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Any other negative male reactions to Est.?

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Can't figure out why the TT is so averse to Est. ( he did treat me worse when I was pregnant). The only postive reaction I can get out of him from it. Is when it's in a blend @ 1/3rd strength. Then I have to wonder if it's the perfume intent he's responding to? The worse reaction I get from him, is when it's a full strength unscented or boosted LP with H&S. I can partially understand that, I think the beta anol loosens his lips(not good). Any thoughts?

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my SO (soon to be NOT) reacts poorly to EST.

I wear it anyways in hopes.


He acts like im not there.

Im not *interesting* .



Usually if it's like sexology. He's just like'I've smelled that before'. & that's only if I make him smell it. I forgot to add that he gets great self effects from Heart & Soul. I gave him the LP#9 I had boosted for myself. So basically when it's associated with me the reaction is for the most part negative( haven't tried Lace unscented yet). Yet when it's in his cologne(self effects), it mellows him the f$$$ out? Maybe it counters the extra test. in his system?

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Usually if it's like sexology. He's just like'I've smelled that before'. & that's only if I make him smell it. I forgot to add that he gets great self effects from Heart & Soul. I gave him the LP#9 I had boosted for myself. So basically when it's associated with me the reaction is for the most part negative( haven't tried Lace unscented yet). Yet when it's in his cologne(self effects), it mellows him the f$$ out? Maybe it counters the extra test. in his system?


Maybe it's something in the whole nesting thing. EST triggers that nesting vibe doesn't it? Maybe it's the difference between coming across as a strong don't take any crap woman and coming across as a woman who is more about being cared for rather than can take care of herself. If you're general vibe is more of a strong confident woman (which on here it seems to be) putting EST into the mix might throw him. He probably likes that dominant vibe. How is he with Dominance? Or Leather?


The self-effects are probably good for him because the nesting vibe is generally a relaxing one. So if he's not generally a relaxed person (you mentioned extra test. which is alpha male domain I would think), then maybe the est in H&S is just enough to relax him without being too strong. Also, it's about the blend as a whole. Straight out est or strong est might not do it for him whereas a blend with est that is more balanced might be just right.

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picking my lil brain on this one... maybe your hubby has negative associations with Est from before he met you..hence the terrible treatment when you were pregnant.. I have terrible associations with 'none even in small doses, my father was violent and a high 'none signature..and I have a terrible time wearing pheros with none, not initially but with none build up and I react almost violently to the 'none, especially with the amt in many of the mens products. I can wear BI for example, but NOT 2 days in a row or I turn psychotic.

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Huh..he probably does have negative associations with pregnancy( accidently knocked up an old fling). The est. doesn't trip his trigger, I should of realized this earlier. When he first met me I was very dominant, & he doesn't respond well to vulnerbility in me. I tried eternal chain on him last night( I wore it to church). I had a great time wearing it, he was just like 'meh' about it. Of course he didn'tgo to church with me. So he was only exposed for 1/2 an hour, not long enough to get a full blown negative reaction. I'm going to try leather on him, I think he might respond great to that mix. I'll start by spraying Est. over Sorceress, before I invest in a full bottle.

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This is interesting, I have never heard of a man going through nesting of any sort.


while I have had both good and bad days with all the pheros, no phero for me is consistantly getting the same exact reaction except copulins and alphanol.


for instance, we have good and bad betanol days.

good and bad EST or 'none and 'rone days.


cops are the same nomatter what, so I tend to stick with predictability.


This is just with the SO, not taking into consideration anyone else.


I think you are going to see both good and not so good days with EST, because there are too many variables in a day that pheromones just cant trump.

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Good days with TT & Est, Hahahaha. When pigs fly,hehe. Not going to keep waving a red flag in front of my 'bull' to find out. I do appreciate your wisdom tho, Lor.

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Ah well I must be incorrect in calling it nesting. I meant nurturing, protective and caring.



or maybe im just remembering the "omg clean the freaking house,the baby is due any day" phase that no one shared,lol :jumpforjoy:

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Eh, my DH has no reaction to est-heavy blends. He could care less.

Now if I wear something with a dominant vibe, he is all over me...like a forty-tentacled squid **haha**.


When I occasionally wore MX135, he would get a little giggly. But MX135 is soft and ditzy, not fluff-up-the-feathers-build-a-nest.

