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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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I LURV LP PINK and cannot imagine that this combo would be anything but absolutely SMASHING! :D

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:blushing: Shucks! We're all just havin fun here :D I LOVE the things I'm learning from you ladies!
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Could some one explain the potency of BANG! Alcohol/Oil based spray (3x). I'll probably get the roll, but I'm so darn curious with all the reviews. Also, LP: Red as a cover?

I can't speak much to the oil vs spray, except to say I would prefer this in a roll-on, as it has cops. I think LP Red would be a perfect cover for it...

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Could some one explain the potency of BANG! Alcohol/Oil based spray (3x). I'll probably get the roll, but I'm so darn curious with all the reviews. Also, LP: Red as a cover?


3X means that it has three times the pheros that a regular bottle does. I can't get the site at work so I can't tell you the exact amount in a regular Unscented bottle. I don't suggest going with 3x right out the gate, though. Try out the 1x, and if you find yourself consistently using a lot to get to your sweet spot, then you know to go up to a higher concentration for your next bottle. With Bang! less is much, much more for me.


I've got a sample spray and a bottle in oil, and ilike Molls, I prefer it in the oil.


And LP Red would be a great cover!

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Try out the 1x, and if you find yourself consistently using a lot to get to your sweet spot, then you know to go up to a higher concentration for your next bottle. With Bang! less is much, much more for me.


I've got a sample spray and a bottle in oil, and ilike Molls, I prefer it in the oil.


And LP Red would be a great cover!


Is it like that with all the pheros, I need to test each to find my sweet spot? I like the oils for close contact, but the sprays offer diffusions which I love. To be honest, I'm a little nervous about OD'ing my first round of un pheros. I have a EoW and SS4W un phero coming and I am a little intimidated to get out the starting blocks. I guess, I'll start with two sprays to the chest or hair (no cops) and see if I notice hits. Of course, I could mistake the hits for reeking which would not be good. :Blusher: Is it the same with SS4W, less is more? I want to turn heads in the right way. :Emoticons04235:


I have a sample of LP Red coming in my next delivery. I need more dresser space.

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Mara has always said less is more and I've always gotten great hits with the phero'd fragrances (they have 1/3 the amount of pheros in an unscented blend - 333mcgs per bottle) so my advice would, of course, be that x1 is plenty starting out :lol: x1 is 1000mcg per bottle. That's the amount in most oil unscented pheros, with the definite exception of Woozy Floozy which states that it is x3 straight A-nol, and possibly Lace which hints that there is a "woozy" amount of a-nol in it. So a 1 oz spray x1 is 1000mcgs per bottle, x2 (2000mcgs), x3 (3000mcgs). Monetarily you would be getting a great deal buying x3, but with it being so potent you may have a harder time finding your sweet spot and not ODing...but life is a chemistry set so feel free to experiment with it! :D

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Yep, definitely test each to find your sweet spot. Some I can wear tons and be fine and others, I have to wear a lot less. I went through almost a whole bottle of SS4W before I realized i needed just a dab of it! (Bang is a derivative of SS4W, so that explains why I, peronally, don't need much of it either.)


A great way to test pheros without buying a full bottle of the unscented since they generally aren't available in sample size is to sample the phero enhanced fragrances. For example, if you wanted to see how Bang is going to work for you, you could get a sample of Extracurricular Proclivities. If you wanted to try Super Sexy 4 Women, you could get samples of Sneaky Clean or Mara's Rocket Fuel, etc. Like Nutrix said, the phero enhanced fragrances are 1/3 strength as the unscented. This is typically how I try out my pheros before buying!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wore this on Wednesday with Hungry Heart. It was my first time wearing HH and I was very distracted by how yummy I smelled, lol.


I would like to say again...I LOVE BANG! Perks me up almost straight away and keeps me that way, happy, content...naughty. I really have to mind my mouth filter because this one gets me randy and I think of naughty things frequently and chuckle to myself often for it...If people only knew what I was thinking! I'm infectious to be around while wearing it as well hahaha! It only takes a few minutes in my cloud before I can see it's effects on others! I need to wear this one out to a Thirsty Thursday! What a ruckus it could cause!


Did I mention...LOVE? Yes. LOVE this one :666::w00t::D

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That's why I love BANG too. the SS4W makes it social (for me anyway) and the cops add that oomph of rawr rawr. It's right in that midrange of pheros: not light and flirty like a Lace or TH, and not quite the big gun of BI, or Sexology

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@nutrix, @raq on -- I was just thinking this morning how I've neglected SS4W and Lace, and that Bang! is probably my all around fav phero. It is, or can be, all things to all people. It is OW-ish to women, CB and/or SS4W-ish (obviously) to men. The only thing it isn't brilliant for is work, of course, but even there I can see it having a Pop Potion effect because both the men and women love you.

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That's why I love BANG too. the SS4W makes it social (for me anyway) and the cops add that oomph of rawr rawr. It's right in that midrange of pheros: not light and flirty like a Lace or TH, and not quite the big gun of BI, or Sexology


I'd have to agree with those statements 110%! It's fun and flirty and naughty all at once without being a dirty throw down sexual :lol:


@nutrix, @raq on -- I was just thinking this morning how I've neglected SS4W and Lace, and that Bang! is probably my all around fav phero. It is, or can be, all things to all people. It is OW-ish to women, CB and/or SS4W-ish (obviously) to men. The only thing it isn't brilliant for is work, of course, but even there I can see it having a Pop Potion effect because both the men and women love you.


