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Anybody tried Girl/Girl or Boy/Boy

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I thought I might like to try something different. Now I am not looking to pick up women, and I am not a gay man...but I was looking at the ingredients of these two and thinking they look like pretty solid social blends.


DH wore Teddy Man this weekend and I was sooo contented to just hang out, nothing fazed me. I like that.


I am looking for something that is social, calming and "efficient" - not loopy - for work and everyday. And yes, I have and love DYG but I just wanted to try something new, and I have not really seen anything on those two blends...


Any feedback? I might be leaning toward Boy/Boy from the description....a calming alpha presence sounds pretty good.



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therapygirl highly recommended Boy/Boy, IIRC. I still want to try it...but from other discussions about that calm/comforting vibe, yeah, Teddy Man does it for me, I'll say that much. There's a great synergy for me between the scent and the effect of the pheromone blend.

Edited by luna65
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I wear the Boy/Boy phero all the time.


I first wore it on a lark, when I dressed up as a dude for a costume party, but found it had a really soothing comforting vibe on me.


You are correct about the Teddy Man - it IS a very similar blend, just with slightly different levels - TM has a little bit more Androstadienol - the *appeasement* / *Alpha-male at peace* pheromone. It's completely safe for women to wear, by the way, it doesn't have any aggressive male pheros in it that can make girls bitchy.

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Hey Mara, what's the difference between Boy/Boy and Mystery Boy?


Actually, I do not have a clue. Mystery Boy is an Androtics product, and I don't think they tell people what ingredients they use. The ads for Mystery Boy seem to be geared more sexual, but they're more geared towards the PUA community anyway so that's how they pitch their stuff.


I gave Boy/Boy to one of my best friends when we first got it in, as a test subject. He's gay, and said that everyone acts extremely friendly when he wears it, and his boyfriend noticed and commented that he was gathering a crowd when he had it on, but he never mentioned anything to me about overtly sexual behavior. (Not that he would.) Just relaxed warmth and friendliness.


When I wear it out during the day, I notice the same reaction, from both sexes. And it has the self-effects on me of being calming. Like TG said, it's like having that mental security of a big strong man by your side, even if there isn't one. It's an odd thing. I really like that feeling, though.

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Thanks ma'am...and duh, I could have given that a Google myself. *facepalm*

I'm thinking Boy/Boy would be more my speed too, gotta plan for the next add-in...

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Funny you mentioned the PUA peeps, and 'that vibe'. I remember checking out another website (possibly andriotics?) that was cross-reffed here to see their forums, and yeah, different vibe is exactly what I was thinking. 'Different' being a polite way of saying creepy and predatory. Wouldn't be surprised if Mystery blend was named for the 'community'/ NS followers. :winktongue:


I'm just sooooooo glad to have found the LP forums, it's very cool to be able to come here and hear everyones takes on the fab smells AND get phero advice that doesn't skeeve me out. Not to mention, I was thinking this very thing myself, considering the B/B or G/G blend for social or work max-chillaxin'... :rolleyes: God, I'm so cheesy... no, not in the EoW way (for the moment... :D )



ANYWAY, I'm really interested in this as well. I've heard good things about B/B (like posts in this thread) but has anyone tried G/G for social/sexual/ANY reason, and what did it do for you? ***If anyone has tried BOTH and can compare that'd be super...***


The other day, I had a random thought about mixing the two, because they both seem bonding themed... prob a silly idea... so now I will do my silly monkey dance :UkkiBannana:

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I haven't tried Girl/Girl myself yet, but we have a lot of sales for it from straight women who are using it for business and friendship bonding with other women, and seem to like it enough to buy it again. Next time I have a group dinner with my former bandmates, (all-female band - half gay, half straight), I am DEFINITELY going to wear this one and see how it goes! LOL! :)


Yeah, K. I am creeped out by that predatory vibe too.


Gosh, Luna, that article was KIND - striving for better romantic success, bwaha!


Personally, I am somewhat nervous about mixing phero blends. I am not as experienced a phero user as many on this board, and when I wear them, I so totally mean business that I do not want to mess it up. Dolly and Ail are fabulously expert and the ones to ask the hard questions!

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Gosh, Luna, that article was KIND - striving for better romantic success, bwaha!


Yeah, that's Wiki for ya. :)

I will say (and I've kind of said it in more oblique ways in the past) that social engineering in any form (which definitely includes pheromone use) treads a very fine line between being creepy and amoral and fun and happy.

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i think pheros are the same with anything - it's all in the user - creepy people using to do creepy things = bad, nice people using for self effects or contained purposes = good (i know simplistic but at work so can't wax poetically like i'd wish)

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So glad to see this thread! I hope some more Girl/Girl users will post. I recently ordered this, since I work in a very woman-intensive field (I'm an esthetician), and I'd love to find something to make all the women around me feel happy and comfortable. I hope to be back soon with a report!

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