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Seven Tears

Le Wizard

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I was packing orders and needed to fill a vial of Seven Tears; apparently I forgot how great it smelled because I caught a whiff of it and it really blew me away. I think I have found my new fave. Nice surprise today! I highly recommend it for both the ladies and the gents. Man I love working here! :banana054:

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  • 1 month later...

I bought a bottle of this unsniffed and really like it as well. Any women out there sniffed this one and what do you think of it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved writing the story for this one - as I previously noted - and I had an expectation for the scent even as I likely knew it wouldn't work for me.


I thought Quince would like this since it's aquatic but surprisingly he wasn't as chuffed about it as something like Thane or Eye of the Storm, for example.


I remember Pony once remarking that a fragrance reminded her of Desitin and I laughed to first smell this because that's exactly what I thought of! It backs off a bit after a few minutes to become more of a cold sort of outdoors floral type of thing, but I can't get that initial impression out of my mind. I think maybe if this one had been a little more like Thane I might have liked it, because I'm not really getting a "sea" evocation from it. But it does change into something deeper over time that men would likely enjoy.

Edited by luna65
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was on the fence about this one initially, but the mention of Scottish wildflowers eventually did me in. It starts out piney and cold--very cold, actually giving me the illusion that my nose was actually getting frostbitten when I was smelling it on my wrist. I was afraid it was going to end up cologney, but it takes an unexpected turn and actually softens from freezing cold to a cool breeze laced with heather (a note I LOVE and almost never see in blends) and daffodil. The pine softens, and the cucumber is not detectable as cucumber per se but just as a water element. The drydown of this is actually what I'd been hoping to get out of BPAL's Vinland, which ended up too cologney on me, and I'm so very glad I gave it a chance.

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  • 2 months later...

Another lovely sniffie! I had read the description a while back and decided the the pine and aquatics would be too astringent for me (really fresh scents make me sneeze.)


Giving this a skin test, though, the first word to pop into my mind was "gentle". The meadow-like aspects from the daffodils, heather, and thyme are really shining through. At the same time, the cucumber and mint give it a very slight coolness, which is very evocative of the Scottish Highlands. This would be great on a girl or guy.


Gah, when is there going to be a sale?! There are so many things I want and I can never afford them all. WAAAAHHHH!

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.....Gah, when is there going to be a sale?! There are so many things I want and I can never afford them all. WAAAAHHHH!


Summer, I think. At least that's how it was last year, when I acquired my complete addiction to LPMP! :wink_sun: I certainly *hope* that wonderful sale happens again!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I absolutley adore this smell myself. I got a sample of it with my last order and placed an order for a big bottle. It smells amazing, aquatic, refreshing, calming. :party:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Searching through my bottles for something different to wear today and remembered this one. I really do like the clean and smooth feeling this scent brings. I had a cashier today actually ask what I was wearing. It was funny because she wrote down the name of the company (hopefully she'll come by and order). I know it makes me feel very uplifted (and I love how the mint sticks around and tickles my nose).

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  • 3 months later...

This immediately reminded me of my grandmother in the springtime from my childhood. I adored it. I knew it had a floral and that was what was triggering the memories, and sure enough, it has daffodil! My grandmother used to line the walkway to her front door, half in daffodils and half in tulips. It was delightful, and so is the fragrance.


Unfortunately since I'm allergic to flowers and not just floral fragrances, I woke the next day after dabbing this on (and I do mean DAB!) all stuffed up and headachy. *sigh* I'm gonna keep the little sample though, just to remind me of my grandmother.

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This immediately reminded me of my grandmother in the springtime from my childhood. I adored it. I knew it had a floral and that was what was triggering the memories, and sure enough, it has daffodil! My grandmother used to line the walkway to her front door, half in daffodils and half in tulips. It was delightful, and so is the fragrance.


Unfortunately since I'm allergic to flowers and not just floral fragrances, I woke the next day after dabbing this on (and I do mean DAB!) all stuffed up and headachy. *sigh* I'm gonna keep the little sample though, just to remind me of my grandmother.



Sorry to hear about the allergy. I have a few scents that do that to me. I always forget how much I like this one until I see it in the drawer and decide to wear it that day. Always love the scent from this.

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I always forget about this one too but I do love it. It was in my very first sampler pack and all the scents took me by surprise as it was my first experience with artisan perfume.


This one though was especially mysterious to me. It is definitely cold and watery and sort of dusty smelling.It is hard to describe because it is so different. How can it be stimulating and calming at the same time? I have no idea but it seems to be. I guess it really is like the ocean in that way!


I would prescribe this one for hangovers and general stress if I was an LP M.D!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I stumbled upon this sample today by accident. Wow how perfect this was for what I needed. It is so hot and I feel so blech and drained. I shuffled through a bunch of samples I keep in a big shell in my house and this rolled into my hand. I have it on and I am so glad. It is truly refreshing me from the inside out. It is massaging my brain and eyes.


I remember wanting a bottle of this when it first came out but back then I had already chosen two bottles to buy from my very first sampler and I thought to get more than two would be ridiculous!! LOL!!! Imagine that! I was so naive...


I probably wouldn't wear this for a scent "out" but more for myself at home for refreshment (kind of like I never wear Wheel of Fortune anywhere, just in the mornings at home for myself to jump start my day with the intent). The reoccurring notes in the description for Seven Tears seem to be "purifying, protection, healing, and renewal" so I think I need a bottle of this to end my day with...not necessarily a "sleep" scent, more of a "whew! day is over, rejuvenate me" scent.


It's like a deep satisfying sigh...

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  • 1 year later...

I really love the start of this scent on my skin. It smells like fresh minty rain. There are some of the florals that do not play so well as the scent wears on. I did notice that if I get through that phase I am back to a really fresh pretty dry down that I really enjoy. I was going to sell this one, but after giving it a second chance I am keeping it. I think I can layer it with something maybe more masculine to take the floral edge off.

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