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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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DD, I really like the Red w/Gotcha a lot. It seemed like such a natural combo in my head and it is. Whereas SS4W and Cougar give off this totally happy, almost party vibe for me at work, Gotcha lends this relaxed, comfortable warm sort of feel and the Red seems to bring out a sensual tone to the mix. I think the combo tends to work together for the full effect because I've tended to get better results with the Red than I have with other scents - much like scented Cougar.

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In my experience Gotcha works very well with anything containing that LP (VAP) base. So it would follow that bang would too.

Wish List: I want LP Gold boosted with Gotcha and Black boosted with Bang.

Edited by StacyK
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Hey guys! First post here. Been lurking for a while, the info here is priceless and LP products rock! Thank you all for sharing, experimenting, and helping!


Would using Cuddle Bunny and SS4W together give the same effect as Bang?


A much belated response to your question. I'm guessing no. But if you wanted to try Bang! without committing to a full sized bottle, you can try it in a Bang! enhanced scent. As you know, Mara doesn't offer trials of the pheros, but there are trials of the enhanced scents. This is how i typically try my pheros before purchasing.


Here is a list of what is enhanced with what. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7542 I don't know that this has been updated in awhile, so you'd have to doublecheck the perfumerie to see what's available.

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A much belated response to your question. I'm guessing no. But if you wanted to try Bang! without committing to a full sized bottle, you can try it in a Bang! enhanced scent. As you know, Mara doesn't offer trials of the pheros, but there are trials of the enhanced scents. This is how i typically try my pheros before purchasing.


Here is a list of what is enhanced with what. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7542 I don't know that this has been updated in awhile, so you'd have to doublecheck the perfumerie to see what's available.


I'd forgotten about that list BB, thanks for posting it for WonderWoman and the rest of us!! I looked up Bang and didn't see anything listed that it's in and double checked the site as well. Looks like right now, it's only the UN if I'm seeing correctly.

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I've read through all the posts here and I'm leaning towards adding this as an add-in to an oil because of the cops. I've seen LP Pink and Red mentioned as good ones. I've got Red with Gotcha. I'm thinking of either adding into Shadow Dance or Voodoo Fondue. I plan on getting Dance of Passion but that one already is enhanced otherwise I'd choose that. Do you think either of those two would be too light a cover? Any thoughts on which one you think would be more congruent? I'm leaning towards VF but any new ideas are always appreciated!!

It's about how much cover you'd like.

I think maybe VF. Shadow Dance is a silky patch base but it's sort of light too. I do think it could handle it as long as you did not mind the bleed through.

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Bleed through is what I'm hoping to avoid. Because its so hot here so much of the time, I prefer the cops keep their little secrets and not announce it to the world!! I'm thinking VF as well but now there's this little naggy voice in my head saying "PE". I'm going to toss that around for a bit too. :)

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My BF responds well to BANG. Whenever I wear it he becomes very affectionate - more than usual. He also usually is not into PDA but will get hands on and a bit grabby wherever while I'm wearing this.

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My BF responds well to BANG. Whenever I wear it he becomes very affectionate - more than usual. He also usually is not into PDA but will get hands on and a bit grabby wherever while I'm wearing this.


Do you have SS4W as well? Do you notice any difference between using the two?

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Bleed through is what I'm hoping to avoid. Because its so hot here so much of the time, I prefer the cops keep their little secrets and not announce it to the world!! I'm thinking VF as well but now there's this little naggy voice in my head saying "PE". I'm going to toss that around for a bit too. :)

I don't know if the scent of SD would smell of cops but the cops would probably change the scent a bit. The VF should cover ok because it's fruity.. I don't know that scent well but fruit generally covers cops.

Making your PE is fun.. and LP'ers will put their two cents in if you ask for suggestions :)

I was nervous with the first but now that it's done( or started i should say)

I get the whole concept more. :)

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On me, SS4W is more like a heavy social with occasional flirty undertones... BANG is a different thing.

Est usually works well with my chemistry. With Bang I think it's the whole package. Dialing up the SS4W with big hit of cops and some Est really does the trick.

