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Does LACE confuse men or catch them off guard?

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I have been wearing the Ivory Cats Tantalize with Lace for the past few days in everyday occurrences and I tell ya the men have been all confused, so wrapped up or caught in a fog that twice I have been given wrong directions by people who should be in the know...a man working at the reception desk of a building and a bus driver forgetting a major street that is part of his normal route. Today this bus driver let me off on the wrong street, then I had to jump back on because he was momentarily confused (after I stood next to him for a bit). Other men have been EXTREMELY chivalrous i mean going out of their way to open doors etc. The women have been very nice & accommodating.


in terms of effects on other people, I'd have to say that this Lace blend is at the top of the heap, along with Cougar, Gotcha and Cuddle Bunny. Open Windows is a solid performer too.

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I lose all sense of direction. It makes me positively ditsy, but I love it, I feel like I am on vacation when I wear it.


When I see lace on women's lingerie, I feel like I am about to go on vacation haha! :lol:

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That exact same thing happens to ME when I wear LACE. I lose all sense of direction. It makes me positively ditsy, but I love it, I feel like I am on vacation when I wear it.

I have avoided this one, not having any desire to be ditsy, but this perspective makes me wish I had some, I could use a vacation.

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I love Lace. I can't wear it to work though, else I wind up forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing! :lol: And I get the giggles pretty easily, too. Someone says something that tickles my funny bone, after that, I'll be teeheeing over every little thing for *hours*. I can wear it in the winter, when the restaurant is quiet and I don't need to concentrate so hard on coordinating things. But in tourist season? No way.


It does really bring out a good deal of chivalry in men. And it's also one which, oddly, really revs BF's motor, even though there are no cops involved. So I'm pretty fond of it, all around.

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LACE is a heavy hitter. Sexy or socially. Given its ingredients, I don't exactly use it for focus. A'nol is a nice airy lift and EST gives me what I call the "EST bounce". The combo provides a "Holly go lightly" vibe. It tends to draw people in and hold interest. I'd say if you were around someone who is a high responder they could definitely get caught up in the mood. If you want to ramp it up to Uber Sexy just wear some cops with it. :)

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Guest Sonatine

I know I am not a girl but I looked at the ingredients/ comments, and would have to say this would be a great mix for going out, parties, clubs, fairs or even a 2nd date. Cops would make it more sensual. However, I would not recommend using it for work, or a first date (with someone you are interested ) The alpha- androstenol would cause disruptions in the workplace (especially a small office); and the disinhibitive nature of the mix would prevent deep bonding on date.


However, Mara has more potions more geared for both purposes.

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Count me in that group, lol... I still remember my first date with Mr Muscles (DJ guy) and I wore Lace. He loved it and was super attentive and chivalrous, but my head was so full of bubbles, I could barely talk right :lol:


ETA this was the UN Lace. I can usually wear it in an enhanced scent without a problem

Edited by Bella15
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Guest Sonatine

I just want to say in my response, I did not write anything negative against the product Lace. I was just responding to FlowerPowers question about whether Lace confuses men or catch them off guard.


As I said , I am a guy, so it probably affect me differently (especially with the EST). I just stated some circumstances based on ingredients and reviews where Lace would shine.

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I love Lace! I used to use it at work, going out with friends... Pretty much everywhere (I can't now that I'm pregnant). But it's definitely a must have. The only time I've had guys act dumbstruck is when i would wear cops. They would get a dreamy look on their face and then snap out of it once they realized they were a DIHL.

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I have worn Lace to work and it hasn't adversely affected me or anyone else, but I've probably worn less than what would be considered a full dose or a dose large enough to affect a target.

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Yes that's the term Hearts, the guys were Deer In Head Lights LOL :say19::purr: I wasn't doing it on purpose, but it was fun! Tee hee, I have worn a blend with Lace to work and it just helped me to have more energy, and to "whistle while I worked" :Emoticons04231:


Sonatine, I would be interested to learn which pheremones (if you are aware) cause the DIHL reaction in you?

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Guest Sonatine

I am sure I DIHL'd naturally and I am sure woman have used pheromones on me. Around 2 or 3 times, I have gone to the market and seen an ordinary woman, bought groceries, drove home and we I get home I ask myself "why can't you get this woman out of your head". These were days I didn't use pheromones (so no self-imprinting), woman I didn't talk to, have contact with, know, or my type.


As far as me giving DIHLs, I used to get a lot of DIHLs when I first started using mones, but it was a different. I was using status mones; and being a guy I thought if a dab was good more would be better. These girls might give me DIHLs, but very seldom would they move or even talk to me. Later, I learned if a situation like this happened , you have be to friendly and open up the conversation.

Currently, I use more social mixes.


Lace seems like a great mix. You get a positive social with the A-nol ;and the EST brings an attraction, bonding, and a disinhibition element to the mix.

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