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or maybe im just remembering the "omg clean the freaking house,the baby is due any day" phase that no one shared,lol :jumpforjoy:



Bwahaha, nobody ever shares that urge!

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Not that this helps any of you ladies but Est makes me want to open doors and become a little over-protective. Pushed in the right direction it can become more ... well ... nevermind. I thought my wife was very attractive even when she was very pregnant.

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Not that this helps any of you ladies but Est makes me want to open doors and become a little over-protective. Pushed in the right direction it can become more ... well ... nevermind. I thought my wife was very attractive even when she was very pregnant.



That's a great mini report Q! Of course we want to hear from you guys... It's always nice to hear the male perspective on things :)

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well, that would be why every woman here wants to try it.


being treated that way makes alot of woman want to treat the men they are with in any way they could want. i.e. women respond very well to the response men have to EST.



I got the nesting thing BAD with mine, I could not clean thoroughly enough, I was not wrapping my head around how no one was getting the urgency of the situation....


then *pop* back to using momma-spit to wipe dirt off of cheeks!



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or maybe im just remembering the "omg clean the freaking house,the baby is due any day" phase that no one shared,lol :)




I think I was incorrect with using the word 'nesting' and I'm glad you pointed that out.


I will tease you that maybe in your case others were just lazy and not much into cleaning, and why would they be when they had a pregnant woman running around the house doing it for them. :lol: Gotta laugh at it. Well, maybe not. I'm sure it wasn't funny to you back then. It wouldn't have been to me. In fact, I'd probably have poked them with the broom a dozen times. ;)


ETA: Thanks quietguy! It's great having a man's opinion!


Also, it's fascinating to see how men react differently to est. Positive, negative, meh - so much for one size fits all.

Edited by starlitegirl
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I love being involved with an EST junkie, but of course not every man will have that exact positive reaction, nor will every woman desire her man to do. Beccah, I still think this has something to do with him wearing H&S, but of course that's merely my opinion.

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I cannot get consistent reactions with my man and Est heavy blends.....if I wear Sexology or Lace, sometimes it's good, sometimes definitely most assuredly NOT GOOD. Now, if it is in a blend like Leather or BI, where it is tempered with more Dominant pheros, it's all good.....he definitely gets off on the Dominant vibe......

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I cannot get consistent reactions with my man and Est heavy blends.....if I wear Sexology or Lace, sometimes it's good, sometimes definitely most assuredly NOT GOOD. Now, if it is in a blend like Leather or BI, where it is tempered with more Dominant pheros, it's all good.....he definitely gets off on the Dominant vibe......


I'm becoming convinced that the est reaction has a lot to do with if a woman is a dominant type or not. I think the est throws them and it has to do with our own signature. Like maybe we aren't ourselves to them anymore which would explain the reaction (to me anyway).

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Pushed in the right direction it can become more ... well ... nevermind.


Duh I forgot to factor in his high sex drive! He does find pregnancy to be attractive. It was hard for him, cuz during the last month I was refusing the maritals. Our baby was large (for me), 81/2lbs.& I was a week early(they gain 1/2 a lb a week in the last month). Coupled with an active baby( the little one would move & kick during). Anyway, it must've been a hard month for the TT( we had a few blowups). Thanks for the input Quietguy.

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Why are we saying that men don't "nest"? I think they do. I've experienced men doing it the very same way that women do...craving babies, wanting no other people around except their SO.... Has no one else seen that?


Anyway, I think it absolutely has to do with the "type" of man. I've always been a very dominant female, but unfortunately, attracted to very dominant "overly masculine" men. I learned over time, that exaggeratedly masculine men tend to like exaggeratedly feminine women. (Not ALL the time, but quite often in my experience. Another topic, but it's an American male thing for guys in my generation and older...the distinct gender roles being drilled into their heads.) So, duh, wearing something like Blatant Invitation which seemed just a natural to me...amping my usual aspect...not so much of a head-turner for the kind of boys that I prefer. Discovering that Est and Lace completely changes the way the macho men in my life react to me was a revelation. I'd found that same reaction with scents in the past...particularly Betrothal Potion and LP White...but I still consider myself a phero newbie even after playing with them for over 2 years now, so this is just my opinion.

