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I wonder if people would understand why I changed my name to Merlin? :lol:

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I wonder if people would understand why I changed my name to Merlin? :lol:

We would all know it is because you are mysterious and wise. ;)

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We would all know it is because you are mysterious and wise. ;)



And you're Welsh.


Haha - thank you but of the three points, we might have to settle for me having family come from somewhere in Great Britain ...:lol:

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Thank you! Makes me think of one of my favourite little media things here in the UK. It started in the 60s in Private Eye, a popular and long-running satirical political/current events magazine. They made a mocking reference to a drunk politician as having been "tired and emotional" (it's not considered appropriate whilst in the House of Commons for one politician to accuse another of being drunk). It caught on and now you can use 'tired and emotional' as a tongue-in-cheek way of saying 'drunk'. I feel that 'sinfully indulgent' is my new euphemism for 'lazy and greedy'.

Edited by donsie
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I want to be Sinfully Indulgent too! I have to work eight days straight before I get a day off...which will be my birthday. My sister will be in town to celebrate which means it won't be a restful day off. I suppose though that if I would like to continue buying LP's then I need to continue working.

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I'd love to be more sinfully indulgent myself but I have two big things to submit in both paid and university work this week. What is sleep?


I hope you manage to enjoy your birthday all the same.

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Congrats all you Sinfully Indulgent wannabes! Good luck with your schedules!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoop whoop! Even higher mileage!

Thank you everyone! And trying to get my "spare tire" to go a little flatter haha!

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Congrats, Tink! BTW which label is you?

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Merlin's Wand Polisher. Oh help me!


I am sure Merlin is smiling ... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Juno, your caseworker.


Congrats! I guess. My last caseworker quit haha!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie


As long as you don't wander out into traffic like one of my other clients...



Thank you!



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As long as you don't wander out into traffic like one of my other clients...

Now that is dangerous. And a little crazy. For dangerous I draw the line at high altitude nighttime parachute jumps. No playing in traffic, though. You can get hurt like that. :lol:


PS: Dance tonight is at midnight under the Live Oak. Clothing forbidden. Face paint optional. :D

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