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I just occurred to me, based on some of your posts I've seen here and in the LAM thread that, MAYBE, you've become a bit scent blind to cops. I'm just guessing but if you did a little experiment and just stopped the cops and cop heavy blends for a bit, I wonder if you'd be more aware of the scent when you came back to it.

Its just that there's really no mistaking the cops in BI. Now some people like the smell of cops and you may not think cheese or snatchy but they are there. Just saying for your own good.


Maybe this is the case, i don't know. But just to be sure i tried a spray of bang! and one of LFN today on each wrist (i washed it off later). I can definitely smell the cops in these two.

Maybe they contain more cops than BI? Ican smell the cops in OCCO white too when it's still wet.


As for the phero, i don't have a male target right now (dry spell...) but i used three sprays today before going to cross training ... WOW amazing energy. Definitely my pre-workout of choice! I kept going and going and going... Imagine what Dominance will do for my workouts ;)

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that's intresting, yes I smell cops in all of those too. humm. I don't know, of those 3 (Bang, BI or LFN) which actually has a higher dose, it's a good question. Of course when I use the cop heavier blends I usually have a reason, and I'm looking at the whole blend for an effect.

Though I do like LFN for powering through housework. if u tried BI for working out it's probably the 'none that gives that aggressive edge. I think you really might like Dom and you can add a sexy edge with some cops on your own when u feel like it.

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BI has a shit ton of cops!!! Definitely more than LFN. Not sure about Bang.

That's what I thought. I thought Sexpinoage & BI seemed to have the most. LFN and Bang after those but I never really looked at it more than that. I figure, cop heavy, point taken. then I'm just looking at what give me the best selifies and dynamic for the occasion. I just sniffed my barely used bottle of BI and I didn't even have to put it to my nose. :)

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That's what I thought. I thought Sexpinoage & BI seemed to have the most. LFN and Bang after those but I never really looked at it more than that. I figure, cop heavy, point taken. then I'm just looking at what give me the best selifies and dynamic for the occasion. I just sniffed my barely used bottle of BI and I didn't even have to put it to my nose. :)



That's what i thought too, at least based on the reviews here. I thought BI came second after Sexpionage as far as cops are concerned. Is it weird that i want to smell them???

i think i'll have my brother sniff the bottle just to see what he has to say. He has a weird nose ande detects scents and smells from miles away. I won't tell him what it is though.

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Well the point is, it's a fact that BI contIns A Lot of cops. It's just something you should be aware of.

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Oh yes of course I'm aware of it and treat like that. I mean, I doubt there's a mistake with my bottle.

Btw, I gave it to my brother to sniff it. He couldn't smell anything straight from the bottle. So I sprayed some on my wrist and asked him to smell it, wet as it was. Nothing.

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Oh yes i've shaked the bottle and done everything right. I was just worried about me not being able to smell them (scent blindness) even though others could. But it was a relief that my brother can't smell anything either, so all is good.

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So, I've gone back to my bottle of BI to check all this again and I get nothing cheesy or vinegary. On skin it might be different but in the bottle all I get is a fruitiness. I think I recall some people saying cops can smell like over-ripe fruit, so I guess that's how it smells to me in BI. I can deffo smell the musky funk of them in OCCOs and things so maybe it is something about the combination of other pheros in BI that makes the cops come across less aggressively to my nose.


I guess this can be another entry in the Bodies Are Weird catalogue of experiences in my life!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yes i've shaked the bottle and done everything right. I was just worried about me not being able to smell them (scent blindness) even though others could. But it was a relief that my brother can't smell anything either, so all is good.


Ephoebe, send me back your bottle if you like, so I can check it and make sure you didn't get a mislabeled bottle. I do not see how that could happen as we are extremely careful about isolating phero bottles, but I just got an email from someone who says she can't smell the cops in her bottle either, so I'd like to check these bottles. I will send you a fresh bottle in exchange.


The master bottle of BI has cops in it, so all bottles should smell exactly the same.


Thanks! Mail to:



PO Box 874022

Vancouver, WA 98687

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Ephoebe, send me back your bottle if you like, so I can check it and make sure you didn't get a mislabeled bottle. I do not see how that could happen as we are extremely careful about isolating phero bottles, but I just got an email from someone who says she can't smell the cops in her bottle either, so I'd like to check these bottles. I will send you a fresh bottle in exchange.


The master bottle of BI has cops in it, so all bottles should smell exactly the same.


Thanks! Mail to:



PO Box 874022

Vancouver, WA 98687


Oh thank you Mara. I'll send it to you this week. i don't want to be a burden, i just do find it weird that i can't smell cops at all in this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mara :)


I'll send the bottle back to you today (I've been rediculously busy lately :( ) I hope it reaches you fast. If they give me a tracking number i'll email it to you.

Thanks again :)


ETA: I'm curious, should i say at the post office that there's liquid in the package or not? I've never mailed a perfume before, i don't know what i should tell them. I've noticed that the description on the packages from LPMP is "decorative bottles", should i right that?

