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I could have sworn that there was a thread containing info about an overpriced commercial pheromone perfume that's being advertised everywhere you look. But I've looked at all the thread titles in General Questions, Questions for Mystic Mara, the Welcome Thread, as well as a few others, and I can't find it. Am I crazy? Did I dream this thread up?


I'm asking because my coworker let me smell her 2 new perfumes today, and I think they might be from this company. (The ads are all spring-like- almost pastel colours, frosted roll-on bottles, outrageous prices, offensive wording... any of this ringing a bell for anybody?). Anyway, they didn't smell nice to my nose at all. Either of them. They both had a dirty panty-hose smell. Of course, I didn't tell her that. They wore pretty close to her skin, so they weren't offensive until I got up close. But I'll feel really bad if she spent an outrageous amount of money on that company's perfume, when she could have gotten something that smells a million times better from LP.

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@ Eggers - I do not remember seeing one but that does not mean it is not in here somewhere. You got my curiousity up as I have not seen too many products by other companies given their own thread. Do you remember the name of the product or is that what you are looking to remember by finding the thread?

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Yeah, I'm trying to remember the name of it. I'm pretty sure it did have its own thread. From what I can recall, (and let's not put too much stock in what I recall), it had kind of a 'galled' title. Whomever posted it originally thought it was really funny/peculiar/offensive that the ad said something about the perfume making women 'smell young'.

Until a few days ago, this particular brand of pheromone perfume was advertised every time I visited a space website, (space as in outer). This space site always seems to advertise whatever I've been shopping for, (sneaky beggars), and around the time I came across LP, it started popping up. I never paid it any mind because I'd found LP, and am quite happy with the products, but of course now that I want to know the name of this weird commercial brand, the ads are gone! Go figure...

Ooh! Ooh! I know! Maybe it's in the thread about the phero articles? I'll go check...

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I do not recall one either. The only product thread I can remember (before your time) was the crazy one called Vulva or something like that...it wasn't a perfume for women tho. :vomit:


LOL! No! Definitely NOT the one I was thinking of. (Thanks, now I can't stop snickering!)




I guess the answer to the initial query is...YES EGGERS, YOU ARE INDEED CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:Emoticons0804: !


Dude! I just stalked you!

I must be crazy! But I swear, I remember this conversation. Maybe it wasn't a thread? I dunno now. I remember it because I thought it was weird that someone here had brought up right when it started appearing on my (dork) space page. Hrm...

I thought maybe it was in Halo's journal, where she posted those two pheromone articles. But that wasn't it. Boo.

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AHA! It's in a thread by Katz called, 'Hmph. Obviously they never heard of pheros.'

Anyway, I was wrong! Well, right in that I didn't think I was *that* crazy. But I thought I remembered there being pheros in that perfume... So obviously I'm a leetle crazy.

It's not the perfume my friend wore. Similar packaging though. Hope it smells better, especially for that price! I didn't have the heart to tell her that the smell (of *both*!) reminded me of the days when we were obligated to wear panty hose to work... and the end of a long day when I took them off. Kinda like a faint nylon/tired feet smell. Yum.

I should give her directions here.

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I do remember something about a Paris Hilton perfume "supposedly" containing pheros being discussed here...maybe you got that convo and Katz thread all befuddled in your CRAZY HEAD!!!!???


ETA: Or maybe it WAS the same convo...? Now I'm CRAZY!

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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You're right! The Paris Hilton one does supposedly contain pheromones - I found that convo in one of Halo's journal entries. And I think I read these two threads the same day. So yeah, I guess for me that = complete and utter befuddlement. Don't mind my brain - it's messy up there!

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Mystery solved! I do not remember Katz's thread but I commented on the thread in Halo's journal. Sorry - from your description Halo's thread just did not come to mind.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That perfume smelled like cheap skank on me. I wasn't the slightest bit surprised, though. If I'm gonna pay department store prices for a fragrance, I definitely don't want to walk away smelling like cheap skank.

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Does it have herpes too?

Is it called Heirpess? Which means cocaine skank rich slutica in French.




That perfume smelled like cheap skank on me. I wasn't the slightest bit surprised, though. If I'm gonna pay department store prices for a fragrance, I definitely don't want to walk away smelling like cheap skank.


Hey c'mon, she paid lots of $$ to have it smell like cheap assed ho

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(LOL) I MEANT that Paris Hilton paid a lot of money to create the skanness. sorry Jilynn


Paris Hilton paid nothing. SHE was paid to be a spokesmodel for a perfume release, probably millions.


There was a funny quote somewhere...about the fad of marketing perfumes using the names of overpaid, over-glorified tailors. And now that fad has moved on to "celebrities" as insignificant as reality "stars", and people famous for being rich.


Trust me, none of these people has anything to do with the creation of these fragrances. They are just paid to front them. That is all. At most, they are given a choice of half a dozen scents, tops, they'd be willing to stick their name on, and that's as far as their involvement is allowed. It's standard in that business to flat out lie about the so called celebrity's creative involvement.


As far as pheromone content in commercial scents like Hilton's, I will bet you anything that each bottle contains a negligible amount - like less than 10mcg each. It's just a marketing ploy. That industry would never pay to add the amount of pheros one could actually FEEL. It would blow their pricing structure all to hell. Pheros are EXPENSIVE, and commercial perfumes they charge $50 a bottle for contain around .50 cents of content. They always say the most expensive part for them is the bottle. What you are actually paying for is the multi-million dollar marketing campaign and the celebrity's contract.

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