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Unreasonable Pumpkin


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I traded this away a while ago but found a sample and testing again. I'm liking how this has aged. Previously it was almost too spicy. Now the pinkness is showing itself. It's still mainly spiced pumpkin pie to my nose- but loving the bit of pink that's coming out!

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I traded this away a while ago but found a sample and testing again. I'm liking how this has aged. Previously it was almost too spicy. Now the pinkness is showing itself. It's still mainly spiced pumpkin pie to my nose- but loving the bit of pink that's coming out!

I will have to dig out my sample of this too, with Fall right around the corner. I didn't dig it the first go-round for the same reasons as you, hearts. This is why I've yet to trade anything away, they keep morphing with time and getting better, lol! :smiley-rpg012:

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  • 1 month later...



My husband doesn't inquire about many of my perfumes so when he asked, "That's something different. What is it?" My ears perked up!


I got the approving raised eye brow with the nodding "Hmm"...which translated means - he likes it :D


I was also complimented at work by several people so YAY! This pumpkin may look unreasonable on the label but apparently there's NOTHING unreasonable about how much everyone - including me - like it.




This really IS delicious! It's definitely pumpkins and spices familiar with treats and pies but there's a sweeter note too so I had to check the notes and there are pink and berry sugars in here! That's probably what appeals to ME so much LOL. It IS sweeter than several other pumpkin spiced perfumes I have. I still get the cinnamon, allspice and vanilla but the additions of the sugars is awesome and really sweetens it without really making it candy like and yet is still very distinct from what you might consider a traditional holiday scent. I have been huffing myself happily all day. :girlHeart-5:

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  • 1 month later...

I tried out my sample yesterday, and I love it! However, I did have two different people tell me I smelled like a candle. I don't usually get many comments on my lp's at all (which makes me sad, because I think they smell amazing - but I'm thinking maybe they just wear close to the skin), so at least I know with this one that I'm not the only one who can smell it!

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LOL, that's what Candle in the Wind was all about, that whole phenomena of people saying you smell like a candle. But yeah, this one does that on me too.

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  • 1 year later...

Oh my goodness goddess Agnes! This smells EXACTLY like my Grandma Opie's Brown Sugar and Orange Glazed Pumpkin Bread I make every autumn. My mouth is watering..not even kidding. It is all there, including a depth that smells of oats..I mix a bit of oat flour in with the unbleached. I am SO happy I got a bottle of this to wear during our sneak away anniversary weekend. We plan to hit a couple of orchards on the way home, and this will be perfect! Unreasonable Pumpkin? No way! Pumpkin Perfection!

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  • 2 months later...

This slipped under my radar as I wanted to hoard no more. For some reason I have a sample vial in my arsenal and I discovered this scent during the recent sale. I started to develop this strong feeling for foody scents, particularly pumpkin about 12 months ago. So naturally, I went through my small stash of samples, looking for foody scents. I love the pinkness among the spicy pumpkin scent and what makes this work is the sweetness in it. It makes it a fun and upbeat scent to wear. I've been wearing this with BBM these two weeks. I'm like a giant pink pumpkin pie walking around.

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