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I got one of the bottles back today, and I checked all the other bottles we made recently that are in stock, and my verdict is that this lot doesn't have as much cops as previous lots, so I am adding more to the master bottle. The two bottles for which we got complaints were both spray bottles, and I guess the lower cop content combined with the extra dilution in the sprays made the issue more obvious.


THANK YOU for alerting me to the issue! xoxox

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I got one of the bottles back today, and I checked all the other bottles we made recently that are in stock, and my verdict is that this lot doesn't have as much cops as previous lots, so I am adding more to the master bottle. The two bottles for which we got complaints were both spray bottles, and I guess the lower cop content combined with the extra dilution in the sprays made the issue more obvious.


THANK YOU for alerting me to the issue! xoxox

Mara, your dedication to integrity and customer service rocks. One HUGE reason for all of us repeat customers!


Sorry for the non-BI chatter in this BI thread, but integrity at work is in short supply where I'm at so I appreciate it when I see it.

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I wonder if mine is from that lot, because I can't smell anything, neither on my skin or on the roll on bottle. I used to be able to sniff a scent and it wasn't bad, so I didn't need to apply perfume over it.

I bought it in November 2014.


@ephoebe23, when did you purchase yours?

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I ordered my pheromas trial in December 2014 and I also don't find it smelly... but I don't mind cops so it could just be my sniffer. It would be interesting to know if mine if from the implicated batch, just so I know if I should add a touch of OCCO or something when I wear it. I don't want a refund or exchange or anything and it would be silly with the shipping overseas, but should I still contact customer service for the information? I don't want to take up people's time needlessly.

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Thanks to you and Mara! You're both stars! As I guessed, I just have a weird nose that can't even detect funk... which makes me slightly worried that I might be one of those people who smells but doesn't know it. Thank goodness I have LPs as insurance against smelling weird.

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Guest cutie.pie

Thanks, I am going to use it again, it has been a while. I only wore it around my ex over a month ago, and he nearly went crazy.


I did the same thing with my ex! :smiley-signs136:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore caressful breeze on Monday. Alright it was the first hot spell of spring, and I stepped into a hummus place an unsuspecting friend runs with a good friend of his. So the friend is usually calm but there was a definite flirtatious playful vibe about our conversation. His colleague, though, a bit.more brazen in attitude, stood closley next to me and joked:

"can I mingle with you?"

"You'll have to ask my fiancee"

"and I'll ask my wife"

granted I wore makeup ehich I usually don't to work, so that garnered extra compliments, but I'm sure it wasn't just that....

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BI is a really fun blend! Unless I end up getting stalked or something, it works well on me. Positive reactions from peopke all in all.. I may want to wait for a new scent with BI to be released before settling on a full bottle of c. breeze, but I do want to have *some* form of BI in my bag o' tricks...

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Guest cutie.pie

BI is a really fun blend! Unless I end up getting stalked or something, it works well on me. Positive reactions from peopke all in all.. I may want to wait for a new scent with BI to be released before settling on a full bottle of c. breeze, but I do want to have *some* form of BI in my bag o' tricks...

You can always check the trades ;)

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I'm not sure how one goes about it with international shipping, living in Israel shipping is like 12 bucks added to each order so doing that for just one bottle... not too sure it's worth it.

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Guest cutie.pie

I'm not sure how one goes about it with international shipping, living in Israel shipping is like 12 bucks added to each order so doing that for just one bottle... not too sure it's worth it.

Oh, just wait until you find something you really love and it is sold out! You'll stalk the trades and won't even ask how much is the shipping :lol:


There are few of us who are in Europe, and shipping is less than 12$... CinnamonMel, Rosebud, me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


I am a newbie here. I spent almost a week on this forum (and found lost of great tips and useful information) before I started to use the pheros (I started 3 days ago :). So far no hits. I know that everybody has different sweet spot, but I would appreciate your opinion and advice. I used BI unscented in oil - 1 stroke from my collarbone to the navel and one dab on each wrist. Then I covered with LP original. Do you think this is too little? Should I use more?


Also, do you think it is better to use more strokes on the torso versus one stroke on the torso and other strokes on neck, wrists, etc..?


I have also Sexpionage (no hits either so far). Do you think the dosage for these two pheros is similar or very different? (like I would need to use more BI but only little of Sexpionage to find the sweet spot or it would be the same?).


thanks a lot :)

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Welcome :)

In what context are you using those blends?


Those are heady sex blends, are you using them for intimacy with a SO or are you wearing them out & about? If you're just wearing them out, you may be noticed but if it's a situation where overt sexual attention is not really appropriate men with decent social filters may be holding back.


What type of attention are you looking for? What do you consider a hit?


BTW just FYI, there's a "Welcome" page for those introducing themselves to the fourm. Members can stop by and say welcome and answer your more specific questions related to your situation.


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Hello StacyK,


thanks for your response :) For privacy reasons, I would prefer to use this account from now on on this forum. I hope it is ok.


Yep, I am using these blends on a specific guy. The story is that we are just friends now because he is not attracted to me any more and I would very much like to change that back to be lovers again :) The problem is that I mostly see him in public places (lunch, etc.) and not so much in private any more. However, if I get his attention with these blends, the situation might change.