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I've had a good reaction with G&L. So Lace is bumped up on my loooooooonnnggggg LP wishlist. I'm not sure if it's the scent or the phero? Maybe just the right combo of both :) He's a tad bit sensitive to phero's, he seems to do better with pheromone enhanced blends, rather than full strength boosts. BTW, I love your Avi, PM!

Edited by Beccah1
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Why are we saying that men don't "nest"? I think they do. I've experienced men doing it the very same way that women do...craving babies, wanting no other people around except their SO.... Has no one else seen that?


My crazy friend, the guy she's engaged to is very much like that. He wants kids and a nest right now which is freaking her out. Quince is a homebody, but he spent a large portion of his adult life having to travel for his job, so the idea of home is very important to him now. He wants to be settled and there's nothing more attractive to him than just puttering around and being cuddly.


Another topic, but it's an American male thing for guys in my generation and older...the distinct gender roles being drilled into their heads.

Definitely generational, I agree. :)

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Definitely generational, I agree. :)


Yes. Agreed. Especially since younger men seem to be quite uncertain of what their role is. In fact, they seem to be under the opinion that it's the woman's job to ask them out. Next they'll be wanting pretty engagement rings and women asking for their hand in marriage on bended knee. If I'm still alive when that day comes, I'll need to be completely sedated to keep from losing what little bit of sanity I have left.

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Yes. Agreed. Especially since younger men seem to be quite uncertain of what their role is. In fact, they seem to be under the opinion that it's the woman's job to ask them out. Next they'll be wanting pretty engagement rings and women asking for their hand in marriage on bended knee. If I'm still alive when that day comes, I'll need to be completely sedated to keep from losing what little bit of sanity I have left.



yes yes yes to this.




I have never met a male nester.

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My SO is a nester and just wants to be with me and make a cozy home. He would be content if the whole world passed us by. Me too. We do have our own little world that exists inside my twirling world. He creates a safe haven for me. EST is miraculous on him. He is much younger than I, however he is from a matriarchal culture, don't know if that has an influence or not. I SURE DO LIKE IT EITHER WAY!!!!!!

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This is an interesting question. My SO walked all over me (or tried to) when I wore AD's TAH, but he responds very lovingly to EST.


I never got to experience my husband while I was pregnant (2nd marriage for both of us), but I've heard from the family and from him that he was never as contented or as happy as when he was an expecting father. He is a great father, btw.


My ex was horrible to me while I was pregnant, and I've often wondered if he wasn't having a negative reaction to my naturally produced EST. But then again, he never took to fatherhood and all that implies either.


If you're husband didn't take to your pregnancy well, and he is having difficulty with EST on you, but not on himself - then he may a problem with pregnant women, and that may not have anything to do with the pheromone, but rather with what the pheromone signifies, i.e., pregnancy.



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It was hard for him, cuz during the last month I was refusing the maritals.


Bad girl ... lol.

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I really need to find an est man even though I tend to be a dominant personality. I tend to lean more toward dominant when I'm in situations or around people that trigger it. Otherwise, not so much. And from all I've been reading here lately, I'm realizing that an est man is healthier for me and would bring out my softer and more relaxed side or at least that's what I suspect.

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I really need to find an est man even though I tend to be a dominant personality. I tend to lean more toward dominant when I'm in situations or around people that trigger it. Otherwise, not so much. And from all I've been reading here lately, I'm realizing that an est man is healthier for me and would bring out my softer and more relaxed side or at least that's what I suspect.



I think you have something there.


My SO likes me dominant,and my whole life I have only attracted men that were attracted to dominant types, and so I personally dont know if an Est man would bring out a softer side or

if I would totally eventually reject it.


I would love a chance to see.

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I think you have something there.


My SO likes me dominant,and my whole life I have only attracted men that were attracted to dominant types, and so I personally dont know if an Est man would bring out a softer side or

if I would totally eventually reject it.


I would love a chance to see.


I was going off personality types of men I had dated and the ones I always meshed with best vs. the ones I didn't. And the ones I didn't always brought out my dominant edge. Now it could also be that it was astrologically based because there is some evidence there, but there was also that alpha male vs. not alpha male. I always felt that the not alpha males brought out the best in me, the most feminine, relaxed, comfortable and content me that I could be. The alpha males? I was like Xena the warrior bitch with them. All fight and struggle and aiming right for my insecurities, playing them like a piano.


