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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Exactly - I have yet to try on one I don't like. I like some more than others, but so far I have liked them all.
  2. Xavier is good. Very very good. Luna's description is pretty much perfect and I am not sure what I can add to it to give you a better sense of this scent. A solid base of manly teak. Indian spices that are reminiscent of Pashazade but not quite as spicy. (I hate to compare scents like that in case you have not tried Pashazade. But if you have not tried Pashazade, by all means TRY IT!) The note of tea to help smooth out the spices and the lavender to keep it all from going too rich or spicy. Going on wet, Xavier did have a little bit of a bite to it but the second it dries down it is smooth. Very very smooth. And another thing Luna was dead on about: we sometimes get gifts of very high end soaps and this really is just a few notes off one that we are using right now that I really like a lot. I would buy this in soap form if Mara made it. I know I said earlier that Alaric was my favorite of the 2015 Pheromas men's set, but Xavier is in a very close second. Very very close. And the Super Sexy For Men pheromone mix is one of my usual "Go To" mixes and the two of these blend very well together. If you need a manly scent for yourself or your man, you have found it.
  3. I hate to use the word "Favorite" because one kid is real happy and the rest are hurt, get attitudes, start acting out, etc.. Any parents reading this understand whether you are talking about human children or even canine or feline fur babies. But, if you promise not to tell the other November 2015 pheromas scents, Alaric is my favorite so far. He might screw up somehow down the line, but so far he is the favorite. Why exactly that is I am not sure. You look at the list of ingredients and a few might leave you scratching your head when you think "mens scent". But combined together, they give you something that has a definite masculine "ooommph" to it. I am not sure what the rhubarb note is but the bergamot, oakmoss, juniper, patchouli and leather all blended together fairly scream out "MAN". You put this on and you know right away that you smell like a guy. A pretty sexy guy. I guess it is like the one liner from an old movie: "I don't know what logistics is, but I want some of it" except in this case it is "I don't know what a green fougere note is, but I am going to wear more of it!" If you want to know more about the Wanted Man pheromone mix, just read the reviews. Terrible mix. Whatever you do, don't use it. Ever ... haha! Gentleman, it is a potentially dangerous mix. I have worn it and had women look at me like I was a double chocolate cupcake. And trust me, nothing about me says "sweet". But they were looking at me like I was dessert all the same.
  4. I went straight for this one because I loved the concept except for ... the coconut. Mara has done other summer type scents with coconut and everything about them says "Great!" to me except that coconut blows up on my skin and I end up smelling like a bad day at the beach where a bottle of 70's suntan lotion exploded all over me. So I went straight for Dylan because again, everything but the coconut and if any of the scents had the promise of going wonky on my skin, this one would be it. So I may as well know up front if this one was going to work or not. Except this time Mara said it was a "black" coconut. And whatever "black" coconut is, along with the "black" vanilla oils, made all the difference in the world. The seawater & driftwood notes are right there It is a "clean" seawater note, not the sharp "something dead and fishy" seawater smell you get sometimes. The sense of air, almost a floral note from the hedione and the matching light musk. But again not so light to be feminine, but that sense of lightness on a summer day at the beach when there is a light breeze. And finally there on top is the coconut and vanilla. And whatever makes them "black" coconut and vanilla notes forces them to stay tighter to the skin. They actually become the heavier notes that offset the lighter notes I already mentioned. It is definitely coconut but not the sharp almost "candied" coconut that slaps my nose but more like the older, cooler almost mysterious brother coconut that the girls want to hang out with at night. This is a summer scent with coconut that I can wear. And will wear.
  5. Maybe it is just the labels but this set of pheromas seems to have an almost (almost) old timey feel to them. Not that decidedly medicinal or herbal scent of old timey, but something that reminds you of the past from the edges. A note or two that is evocative of something you would expect to smell on your father or grandfather, and the sense of stability and warm memories that come with it. Edmund is the "work friendly" scent of this group and it is very work friendly. The basil, cedar and thyme seem to be the main notes on my skin. They mostly cover the musk but you get a sense of it buried under there, clinging close to your skin like any good musk. The fern, mosses and what I would have to guess is the maile soften and lighten the herbs so you do not smell like grandma's garden haha. I make that joke but Mara has made some very nice masculine herbal scents where you do smell like you have walked through a very manly herbal garden. The big sense I get from this scent is that you are the rock of the office. You are the voice of experience. Kinda like the commercial says, old enough to know what you are doing, and young enough to get it done. There is just enough tradition in this scent that you are the person everyone turns to for answers or when there is trouble, but young enough to come up with the original ideas. This blends perfectly with the Swimming with Sharks work pheromone blend.
  6. Men's descriptions ALL look great. Coconut notes give me some hesitation as they really blow up on my skin but I am going to order a men's sampler for sure.
  7. I recommend getting all nakey and rubbing yourself all over your lover. That should get the pheromones diffused haha!
  8. Very nice descriptions as always, Luna. And I loved that one.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  10. quietguy


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