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I've been hanging around this site for a day and a half now, and thought it might be appropriate to introduce myself. My user name is 'Eggers', a name I stole from one of my cats in a moment of sheer ingenuity and creativity. ;-)

I don't think there are enough awesome things I can say about this site! Honestly, the artwork on the labels is enough to make me want to make a purchase no matter what's inside them! And the sheer variety of perfumes and pheromone blends was enough to entirely consume me for all of yesterday.

Anyway, I'm a recently-turned 39 year old woman who's looking to refresh the interest of her almost 29 year old boyfriend, whom she's been with for nearly 8 years. He's awesome, but I have noticed recently that he's starting to look around at the younger ladies, (not that he'd ever do anything - he's not that kind of guy), and I'm left feeling like I need to do something to keep his attentions and affections focused on me. So I hope I'm in the right place, 'cause I'll probably need all the help I can get!

After looking around yesterday, I think I've settled on trying Super Sexy for Women, and possibly Phero Girl. If I'm honest, what I really want to do is order sample sizes of everything I want to try, and when I get back to work in a few weeks, (been on Christmas holidays with no income), I just might do that.

Well, it's nice to meet all of you. This seems like an especially nice and welcoming forum. I haven't been on a forum in years. Years! It's a testament to all of you that I've joined this one, and I look forward to taking your sage advice.

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Welcome Eggers! I'm sure you'll get something to spice it up here, even fragrances alone here are head-turners... Be sure to tell us what you decide on, and reviews when they arrive!

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Welcome to our home :) you have found the best place to be,lots of good advice given! ... I would add that Compromising Positions is a must try,Velvet Kisses with Cuddle Bunny too! ...Maras Rocket Fuel with SS4W...Love Potion Red boosted with Cougar and extra cops is a fabulous combo,as is anything boosted with Bang,or Audacious,or Sexpionage gosh the possibilities are endless.Your thoughts of trying all the samples is the way to go,finding out what works for you and your man will be a fascinating trip!

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I would say try copulins (either in OCCO or LAM! or one of the other phero-enhanced scents) first to see how that turns his head(s). :666: And then move on to Cougar.

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I'm such a geek... I'm writing all of your suggestions down. And no, I'm not kidding!

Thanks for the welcomes. I think this place could turn out to be quite fun! And I'm really looking forward to everyone's advice, so keep it coming please!

Has anyone ever tried to use pheromones without their mate knowing? I have to admit that I'd rather not tell him; I'd rather keep my pheromone stash my own secret arsenal. Boyfriend won't think anything of it - I make my own essential oil perfumes sometimes, though obviously nothing as elaborate as what's offered here - so he'd think I was just on another perfume-making kick. He'd never guess I was 'kicking' him into action with pheromones, and I'd like to keep it that way. You think it's possible? It sounds as if most of you share your phero-hobby with your mates. Are there any of you who don't?

I know this might sound kind of silly and childish. It's just that since I'm so much older than him, (and he works long hours in a very informal atmosphere with a lot of young hotties), I've been feeling very insecure, and rather than take my insecurity out on him, I'd rather try to combat it with pheromones. And to admit that to him would seem like I 'm admitting that insecurity, which, knowing me, would just compound my feelings.

Gosh... I sound awfully unstable here! I *am* sane. I promise! Really!

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My long term SP (sex partner) does not know I use pheros,and would not believe in them anyway,seriously,justhis nature.There is no reason to tell yours,IMO.

Another reason why I suggested Cougar is that it does wonders for *your* confidence...try a sample at least :)

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LOL. Dear Eggers, every last one of us here has such ...feelings, in different ways : ie: we're all human, not forum-bots. TWIST! :)


Since you're trying to be $- efficient, I am now thinking luna's idea makes the most sense, esp. with the age difference issue : start with cops, because w/the youngsters around him, their greater cops production is probably at least partly what is/may be turning his head. You might even want to only try scents that have JUST cops (eg: PheroGirl, Closer, Cops & Robbers) ... not even LAM! which also has a-nol. *Then*, after you see how cops work alone, you can also try blends like the abovementioned BI, CB, Sexpionage, LAM, SS4W and Cougar (the first 4 of which already contain cops).


(A side note: about Cougar: despite the name, in case you haven't noticed on the reviews, it seems to work at LEAST as well on OLDER men as younger...)


ETA to answer your other question : not one person in my real life knows about my cops/phero use.


