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Blue Fyre w/ Perfect Match

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MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
PEPPER ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, exorcism, breaks hexes.
BLUEBERRY ~ Protection, communication, peace, calm.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.
SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.

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This is really interesting on me. I shook it really well, per Mara's direction before applying. I think that I must amp pepper because I smell like a very peppery blueberry right now, lol. I have had it on for about an hour and the pepper is still really intense  on me. I will be trying it again in a few days to see how it changes. 

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The combo of the pepper and the blueberry is really interesting because the tart and the spicy kind of morph into some other quality which I can't exactly name.  But it's a really Fall-appropriate kind of vibe for sure.  However, there is something in this which is triggering me (i.e. giving me that migraine-y feeling).  On the face of it I don't know what is doing it, what would be doing it, maybe the musk?  Sometimes musk can do that to me.  It does remind me somewhat of Blue Smoke, which I did enjoy.  I do think this is especially unisex, I don't get any appreciable sweetness from it.

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Blue Smoke was one of my faves. I still have a little bit of it. Mr Perfect wears Black Fyre sometimes, but it’s not my favorite. I actually hid it from him awhile back, lol.

This is very interesting. I didn’t remember to shake it before I tried it, so I will give it another go soon. I’m getting a lot of blueberry, a little smoke and musk. It’s nice but I’ll stick with my Blue Smoke 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also here as a diehard Blue Smoke fan...I've had an interesting time with Blue Fyre!  It actually reminds me my Persephone potion that Mara made a few years ago. There's a dark wine-like fruitiness which is tempered by the smoke and myrrh.  It's edgy and powerful.   I will keep my fingers crossed for a Blue Smoke reboot at some point but this is very intriguing in its own right.

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This is another that's really unexpected. Up close, I get the bright tart blueberries, while further away, it's more pepper. I also get some of the myrrh up close as well. I really like the blueberry and myrrh combo, but I find the pepper makes it slightly unpleasant to me. I think this is one of those where the pepper absolutely makes it or breaks it for you. If you're a big pepper fan, you'll probably like this. If you aren't, it's a prominent note that is very noticeably there. And I shook it really well, too. After a while the pepper isn't quite as intense, but is still strong enough to tickle my nose. (I really do like that blueberry/myrrh combo, though. So close to loving this, yet so far.)

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This blend is intensely intoxicating to me, Its a dark juicy blueberry with a very faint whisper of pepper (shook the absolute hell out of it lol)and it morphs into delicious wafts of smoke/myrrh with a dry vanilla finish. Definitely unisex for sure, it's smokey, tad sweet and appropriate for fall/winter, I just see it as "dark" in my mind's eye ❤️


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  • 2 years later...

I'm not sure how I expected this to smell, but not like this! 

I love the myrrh/blueberry business, and the pepper is just right to my nose. The musk seems to give it a hint of "sparkle" or "fizz" that I'm finding addictive. Or maybe that's the pepper & musk playing together? 

Granted, I forgot to shake before dabbing, so it might be different next time I try it. Also, it literally just came out of the mailbox, and it's cold outside, so giving it time to settle will be another factor in how it'll smell in the future. But for now, I'm quite happy with this! You've gotta love it when you totally score on previously unsniffed purchases! 

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