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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. quietguy


    Welcome to the forum!
  2. What the ladies said. No big deal. Who hasn't tasted perfume? Just think of it as the so-so appetizer before the tasty main dish.
  3. I think Mai gave a pretty good description of this scent. When it first went on, all I got was almost overpowering ozone - almost air freshener strength - I was actually a little alarmed. but even before it dried down, it began to morph and all the rest of the outdoors scents started coming through. Overall it is a very clean air and fresh green woods scent. And it is a green woods scents, like the woods at the height of summer, just a little wet, like perhaps morning dew or a distant shower. (This is not greenery like out in the garden scent.) In the background you catch a just a little hint of the fire/smoke and coffee brewing, like the campsite is a slight distance away. This is a great outdoorsy scent if you are into that and I am! The scent is complete in itself but if you wanted to tweak it, you could play with some of the outdoors sugared line, although the sugared part would change it. ETA: The scent only seems to get better as it ages on my skin. The coffee scent gets a little stronger as time goes on but is never overpowering - more like just a stronger part of the background.
  4. No, you will die of malnutrition because you will spend all your grocery money on LPs haha!
  5. Doing my best to uplift and support you ladies ...
  6. Congrats! Just do a couple reviews and a make a lot of comments with some sexual innuendo in them and you will be on your way haha!
  7. This is a great scent. A masculine vanilla although as has been stated here women seem to be able to wear this also. I highlight masculine because even though the women here are saying they love it on their men, there are so many feminine vanilla scents out there I don't want any guys who are new here to think they will smell "girly" even if the girls like it haha! This is a pretty accurate description for me. This is a very vanilla forward scent especially when you first put it on. Then as the vanilla dries down the leather comes out a little more and then after a while once it has dried down completely you get the other notes. The one note that did not pop out so strong with me is the tonka. Usually I can smell the tonka in something but here it was maybe just the lightest hint. Comparison wise, this is a slightly different vanilla - not quite as smooth as the vanilla in The Sinner & The Saint which is one of my all time favorite vanilla scents. But again "not as smooth" does not mean "not as good" - it is just seems to me to be a different kind of vanilla. Here's to the ladies wanting to taste test you when you are wearing this!
  8. So is the bottle singing "I once was lost, but now am found ..."?
  9. I use other pheromone products that use silicone and they seem to work fine.
  10. Yes - both would work well. I prefer Charisma but both would work.
  11. I use the 60/40 version but I have been tempted to try the silicone version to see how that works.
  12. I have it in both oil & spray. Which one I use depends on weather & how long I need it to last. Longer and/or hotter weather = oil. Sometimes I do oil with one spray. Long effects from oil but big kick for 2-3 hours from the spray.
  13. I wear 2-3 of spray. Several good sized lines of oil.
  14. I cannot say for you but for him I would perhaps recommend Charisma or SS4M for the psychological/self-confidence lift he might get from seeing the pheros at work around him in general.
  15. What Luna said. We have seen time and again that a good pheromone mix plus low social filters (for whatever reason) = lowered inhibitions = otherwise socially frowned upon actions
  16. Yes - it is more subdued - almost not a scent - more like a clean crisp scent - very work friendly of course - but you guys seemed to like the stronger scents.
  17. The other thing to remember is that pheros tend to amp up what is there. If you do not usually feel very "womanly" then I am not sure what the pheros project. They project something of course, but their message might be garbled. I am also not sure what you meant by "exude". Were you thinking pheromone/hormone-wise or more psychological projection? Either way, pheros work very much with your state of mind at the moment but you know that.
  18. quietguy


    Welcome to the forum!
  19. Sorry for the delay - I kinda prefer Touchdown - esp. after it dries down. A very deep, rich scent.
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