I have also Gotcha, Perfect Match, Essence Oil and LFN (all in oil and unscented). And then a trial of scented Cougar, Sneaky Clean (which I don't like very much).



I would consider a hit when he would look at me differently and would like to be close to me and touch me for instance (since he is not hugger and doesn't like to touch people, I would definitely know something is going on if he did that).


I am really wrapping my head around what to use and what amount and in what combination.. it is pretty overwhelming :) And of course, I want the results fast ! :)


thanks for your help (and I will check the welcome page)


P.S. Oh, I did not use Sexpionage yet (my bad..it was LFN). I know that is not very safe to wear it in public. I was just wondering about the dosage when I will have a chance to be with him alone.

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Welcome Blanche!


If the situation is that he has told you he is not attracted to you any longer, and he is being honest, pheros cannot change that. That may be why you are not seeing reactions from him. He may not be interested in you like that, and pheros won't change his mind.


Sexpionage is kind of hard to cover, so be sure that if you go there, to let it dry down COMPLETELY before applying cover scent. Also, Sexpionage has a more animalistic feel to it.....clothes ripping, biting sort of thing. And it is definitely not for use in public.


As for amounts, no one can really answer, because each person will react to each and every blend in a different manner. You are not the only variable.......there is your target, the weather, the context, the underlying feelings, etc etc etc. You will need to experiment to find what works for you.


Also, bear in mind that If for some reason it DOES work, just be aware that while it MAY get him into bed, it won't change his underlying feelings for you. SEX does not always equal love. Hell, in some cases, it doesn't even equal LIKE. Pheros don't have an emotion attached to them.


My suggestion would be to grab those socials you have......Perfect Match, Cougar, Sneaky Clean, and Gotcha, and go out and find one who is worthy of you. One who is already attracted to you. PHEROS ENHANCE, THEY DO NOT CREATE.

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Thanks Dolly,


well, my goal is to get him to bed. I am not looking for him loving me or liking me (but he likes me a lot). I was under the impression that pheros could make sexually attractive.


However, I was mainly asking about the dosage and places of application. I know that everybody is different and there are lots of factors, but still, you experienced users sure have some idea where as with how much to start, etc. And that is an information that I would appreciate.

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Thanks Dolly,


well, my goal is to get him to bed. I am not looking for him loving me or liking me (but he likes me a lot). I was under the impression that pheros could make sexually attractive.


However, I was mainly asking about the dosage and places of application. I know that everybody is different and there are lots of factors, but still, you experienced users sure have some idea where as with how much to start, etc. And that is an information that I would appreciate.



Pheros can make you sexually attractive. BUT, there has to be SOME attraction there. Pheros will not make a man who really doesn't find you attractive fall into bed with you (pheros only ENHANCE). Especially if he has feelings holding him back from "going there" with you.


As for dosage, those of us who are experienced will normally tell newbies the same things......start slowly. Apply just a little bit. If you see no reactions, up your dosage (a small bit on your torso is a good place to start). If you start big, and you see no reactions, you have no idea whether you are wearing too little......or maybe too much.


I think from what you have said, however, there is more going on here that will keep you from seeing a reaction from him. (1) You're in a public place, (2) He has told you that he is not attracted to you, (3) BI is a heavy sex blend, and he has told you that he isn't interested.......yes, I just repeated myself, but I think this is the issue you are going to not be able to overcome. Again, Pheros only ENHANCE, they do not create attraction where there is none.


Sorry, I know that is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth.

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I wore BI today at cross training ... ok Enone is the best preworkout ever!!! I must get Dom with my next order (note to self).

I pushed through so hard! i love it!

I was a beast at the gym, but a very sxy/sensual beast at the same time...

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Yes. I don't wear BI for to the gym tho. But Dom is great for working out. It's very noticeable.

LFN is good too, tho more for focus and getting general stuff done, I don't love it at the gym though.

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Guest cutie.pie

Yes. I don't wear BI for to the gym tho. But Dom is great for working out. It's very noticeable.

LFN is good too, tho more for focus and getting general stuff done, I don't love it at the gym though.

Stacy, have you tried Leather? Which one would you say is better for a work out, Dom or leather?

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I prefer Dom for working out. I've used Leather. It's one of my fav pheros. Both for play and work/TCB.

For me, there's nothing like pure Dom for seriously working out tho. :)

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I prefer Leather or LFN. Dom is too much for me. I get bitchy and ragey which is okay for working out but I don't like feeling like that. It all depends on how sensitive to none you are.

Thanks Halo for this info - i.e. that it's the none. I cannot do DOM. I only tried like 2x (spray UN) but WOW, did not like how I felt at all. Irritable (to put it mildly). But Leather, now that helps my workouts and gets me in workout mode.


LFN makes me feel like a sexy bad-ass, it's only flipped my bitch switch one and was probably cycle related and due to still trying to find my sweet spot. It motivates me, but not as specific to workouts as Leather does.


With BI, I don't have enough experience to comment other than I didn't notice any motiviation for workouts with BI.

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