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Can men use EOW and what happens when they do?

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Haha or just remember you gave him those pheromones and don't start accusing him of having a girlfriend on the side! :lol:

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They can but usually in much smaller doses. What happens is that they appear like they have been freshly laid. So to some women they appear alluring, those are the competitive ones. And to some women they appear disgusting. Lol.

Yea, that image turns me off. But, I know women who like that vibe.


Closer for a man? Um ..?

I know there are a couple of men's phero blends with cops,

I'd ask if it's too much on the cops.

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Closer for a man? Um ..?



Today, immediately at the point of opening my new shipment, it's all leather and strong chemical smelling. I'm sure in a day or two it will sweeten but it made me wonder if a man could wear cops.


Sometimes I wish he had another GF, people. Dude is attached to my hip.

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Woops, wish I had read this before adding cops to mine ....

Did you add cops to yours or did you have cops added? Because if Mara added it then she likely would have put in the appropriate amount. :)

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LOL QG! Pass the beer, please! Actually maybe wine for me...


Luna, your comment reminds me of how a lot of women these days are choosing to forgo the mate altogether and have a kid artificially... My friends and I joke whenever one of us is having boy problems that pretty soon we just won't need men haha!


Cops on a guy... The topic is interesting. Just for me personally, I feel like the "bad boy" aura that cops on a guy portrays might be better for fantasy than translated into real life (I may or may not have jealousy problems)... But I could definitely see the appeal for some women!

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It would so interesting to do a test; like I want to know - am I turned off by a guy wearing cops or more attracted to him?


I'd like to think I wouldn't want anything to do with him; but if there was a way to test and find out - for anyone - that would be very interesting. If wonder if it would help us (as women) with our 'radars' if we knew what we were really attracted to when it comes to cops on men.

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I have a bottle of Excalibur boosted with EoW. I got it as an experiment to see how I would react to them. It worked like I thought it would, I felt stronger, more masculine and definitely felt the testosterone flowing. What I'd failed to consider was the reactions of anyone else.


Everyone is still very helpful and I am a likable alpha whom they want to help, but there is a more sexual edge to Excalibur that wasn't there before. It was sexual before but this is... different. Dirtier. Women who are a bit older generally give me a sly grin as if to say, 'Naughty boy, I know what you were up to!' Women who are in their 20's generally have either the social proof reaction of smiling and being more touchy because they seem to see me as a guy worth having (after all, they can smell another woman on me) or they seem a bit shy and reserved. Yet even when they are a bit reserved, they don't want to leave my company. I had about half a bottle left when my gay cousin and his cousin begged me for the rest of the bottle. For some reason they were getting really worked up by the scent. *shrugs*


As for guys, I really get the social proof aspect from them (not that I'm looking for that) but it is funny how they'll react. Most of the time I get a buddy buddy reaction from them like they see me as extra awesome in their eyes. Younger guys in particular act this way.

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Cops on a guy... The topic is interesting. Just for me personally, I feel like the "bad boy" aura that cops on a guy portrays might be better for fantasy than translated into real life (I may or may not have jealousy problems)... But I could definitely see the appeal for some women!

I agree; I think it works wonderfully for scenario play but in a situation where you're looking to actually relate to someone on a deeper level it could send the wrong message.

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I have a bottle of Excalibur boosted with EoW. I got it as an experiment to see how I would react to them. It worked like I thought it would, I felt stronger, more masculine and definitely felt the testosterone flowing. What I'd failed to consider was the reactions of anyone else.


Everyone is still very helpful and I am a likable alpha whom they want to help, but there is a more sexual edge to Excalibur that wasn't there before. It was sexual before but this is... different. Dirtier. Women who are a bit older generally give me a sly grin as if to say, 'Naughty boy, I know what you were up to!' Women who are in their 20's generally have either the social proof reaction of smiling and being more touchy because they seem to see me as a guy worth having (after all, they can smell another woman on me) or they seem a bit shy and reserved. Yet even when they are a bit reserved, they don't want to leave my company.


As for guys, I really get the social proof aspect from them (not that I'm looking for that) but it is funny how they'll react. Most of the time I get a buddy buddy reaction from them like they see me as extra awesome in their eyes. Younger guys in particular act this way.



I agree; I think it works wonderfully for scenario play but in a situation where you're looking to actually relate to someone on a deeper level it could send the wrong message.



I know men who love it and I know men who vow never to use cops again after it made women they were interested in recoil in horror and not like them anymore. I've heard that from multiple men.


It is definitely a two-edged sword as I have said before. I really seems to be able to go either way from my experience and from what I have read. Mrs. QG is already convinced women throw themselves at me (I don't see it lol but she swears it is so) so I am careful not to create the impression I have taken one up on the offer.

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Thanks for weighing in everyone! In full disclosure, I was thinking your answers were going to come back that it would feminize a man (which would not be a good thing in terms of my feelings for my BF). I am going to have him try to wear closer for a couple of reasons. First, I think the scent is way too strong for me with all that leather and I hate to have a bottle go to waste. Second, I don't have the jealousy gene. If this caused girls to slink up to him, I would probably laugh my ass off, wink and wave him off to go play with the girls. And if this turns women around him off? No big deal as we are in a very committed relationship. If guys give him the buddy buddy nod. . .that's cool too.


