher. I don't wear it as much because people get so darn chatty with a-nols around me. There is always one or two people who react strongly to is and they go on and on. Charisma can make you seem like THE movie star. Almost a "wow" kinda factor to it. Once again though, it all depends on the wearer's attitude. If you are friendly and confident, they carry off well. If you are in a foul mood, they can broadcast that as well. This is my take on the effects around me. Pheromone blends tend to aim things in certain directions. Exact results can be very user and situation specific.
  15. MVP creates what I feel is a more outgoing almost party feeling because the a-nols are higher. I don't wear it as much because people get so darn chatty with a-nols around me. There is always one or two people who react strongly to is and they go on and on. Charisma can make you seem like THE movie star. Almost a "wow" kinda factor to it. Once again though, it all depends on the wearer's attitude. If you are friendly and confident, they carry off well. If you are in a foul mood, they can broadcast that as well. This is my take on the effects around me. Pheromone blends tend to aim things in certain directions. Exact results can be very user and situation specific.
  16. Haha - I saw there were two left and thought about getting one more but I already had two ... share the wealth I say!
  17. quietguy


    Welcome to the forum!
  18. Or he is interested but does not feel work is the right place to make a move. Either way, like BB said - maybe the same mix outside of work will help get you where you want to go.
  19. And I am sure all the guys want a taste test.
  20. quietguy

    Hi everyone!

    Hello & welcome to the forum!
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