Edited by StacyK
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I want to try BANG!!!!! I love SS4W but to have an over the top SS4W in the form of BANG... I so want to try this. I'm just not sure now whether I want to do a PE and add it in or choose a perfume on site and add in or buy it UN and add to whatever. I think I may get the UN in oil to start. My thought of Voodoo Fondue I'll put on hold because it doesn't last long on me and I would want something that has enough longevity to match the phero. Decisions, decisions.

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I want to try BANG!!!!! I love SS4W but to have an over the top SS4W in the form of BANG... I so want to try this. I'm just not sure now whether I want to do a PE and add it in or choose a perfume on site and add in or buy it UN and add to whatever. I think I may get the UN in oil to start. My thought of Voodoo Fondue I'll put on hold because it doesn't last long on me and I would want something that has enough longevity to match the phero. Decisions, decisions.

I have Un Spray in x2 60/40.

I got it before I think I really understood what I was doing. I figured out how to make it work and cover it.

If you get Un I recommend an oil first.

There are no scents currently listed with Bang added.. When PM has a phero'd scent it is usually 333 pet bottle. sort of like if you took a dose and split it between 3 bottles. She explained this before. Thats why some times people will split a phero dose between two scents. I have done that, that's how I ordered my PE. I got 4 bottles ( one spray) and split 2 doses ( not sure if that's the right term) between them.

When I got Brown Sugar Black Amber I went wild and got the whole shot of Sexpionage .. it worked out great. So just have fun with it :)

I was nervous too. Mara, Luna, Halo some from the MB really helped in answering some key questions, once i felt i had a good safety net of info.. I just took my leap. TMI ?? sorry ;)

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Actually Stacy, that's really good info. Some I knew already but the ability to split the phero between the bottles... I LOVE that idea. It never even occurred to me to ask for that but I will definitely remember when I'm ready to go.


When I got my PE, it was with a very specific desire in mind and I didn't think or expect too many people would be interested. For me, it was the most perfect scent I could have asked for. This one will be a little different and I think Bang will be the perfect one!!


ETA: Just as a side thought, do you ladies find that the dry down is pretty typical for cops? I can't remember who (or multiple whos) that mentioned they thought it was pretty stinky. I was just wondering if its your typical cops stinky or is there something else that makes it stronger/ need longer to dissipate.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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^^ with Bang, it's a little stinky because of the cops. The other pheros just have that mild faint chem smell. I don't find it difficult to cover with the right scent.

My example with cops, say in a scent. I bought a 2nd bottle of Blackstone and that one I asked for a heavy cop dose. The cop bottle has a sweeter ( sweet'ish) smell as opposed to the cop free bottle. But not a cop stink that I can detect.

I think it adds to the scent.

Dry down time.. meh less than 10 min. And don't get it in my hair, clothes ect the standard rules.

Less dry down time needed than with an OCCo or Cops and Robbers ect.

Edited by StacyK
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I didn't think about the fact that cops could alter the scent a bit. I don't notice it in LP Red (I did a whammy with Gotcha AND cops) other than the initial dry down so I don't have a straight scent v. copped scent to compare other than that. But, that's good to know and keep in mind!!

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In my experience Gotcha works very well with anything containing that LP (VAP) base. So it would follow that bang would too.

Wish List: I want LP Gold boosted with Gotcha and Black boosted with Bang.

Holy crap, Black boosted with Bang, sounds so great.... I'm stealing this idea, hope you don't mind

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A much belated response to your question. I'm guessing no. But if you wanted to try Bang! without committing to a full sized bottle, you can try it in a Bang! enhanced scent. As you know, Mara doesn't offer trials of the pheros, but there are trials of the enhanced scents. This is how i typically try my pheros before purchasing.


Here is a list of what is enhanced with what. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7542 I don't know that this has been updated in awhile, so you'd have to doublecheck the perfumerie to see what's available.

Thanks so much for this BB. What a handy resource!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^ with Bang, it's a little stinky because of the cops. The other pheros just have that mild faint chem smell. I don't find it difficult to cover with the right scent.

My example with cops, say in a scent. I bought a 2nd bottle of Blackstone and that one I asked for a heavy cop dose. The cop bottle has a sweeter ( sweet'ish) smell as opposed to the cop free bottle. But not a cop stink that I can detect.

I think it adds to the scent.

Dry down time.. meh less than 10 min. And don't get it in my hair, clothes ect the standard rules.

Less dry down time needed than with an OCCo or Cops and Robbers ect.