I don't know, I think it's good for certain work situations. I wore it to my interview and walked in with my game turned WAY on and now I'm happily promoted. I felt like it made me approachable but I, myself, felt completely in control and confident. It could be good for speaking or presenting as well....will let you know. Training opportunities will be coming in the next several months...I'll give it a whirl then :D I get what you're saying about the OW feel and it certainly effects the fellas *sniggers* though I notice a little more DIHL and googly eyes :lol: Did I mention, LOVE this one?

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  • 1 month later...

Been meaning to report... Yet again I have evidence that an LP is so effective that it dont care about the conventional wisdom that pheros can't MAKE people feel/act against their wishes. Earlier this week I was wearing it around a friend of a friend I've only met once before. That time, he was haughty, distant, general disdain for me ALL OVER HIS FACE. He's generally (ie not just to me) snobby, curt, and Ralph Lauren model handsome and loaded and a dick about it. Well, I bring bang! into the mix, and he CAN'T STOP SMILING and winking at me and inappropriately stroking me and shit, initiating (!) conversation, complimenting me extravagantly and loudly to other people for me to hear, etc etc etc. There was absolutely nothing else different about me compared to the last time we met, besides the bang (i don't remember whether I was wearing anything then - I don't think so).


occurred to me that pheros can produce "inaccurate" results about people when first meeting. Like, if this were the first time I met him, I'd think he was a nice and outgoing person. Though OTOH he was still a dick to everyone else, so maybe not.

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SO you're saying, at least in this instance, BANG! is DA BOMB! And Mr. arrogant can kiss your pinky toe and LIKE it - SHAZAM!

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I just ordered Bang in the silicone roll on. Currently I have a bottle of oil/spray and I don't recommend using anything UN with cops in a spray, It's really hard to cover it with scent. Can't wait to get my roll on tho b/c BANG is da bomb!

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I got BANG! in the LP 10 for 10 so my 1st experience with it was in the alcohol spray. I've since ordered it in oil. When I was using the spray, I just applied before dressing but since it was a 5ml atomizer, it didn't spray as much of a surface as the 1oz bottles do. I think my preference for the oils is more centered around being able to create sprays if I want but I do like the control of where the oil roll-ons go PLUS sometimes when I spray my wrists...well, I just apparently have poor aim :D Oils are better for me unless I plan to spray clothes or hair....which I guess is why you other fine ladies have pointed out is not a great idea for products with cops in them :o BANG! just rocks, in oil or alcohol. I can't believe a tweak to SS4W makes such a whole new phenomenon out of it.


Fluffy! You're gonna have SO MUCH FUN! LOL! Will be watching for your reviews! :)

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I got BANG! in the LP 10 for 10 so my 1st experience with it was in the alcohol spray. I've since ordered it in oil. When I was using the spray, I just applied before dressing but since it was a 5ml atomizer, it didn't spray as much of a surface as the 1oz bottles do. I think my preference for the oils is more centered around being able to create sprays if I want but I do like the control of where the oil roll-ons go PLUS sometimes when I spray my wrists...well, I just apparently have poor aim :D Oils are better for me unless I plan to spray clothes or hair....which I guess is why you other fine ladies have pointed out is not a great idea for products with cops in them :o BANG! just rocks, in oil or alcohol. I can't believe a tweak to SS4W makes such a whole new phenomenon out of it.



Right!? And unlike SS4W, I had success with this right away. But then again, maybe it was because I had already figured it out. (I can only wear very little or else I get nada.)

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Since this one had been on my mind I took it for a spin yesterday. 6 sprays from the 5ml size bottle to torso and chest. Within a few minutes I was in a good mood...had gotten hubby to put on Un for Men for me and we were off to have lunch before going shopping for him. We had gone to a restaurant we hadn't tried before and it was actually quite fantastic. The server was attentive and I always like it when people maintain eye contact...feels like they're more engaged - even if they're only faking LOL. I was in a good mood but laid back, kinda like a sultry feel yesterday. When we got home I seduced hubby and took care of some pent up energy and then we relaxed the rest of the evening together. OH! And although I didn't really see anything that particularly caught my eye out, I did nab a too cute pair of MaryJane pumps from online http://static2.sd-as....jpg?1364339920 Too cute! I should have them in time for next weekend! BANG! and I will ROCK them :D

Edited by NuTrix
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no, I think she means the scent, Un for Men

Ding!Ding!Ding! :) Yup, that's the one!

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ok.. those of you in the know.. I have Bang in x2 spray 60/40 Alc/oil. I've used cops so I know about "dry down" ..but I'd appreciate some advice on application and suggested compatible scents. Any suggestions??

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I've never had any trouble covering this one. I have the 5ml spray that I believe was 90/10 alcohol to oil and boosted it with Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla. I have it in the oil roller and I just put whatever scent I want in a strip down side by side with the un phero and then rub them together and poof! Smelly good stuff :) I'm sure the others will have great ideas too :love:

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I have a small trial spray of BANG! and it was kind of hard for me to cover, so I mixed in a sample vial of LP Pink, and that worked great. I also have it boosted in a bottle of LP Red, which is divine. I still have to wait for drydown, but it doesn't take too long...

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