The third reason, and probably the most important, is that I have waning drive. If this gets his testosterone pumping and that translates into something that will increase my drive, that is all a good thing. The only thing I was worried about is if I would get turned OFF by him smelling like cops and it doesn't sound that that would happen (since I bathe in cops myself).

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I selected "add pheros and cops" to my order, not even knowing what cops were lol.....So Im hoping that means Mara added them!

Yes It does. And Mara knows what/how much to add. So that's good.

Copulins ("cops") mimic the scent of the vaginal secretions of a reproductively healthy young women. So on women, it tends to draw male sexual attention. The scent is a ready to mate signal and has a testosterone raising effect in men.

The reason it's in a few of the male phero blends, it's thought to draw attention from some women in a .. "ooh look at that bad boy" kind of way. They (cops) may raise your T levels. But, some studies suggest that is only the case in the presence of a female "target".


I agree with Halos comment above. It will work with some women not with others.


JLISA, if the cops rev your engine when hubs wears them then go for it!!

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but I do tend to respond to certain kinds of male rhetoric. No worries. :)


Wow - you learn something new about people every day ... :lol:

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Dude, I'm pretty sure you already knew that about me. :P


Hahaha - well, now that you mention it, maybe ... :D

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Could there be a future where men won't need women any more?

Let me put it this way:

Could there be a future where men won't exploit women anymore?


Hopefully, yeah.


But beyond considerations of procreation, well...society would be very different from a psychological perspective, at the very least.

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Could there be a future where men won't need women any more?

Yes - I read where they are developing androids that are more and more realistic. But when we reach the Westworld or Blade Runner level, then we will be in trouble lol.

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Yeah I get that. But if you eliminate us then all men have to deal with each other for everything. I tend to think it would be catastrophic for those societies in which women are chattel, for example. And what about the guys who require a target for their sexual jealousy homicidal rage? I guess there would be more armed conflict, but a reduction in serial killers. ;)

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But seriously, I can't find any women that aren't already taken, or lesbian, or don't want a boyfriend, etc, etc...


Well, at a certain point in time, a lot of the ladies who are looking for a long term relationship have found them, but you are not there yet. Just a quick look at the ladies here over the years demonstrates that there are a lot of women still looking for Mr Right at a lot of different ages. Women just have to be a lot more careful as they often have the most to lose from the standpoint of running into anyone from a serial killer, to physical abuser to someone who will dump them when they get pregnant or have a kid as the guy is "not ready for a family".


The other part of the equation given that most women are more cautious when approaching a relationship is how you present yourself. The "air of desperation" from either sex tends to scare off stable personalities and attract those with agendas. I am not saying that is you by any means so please do not take it that way. It is just an observation.


Or another factor ls where you are looking. If you are bar or club hopping and looking for girls, then being shy is tough. Better to find clubs or organizations that involve things you might like - ie. hiking, chess, sky diving, scuba, whatever - and maybe meet someone that way. So even if you are shy, people tend to come out of their shells so to speak when they are doing something they really enjoy and can talk to. Plus you are doing something fun and meeting someone can take a back seat. And that is when you usually meet someone: when you relax and let it happen. And that is easiest in this kind of scenario.


Please do not take any of this as criticism or me telling you how to live your life. It is often my job (paid or volunteer) to offer "Dad advice". If you don't want any, just let me know. It won't hurt my feelings. I am much too "self assured" for that to happen haha! :lol:


I tend to think it would be catastrophic for those societies in which women are chattel, for example.


And what about the guys who require a target for their sexual jealousy homicidal rage? I guess there would be more armed conflict, but a reduction in serial killers. ;)


1. Look at the societies where that is the case already. I have been in a few and I as a guy would not want to live there.


2. Well, only as much armed conflict as it takes to reduce the rage filled portion of the population. :lol: See, it might not be all that bad then, right? :D

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Well its a matter of need versus want really. If they could find a way to artificially make and birth new generations then the answer would be yes. Science isn't really that far off from at least being able to procreate without the initial act already which makes it possible. Not probable or desirable really but at least possible.

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Well there are plenty of women dreaming about a future without men so I thought I would turn the tables...



But seriously, I can't find any women that aren't already taken, or lesbian, or don't want a boyfriend, etc, etc...

So to the first statement. Really? No that's not true. You are misinterpreting a lack of neediness & perhaps women staying in school and their jobs, delaying marriage et as "dreaming of a future without men". The fact is more parents today rather their daughters have an education & career/ job first. Most young women see that is a more desirable option too. It's not a slight against men that a woman wants her own $$ and to have things in order before marriage ect.


I don't think that per cappa there are more gay women around either. But, obviously there are more people "out". Which still doesn't "take" from you or me or anyone else. It's more likely healthier that people don't have to lie to themselves or families anymore.


It takes time to build a relationship. It takes time to "get out there" and meet people.

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I was bullied and abused alot growing up in school, nobody, male or female, treated me like a human being.there. In fact I noticed the guys twice as big as me who were doing all the bullying would have their girlfriends laugh and get off on it.


Didn't do much for my confidence in myself OR humanity.







Ok for Ziggy's sake I'll try not to reply any more....it's a fun conversation though, maybe someone could start a separate thread?

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