ETA since I tend to use hottie pie men in my avi, people are sometimes a bit confused by my posts because they think I am a dude. I am not. :D

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Cool. Thanks for the reassurance. It's so tough to admit to an insecurity like this. Makes me feel defenseless...

I do have a question regarding cops: if I wear them around him, will it spike his interest in everyone else around him, too? Or would it be more likely to turn his head my way? 'Cause the last thing I want to do is expose him to cops and then send him on his merry way to enjoy being aroused by everyone but me!

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ROFL!! I wouldn't worry about that too much. Speaking of which: I personally don't like to use cops in spray, only oil - you don't want those cooch-droplets going places you don't want them, like in your hair, on your clothes etc.

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Tyvey! Why are you laughing??? Lol! So I take it his attention will be focused on me, rather than on the younger hotties... but if I accidentally sprayed the arm of the sofa I might have a new set of problems??? Is that what you're trying to say? Haha!

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Use them only for sex at first; like, say for a week. And in situations when you have his undivided attention for a period of time, like, in the evening. Once you expand into daily use he's going to associate the effect with you alone.

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Clever Luna! That makes total sense. I'd better make sure it's awesome sex then, hadn't I?

They'd have to be pretty powerful, these copulins, to draw his attention away from his guitar, (he's a musician), and his video games, (he's also a bit of a nerd, I guess, Lol!).

Well I"m very glad to know I'm not the only one to keep pheromone use to herself. Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I thought I might be a weirdo, I guess I'm not, I'm just a very private person. (With the exception of spilling my guts here, that is).

And I really appreciate the guidance.


Actually, I did talk to my Mom about this, (and *that* was an uncomfortable conversation, let me tell you!), and she suggested that he could be showing interest in the younger hotties because they're showing him interest, and that makes him feel good. After some reading, I kind of thought maybe DHEAS might be of some help there, because wouldn't that help provide those butterfly feelings in him when he's around me? That was one idea I had, because what my Mom said kind of made sense.

Any opinions on the use of DHEAS? (Or will it cause butterflies in my tummy, not his?)

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Actually, I did talk to my Mom about this, (and *that* was an uncomfortable conversation, let me tell you!), and she suggested that he could be showing interest in the younger hotties because they're showing him interest, and that makes him feel good.

Well yeah, everyone craves external validation to some point; that's part of why people use pheromones in the first place. It has nothing to do with your relationship, necessarily, because we ascribe certain opinions and feelings to our SO and expect they exist. But the attention of a stranger - who knows nothing other than what they experience in that moment - is considered to be without bias. There is bias, but it's not necessarily obvious. And then when you add in considerations of the male ego and whatnot, well, it's just the way they're wired.

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Yes, it's true: boys will be boys. And everyone's flattered by attention.

But it's not that he's paying attention to strangers - he's never done that. It's girls he works with that has me worried.

YOu're right though, Luna: who the hell knows what he's thinking? I just want to make sure I stand out from the crowd as someone special and (still) sexually attractive. Preferably more sexually attractive than his pretty co-workers!

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Just addin my voice to those who "do not tell". Not to the new FWB I've got going. At first, I wanted to be sure I'd have a little *something* on my side..as I was feeling unsure of my powers. Now? I see no point as long as we're enjoying the effects...and I very much am! I think Luna's advice is sound...wear just around him /sexy time for a while... Luna: smrt

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Haha! Katz, I gathered from reading a kajillion posts last night that Luna's smart - today when I posted, I hoped she would chime in!

I can definitely identify with needing something on my side. (Umm... what is an FWB?). I might fess up once I'm more comfy with the idea. Right now I just want him to think it's all me! Heehee! It'll be more fun for me that way, instead of embarrassing to admit that I feel insecure.

Whatever happens, I plan to try and have some fun with it. I will be taking Luna's cops advice. Sounds like damned fine advice to me.

I can't believe I'm saying this, (because I"m awfully fond of being on holidays), but I can hardly wait to go back to work so I'll have some extra cash!

...who am I kidding? I"ll probably just splurge. I'm a splurgy kind of gal these days. What's one more? ;-)

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Welcome, Eggers! :D


One of the most interesting things about copulin studies has been that they only seem to work on men, raising their testosterone levels, when their is a target female present. As such, I think it's yet another tick in the column of wearing them on your body in oil form, never as a spray. Despite the stinky factor of copulins dispursed in the air - they may be attributed to anyone, while if you wear the product on your skin and it's emanating due to your own body heat, the source is clear. YOU are the target female that is raising the man's testosterone level. (Oh, and I would suggest going for the already-scented copulin mixes too.)


