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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. You ladies are making fun of me with the giving away hair comments, aren't you? I know you are are ... lol.
  2. I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way. I have used variations of that line and every now and then someone recognizes where it comes from.
  3. I might have a spare one laying around somewhere ... lol.
  4. Very funny thread. Anyone go through with the egg or kidney harvesting? Surrogate motherhood? This is one dedicated fan base.
  5. Another good night carried over into a great morning with a good dose on my chest.
  6. No big deal, girlie. You gotta live somewhere. Right now I live here. Here just happens to be back at the beach. Well not on the beach. It is 5 minutes away. ETA: Another hijacked thread. One day we might get fined for this.
  7. Si, senorita. Y tambien en Italia.
  8. Although I am much closer to Merida, Mexico I have never been there. I have however been to Merida, Spain. I visited there once when I was living in Spain.
  9. I do not mind mowing the grass as the scent of cut grass reminds me of calm, happy days at my grandparents' home.
  10. Pussy Galore ... I love it. I am a big JB fan.
  11. Well, nothing like a little "toughening up" to keep a guy on his toes.
  12. Mystery solved! I do not remember Katz's thread but I commented on the thread in Halo's journal. Sorry - from your description Halo's thread just did not come to mind.
  13. @ Eggers - I do not remember seeing one but that does not mean it is not in here somewhere. You got my curiousity up as I have not seen too many products by other companies given their own thread. Do you remember the name of the product or is that what you are looking to remember by finding the thread?
  14. This one reminded me a little of La Vie de Boheme. I hope this does not offend Mara - as I have said, my nose is terrible at picking out individual notes. This has a very strong coffee scent both wet and dry on me. I actually like it although I am not a big fan of coffee. That being said I have to be judicious when I wear this. I have a very active, busy day pretty much every day. But when I wear this I just want to sit down with a cup of something and relax and do nothing but watch people. I just mentally takes me to a sidewalk cafe somewhere in the old quarter of a city in Europe on a day with nothing to do.
  15. So far the only magic formula I have found for a "six pack" goes something like Eat Less, Exercise More. Can't tell you if that one works ... lol. The other six pack incantation that does work goes something like "I'll take a six pack of Guiness" but that one only seems to turn my "six pack" into a keg. This magick thing is not as easy as they make it look across the street, Mrs. Kravitz. Still searching ... Nothing yet on the hair ...
  16. Thanks for the info - I was reading descriptions and thinking into the future.
  17. @Mara - Is the difference between <3 Throb and Super Sexy for Men the addition of the cops or are there differences in the amounts or ratios of the other pheromones?
  18. That can actually be a difficult idea to get across to a lot of new pheromone users. Or maybe it is just young guys ... lol.
  19. Maybe someone liked the way it smelled and decided to investigate ...lol.
  20. Agnes ... I'm still here. They just turned me into one of them .... And they say you are next ... mwhahahahahaha Now if I can just figure out the potion to grow my hair and "six pack" back ....
  21. My apologies - I did not mean to create a perpetual mess. But thank you - Witch Doctor is good - in fact sometimes I feel like one playing with all my pheromones.
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