So now I just need to figure out if alpha males are est men or if one doesn't even correlate with another. Dang it, I need SUBJECTS and QUESTIONNAIRES. LOLOLOL

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I think you have something there.


My SO likes me dominant,and my whole life I have only attracted men that were attracted to dominant types, and so I personally dont know if an Est man would bring out a softer side or

if I would totally eventually reject it.


I would love a chance to see.



Mine too....he really just gets off on a strong female.....


I tried dating a couple of men who preferred when my vibe was softened (particularly by TAH), but I ended up reverting to my dominant self, and when they didn't like it, I ended up leaving them in the dust....buh-bye! I didn't like my OWN phero signature when I wore it....weird, huh?


The one time I tried to live with a totally dominant male? Ever hear of Clash of the Titans?

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Mine too....he really just gets off on a strong female.....


I tried dating a couple of men who preferred when my vibe was softened (particularly by TAH), but I ended up reverting to my dominant self, and when they didn't like it, I ended up leaving them in the dust....buh-bye! I didn't like my OWN phero signature when I wore it....weird, huh?


The one time I tried to live with a totally dominant male? Ever hear of Clash of the Titans?



ha ha no doubt.


You cant buck your own current, so to speak, and it feels really weird to soften-up and step-down a bit when thats not your way.


It would be like telling a timid,quiet, soft-spoken gal to speak their mind loudly and assert themselves.


TAH never really affected how I behaved that much, but the signiture definately said I was softer than I was behaving and isnt congruent often.

I love TAH, love it, but I have to be extremely choosy when I wear it.


TAL I could wear everyday.


Oddly enough, I think this is why I resonate with the girl/girl mix so much.

I do in fact get a TAL-like feeling, so im comfy in it.


I resonate with your words,

and I think my SO now is middle-of-the-road personality-wise,

but I think it would be Clash of the Titans if he were any more assertive.


Now, cuddly and yielding and nesting?

I dont know.

I have zero idea what that is like.

Those types of guys dont dig me much. :blink:

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Hmm, so I'm wondering if one's phero signature changes based on emotional state? See I used to be more naturally submissive, but that coupled with my small size...seemed to attract the worst kind of controlling men. So I had to learn to be more dominant. Naturally I would say I feel better wearing an Est. signature. So it seems I have the opposite problem of Dolly,lol. I come off more aggresively with men when I meet them. I hate to show weakness. I would say deep down I enjoy being able to show my vulnerbility more. Factoring out the LPs & their intent. TT does better with Dominance & Cougar on me.

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got to be the 'none he enjoys I think.


Dom comes off to me very 'noneish, but Cougar seems to have alot of uplifting stuff in there like anol/bnol. I assume there is 'none in it though because of the effects Shelly and others get.


As far as signiture goes,

I strongly believe your emotional state affects your signiture to some extent.

You are definately giving off something very different in fear, and that has been proven.


I think there are too many variables to control a signiture entirely and with accuracy and consistancy, but we can get pretty darn close .


All about enhancement I guess.

You can play-up your natural qualities or play them down,but you cant erase them.

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I have met several male nesters. Each and every one of them has driven me batcrap crazy. Whether that says more about me or them is up for debate :blink: My guy is somewhat nesty but also somewhat of a get me the heck out of here now kind of guy. It probably works out to be a good balance for me I guess.



I HATE nesty males. Mr. Shelly is one - and one that is NOT handy around the house - and I married him anyway... EGAD - batcrap crazy indeed.



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I HATE nesty males. Mr. Shelly is one - and one that is NOT handy around the house - and I married him anyway... EGAD - batcrap crazy indeed.





Haha TT's not handy either. He does clean & then he b$#@!es @ me for doing my 'job'. Is that the definition of a male nester? Come to the think of it, he doesn't like going out much.........

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I HATE nesty males. Mr. Shelly is one - and one that is NOT handy around the house - and I married him anyway... EGAD - batcrap crazy indeed.





Mine is somewhat "nesty", but he is damn handy.....fixes all kinds of crap that gets broken.....loves doing home improvement projects, cooks, cleans, does laundry, takes care of kids, the whole shooting match.....he even manages to take care of yard work too.....damn handy to have around!!

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