DHEAS is considered somewhat of a youth syrum because it produced by men and women only up to around the age of 24 and then production drops dramatically. I would definitely suggest trying it in a mix like our Perfect Match blend, rather than alone. This might be an excellent one to wear, for example, when out for the day together, having a good time. It can help renew the feelings of that first blush of love between a couple. It's not so much a sexual mix as a happy lovey dovey mix.


DHEAS, Copulins and several other pheros are produced in higher qty by people during their young, healthy most fertile years, and that is what we are biologically wired to be most attracted to...for reproduction. So many phero blends, like Cougar, are designed to mimic that exact state - the chemical signals produced by healthy, young, virile and fertile people.


Thanks for joining us, looking forward to hearing about what you experiment with!

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FWB. Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Never would have guessed that one on my own! And I think I just might splurge. I'd actually dog-eared some money a while ago, to buy another pheromone, (much more expensive than here, and couldn't find any decent reviews of it, so I put it off). Think I might put the kai-bosh on the expensive one, and try a few that I've heard more about - from here. I'd rather trust this community than a bunch of reviews that sound as if they were written by the same person.


Mara, thank you very much for the welcome, and SO very much for cleariing up the copulin confusion for me. I feel better now. I was having an anxiety attack there for a bit! Lol! I also appreciate the advice regarding DHEAS. I thought I might be on the right track there, but it's nice to have my guess verified. Perfect Match caught my attention last night, so perhaps I'll try that with DHEAS, like you suggested.


What would be a good every-day/night at home kind of blend to try? Something that will make him feel happy and content to be there with me? Would the Perfect Match/DHEAS blend be good in that capcity, too? Or would it be better to try something else, instead?

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Welcome Eggers! I am a little late to the party......I'm not much older than you.....just turned 44 in August......


I second what Mara said about trying the scented copulin mixes first. Unscented cops are tough to get the hang of for a first-timer.....ask me how I know!


Cougar is a good sexy/social blend, as is Super Sexy for Women.....wear one of those during the day......then at night you could add a scented OCCO......and YOWZA!

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Hiya Dolly! And thanks for the welcome.

I've been having a lot of fun today, hearing everyone's suggestions, and trying to hone my phero choices accordingly. So far, so good.

So... how do you know? (You've got me curious).

I've kind of narrowed down my selection to Phero Girl, ('cause I love honey - it's my favourite food, and I think it's sexy as all get-out), and Cougar, 'cause it would be nice to feel sexy, Super Sexy for Women I settled on the moment I read about its popularity, and maybe some other scented cops just for variety. I can't wait until I get a better feel for this stuff, like you and well, most of the others! I used to make my own aphrodisiac perfumes, (some of them worked a little too well on an old beau!), and it would be nice to have a better grasp on how to use them, mix them, and get some great, fun effects! I'm really looking forward to that. And to someone else making the perfume for a change!

So Cougar or Super Sexy during the day, and OCCO at night... don't mind me, I'm writing it down, adding it to my gigantic list of suggestions!

Thanks again, Dolly.

It's really nice to be here. I'm feeling better already.

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Dolly is a pioneer in the use of straight copulins, which are...shall we say...incredibly stinky. But they get the job done and make a dead man come.



As far as daytime feel-good things: Perfect Match or Treasured Hearts or Heart & Soul are good to start with.

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Grr... my computer gave me the boot just as I was about to hit 'Post'.

Luna, I'd actually chosen those three to try in the wax melty things. I thought it might make a nice, comfortable atmosphere for the two of us in our home. We're very comfortable together at home, but I'd like to emphasize that feeling so he'll feel happy to come home, and happy to be home. With me. Does that make sense?

Although, I had actually thought I might try Heart & Soul in the pink/dog labelled perfume. Gosh, my list just keeps growing and growing...


So here's another awkward/dorky question I would like some help with: sometimes I have to be in the same room with my boyfriend and these cute girls he works with - it's sometimes unavoidable. How do I emphasize my own 'sexy' and keep his focus more on me, than on them? Pheremonally speaking, of course! God, I'm so embarrassed having to ask such nerdy, insecure questions, but I have been wondering that for a while now. Would Cougar be a good one to wear in that kind of situation? Or Super Sexy? Would I add cops in a situation like that???

*sigh* so much to learn...

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Yeah, and I have been a stink bomb too! But sexy as hell......LOLOLOLOLOLOL......


Seriously, cops were the first phero I ever used, almost 10 years ago.....and I have used a LOT of cops.....I have even worn them to the small-town grocery store near my house WITHOUT a cover scent, just for the sake of testing.....that was funny!