I love the idea of getting cops in Blackstone, awesome idea....

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I love the idea of getting cops in Blackstone, awesome idea....

It's wonderful... really compliments the scent :)

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Audacious: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins.


Couldn't find the list for BANG :/


BANG!: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone "given a slutty sleazy spin with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol"


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BANG!: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone "given a slutty sleazy spin with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol"


I really like that Bang has Cops in it...

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What is tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone? Is this something that we know by a shorter abbreviation?

You'll see it sometimes as THDOC or Alpha-THDOC or Allo-THDOC....(there's a beta-THDOC version too) Tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone purports to help with inhibition, boost confidence, help you relax/focus.


Of the LP's I have it's in SS4W, BANG!, Gotcha! and Popularity Potion. The beta is in Balm Bomb and Le femme Noire :)

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I'm on my to DC for a mini vacation and I just said F it this morning.. I slathered on the MRF and then Banged it with my Un spray. To finish everything off I did 3 sprays of my Un Est.

The TSA people could not have been more pleasant :)

When she asked what I had ect .. I pulled my MRF bottle out if my purse and said I had 5 more bottles like this in my carry on. She said oh that's fine then a couple of them crowded around to just see the bottle because they liked it..oh that's nice.... oh have a really good trip ect..lol

I thought maybe I over did it but I guess not..

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Thanks Hearts and NuTrix!


Now I know that you like Bang NuTrix. :) It is so interesting that it has THDOC in it. I am shocked to discover that THDOC is in PP because it didn't knock me out and it just went over so well. Hmmm...


It sucks that there are no testers for Bang.



Audacious: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins.

Couldn't find the list for BANG :/




BANG!: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone "given a slutty sleazy spin with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol"




You'll see it sometimes as THDOC or Alpha-THDOC or Allo-THDOC....(there's a beta-THDOC version too) Tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone purports to help with inhibition, boost confidence, help you relax/focus.


Of the LP's I have it's in SS4W, BANG!, Gotcha! and Popularity Potion. The beta is in Balm Bomb and Le femme Noire :)

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Oh thank you so much Nutrix! I have never been able to figure out that word OR what The purpose of THDOC was! Interesting...

So there is Alpha version in SS4W AND Gotcha...and the beta version in the La Femmes...I wonder do they basically have the same purpose though? Alpha must be a stronger vibe I guess.

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Bang already contains DHEAS (check the SS4W ingredient list). It works fine for me as is. What are you hoping to accomplish by adding additional DHEAS? Have you tried the Bang alone yet?

Edited by BlueBear
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Bang already contains DHEAS (check the SS4W ingredient list). It works fine for me as is. What are you hoping to accomplish by adding additional DHEAS? Have you tried the Bang alone yet?


I am almost out of BI so I was thinking about trying Bang this time.

I am looking for the sexual feel of BI, and I wondered if Bang would provide that.

I wanted to use the DHEAS spray for adding attraction and a youthful feel to it.

I dont know if Bang has a large amount of DHEAS in it.

I have Topper but he gets so chatty when I wear that,which is nice sometimes but not always!

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Try Bang on its own before you layer it with anything but...I'm confused...if you're looking for the sexual feel of BI, why not just buy more BI?


Im just curious about trying it.Seems like many of the ladies love it!

I recently ordered Stone Cougar in a spray for daytime use to try but I have not received it yet, and so many blends sound like fun!

I would like to have 2 sexual blends to choose from for date nights.

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I like the idea of two different sexual blends but I would like one copped and one not copped. Like I have BI and my

next one will be Super Sexy. Because...what if you want to wear a copped perfume and not be toooooo copped out? That is my thinking anyway.


But you can't possibly go wrong with Bang, everyone seems to love it.

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Does anyone use the DHEAS spray over Bang?

What kind of reactions would that inspire on a date night?

BANG! Can be naughty but is definitely a great social too. I'm sure you can steer it romantically with a bit of a nudge :D


DHEAS is a fine addition :) I tend to use it, or Topper, to my blouses, jackets or scarves to give an extra lift..DHEAS tends to make me feel flirty and girlie and the effects of others is usually attentive and complimentary.


BANG! feels softer than BI (maybe it's the extra Est?) but it's A LOT of fun! I vote: GET IT! :Emoticons0424:

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