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I brought this one for Quince to smell during the Weekend of Birthday Debauchery. He's a man who loves his meat so I thought he'd appreciate it and after he sniffed it he insisted I wear it (Friday evening). I dabbed a bit on the back of one hand, as I was already scented with Neanderlicious. To me, it mainly smells like gravy, like cooking meat. He said it reminded him of Sunday dinner growing up; he thought he might find it sexy after I'd had it on a while, but decided that it was "too Oedipal to truly enjoy." He was rather drunk when he said that, so it was a fairly hilarious admission if only because he had to make more than one attempt to actually say the word Oedipal.

Edited by luna65
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I brought this one for Quince to smell during the weekend of Birthday Debauchery. He's a man who loves his meat so I thought he'd appreciate it and after he sniffed it he insisted I wear it (Friday evening). I dabbed a bit on the back of one hand, as I was already scented with Neanderlicious. To me, it mainly smells like gravy, like cooking meat. He said it reminded him of Sunday dinner growing up; he thought he might find it sexy after I'd had it on a while, but decided that it was "too Oedipal to truly enjoy." He was rather drunk when he said that, so it was a fairly hilarious admission if only because he had to make more than one attempt to actually say the word Oedipal.


Good lord, you're brave. LOL!


This one was a hilarious topic of discussion when I was getting my hair done yesterday too. A whole group of people were just cracking up about it. One gal was saying she was going to use it in her oil warmer, so when her hubby came home and said, "Yum, the house smells so good, what's for dinner?" she would reply, "Nuthin'. There's some cold boiled eggs in the fridge...help yourself."

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I smelled canned peas in the vial. On my skin it turned to roast beef, & corn bread. TT's response was, nobody should walk around smelling like that!

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I smelled canned peas in the vial. On my skin it turned to roast beef, & corn bread. TT's response was, nobody should walk around smelling like that!


Oh my...when I get my packy, I am going to give this one a whirl, but this scares me, truly. Canned peas, roast beef and corned bread. Truly??


I can always put it in my big old humidifier and the whole house will smell like dinner for a couple weeks at least...

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OMG I just dabbed it on and let Graham (the foster cat) sniff....


He waz confooozed! (and licked his chops)


Tally followed my hand across the room!



MEAT... I smell meat...

Edited by katz
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I dabbed a bit on yesterday at work. Yes, it does indeed smell like dinner. Meat. Gravy. Stuffing, I think. And corn & peas or some side dish. Honestly, really like a kitchen smells after cooking.


I don't think I'll be wearing it around town, you understand. But it is a very accurate representation of a holiday dinner.


Katz, I just wondered this morning if my animals would react to...I'll have to try when I get home.

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I was really scared to sniff this, just the thought of it made me nauseous....yuck ! me no likey

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Everyone I have let sniff this, has said it smells like RAW meat or even spoiled meat. I don't get that, I just smell an almost turkey-like smell. *shrug*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha-this is the weirdest stuff, M&D! WTF???

Yeah, meat. Peas.Corn and gravy! again, Just wtf. I haven't actually WORN it either,it freaks me out! but it would be funny to see what Cullen, Wolfgang and Blanket(my kittehs), do if I try....I wonder if I'd get the same reaction as Katz???

And it IS funny what your stylist was gonna do Mara! I had a notion to like, order out at some down home cookin place, throw everything in pots while this burned in my simmer pot--and say I slaved over a hot stove all day and don't I deserve a treat?? Heehee!! I'd come clean later, but what the hell?

Your silly. Goofballs-the lot of ya. M,D and John too. Crazy freaks. And I love ya for it!

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OMG!!! I can't do this one... One brief sniff of the sample vial was more than enough. It was super-concentrated beef stock! :) I may love my foodie scents but this one crosses the line even for Rosebud...


I'd be scared wearing this in public...I'd get chased by salivating dogs that mistake me for food on legs! :o:tiger10:

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