I like Treasured Hearts too.....Open Windows is a good mood lifter.....found out that it works to relieve my killer headaches too.....

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I think a good start would be as Luna said.....use them for personal time first.....let him get used to your new phero signature......then when you go out, wear a killer mix....Super Sexy or Cougar, whichever he responds better to......you can add some cops, but in public, go easy on them, keep them in an oil blend close to your body, and NEVER PUT COPS IN THE HAIR .....you will never get it out.....you will end up smelling like a coochy-head.....seriously.....and again.....ask me how I know!!! LOLOLOL

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Cool. Okay. I suppose it's best to try them all out at home first.

I'm not sure I want to know how you wound up smelling like a coochy-head! LOL! No cops in hair. Got it. Only cops close to body, in oil form. Got it.

Awesome. I really do feel better just developing a plan, and a fun plan at that. I have little butterflies in my stomach at the possibilities!

Thanks for the night-out wear, too. I keep leaning toward Super Sexy and Cougar, so I'm glad to have people backing me up there.


Has anyone tried the Milkmaid cops? I often wear jasmine essential oil, and thought that the Milkmaid's vanilla might be a good pairing. Maybe not quite so jarring if it's layered with something I already wear regularly.


I hope everyone will forgive my never-ending questions today. Like I said, I'm on holidays right now, so I have a lot of time to dedicate to learning all about this. And when I get it into my head to learn about something, I'm inexhaustible until I feel comfortable. Sorry if I'm being annoying. I'm like a dog with a new chew toy; I need to chew it and squeeze it until I get the squeaker out. Cute and funny perhaps, but really annoying, too. Apologies! Lol!

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Hi Princess Fiona. I keep looking at that LP Red. Everyone here raves about it. In fact, I think it's how I wound up here in the first place! Maybe I should get me some of that, too...

Aw man! I'm gonna be broke by the end of January at this rate! But from what I hear, it'll be worth it!

Thanks for the welcome. It's so nice that everyone takes the time to say hello.

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Hi, Eggers! Welcome to your new LP addiction...


Go for Pherogirl, it rules...

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Hiya Gabylicious! Thank you for the welcome. I accept my new addiction - and I haven't even tried anything yet! Lol! I know an addiction when I see one.

I love the description of Pherogirl. All that honey AND copulins? Umm... okay! It'll be one of the first that I order. And I can't wait! Jeez, at this rate I'll have to take my jars of pennies to the bank! I've chosen so many things that I want to try - pheromones and just plain old scents - I don't know how I'll afford them all. I might have to quit paying rent! 'Cause I want to order a lot of things just because the labels are pretty! Please, please tell me there are sweet labels on the roll-on/oil vials! They're so awesome...

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So here's another awkward/dorky question I would like some help with: sometimes I have to be in the same room with my boyfriend and these cute girls he works with - it's sometimes unavoidable. How do I emphasize my own 'sexy' and keep his focus more on me, than on them? Pheremonally speaking, of course! God, I'm so embarrassed having to ask such nerdy, insecure questions, but I have been wondering that for a while now. Would Cougar be a good one to wear in that kind of situation? Or Super Sexy? Would I add cops in a situation like that???

That depends on whether you want to do so to the detriment of the mood, you know? Territorial, or just the center of attention. In a situation like that, Popularity Potion might be best, I say that because sometimes other women can have negative reactions to copulins. I tend to believe it's better if you're appealing overall in a group dynamic. It might even lessen the competitive vibe.

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Hey Luna, that's so strange that you just suggested Popularity Potion, because I was just going to ask about it. No, I don't want to be territorial. I don't want to cause anyone any discomfort. I just want to tilt his attention in my direction! So PP would work with some cops, and would help to lessen any negative vibes? I don't want any negativity - there's enough of that going on in my head, I don't need to intensify it outside of my head, too! Yikes!

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Has anyone tried the Milkmaid cops? I often wear jasmine essential oil, and thought that the Milkmaid's vanilla might be a good pairing. Maybe not quite so jarring if it's layered with something I already wear regularly.



Beth's Blushing Milkmaid? It's my absolute all-time favorite cops cover. It seems to magically almost eliminate the cops "phew" part! It blends seamlessly with SO many other scents, I wear it all the time! Many here love it...

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So PP would work with some cops, and would help to lessen any negative vibes?

I would say try it without cops at first. You don't necessarily have to push a sexual agenda in public, especially if it's his workplace. I would save that for the bedroom.

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