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Balm Bomb, Unscented

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No, I am not a floor person so I am not running around like a mad woman most of the time. I need more mental focus than anything but I haven't really noticed a drop in energy at all. I have been getting plenty of sleep though. I love my sleep and now that it is cool outside I am getting uninterrupted sleep which is amazing.


For me, I found that it took the edge off the crazy, OMG, how are we going to get this all done?!? feeling. When I start focusing on all we have left to do I try to figure out how to get it all done and will likely have half a dozen things started all over the workshop in an attempt to get to them all. I could tell late tonight that there was no more BB left because I was looking at the clock and the list and the wall of frames and the large piece in front of me that needed to be finished, and the trash that needed to be taken out and all the other closing routine business that still wasn't done. I could feel the anxiety over all of it creeping back in.


If this were a calm time then maybe it would make me sleepy. I am not sure. I would say give it a try though. Maybe on a shorter shift, if you have one? Or with some coffee back up. ;)

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OMG, that sounds perfect. What I find is that there is a kind of holiday zen that can be achieved if I just stay right in the moment, but getting there is hard task sometimes! I think I might try a swipe or two of Beautiful Dreamer for tomorrow, which is the short day -- and now I guess I'll also HAVE to swing by the coffee shop before work and pick something up there. Just in case!! :-)


THanks again for your review, it was really helpful.

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Maililyahn - I'm just curious if you've tried the new Mega Watt for work and if you have, what the differences BB & it have?

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I haven't yet but I ordered the November sampler so I am hoping to try out Mega Watt for exactly that situation. :)




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  • 7 months later...

I can never, ever, ever run out of this. Honestly. This stuff is going to save someone's life someday. Maybe it already has.


I should have been wearing it tonight, but PMS sneaked up on me this month, and I thought I was in the free-and-clear. Nope. Went into near-murderous internal rage when a co-server monopolized our runner (bus person), when said runner SHOULD have been helping me, the closing server, and when said co-server effing well knew it, and was standing at the front cash register, closing out her bills instead of doing her effing job. That chick almost lost her head. Srsly. If I had been wearing Balm Bomb, I would have just shrugged it off. Sans Balm Bomb, I felt an overpowering urge to punch her teeth down her throat.


I will be wearing BB tomorrow, just in case. With something pink, just to underscore in my own head that I am a woman, not a thug. This stuff is GOLD.

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Eggers, I hear you. I have a relative who visits every so often, who despite best intentions, always frays my very last nerve. BB takes the edge right off and I must say, I haven't contemplated telling said relative exactly what I think of those passive-aggressive jabs~and why don't you plan on staying at a hotel next visit, you nasty, ungrateful...?~ ever since I found this stuff. What I hear now is Charlie Brown's teacher, and I just don't give a rat's patooty.

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"Wahn wahn-wahn wahn wahn wahn". Yes, that about says it! :lol:

Although my day didn't get off to the greatest start, I've been relatively sane today. No urges to elbow anyone in the throat.

ETA, I have to say that I'm often alarmed by how violent my PMS "beat 'em up" fantasies are. I'm so grateful to have something in my arsenal that not only guarantees I won't seriously injure someone simply for the trespass of having annoyed me at the wrong time of the month, but which can actually turn my nasty mood around and have me laughing my head off. This is one freaking incredible phero.

Edited by Eggers
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