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I hate this, but we're going to have to lump Canada in as an International order now. We just got the pamphlet on the rules going into effect on Jan 27th, 2013. A package that used to cost us under $4 to ship is now going to be at least twice that. The minimum postage for a TWO OUNCE package to Canada is now $6.55...they do not disclose what additional ounces will cost yet, and our average package is around 13 ounces. The flat rate cost is now $19.95, with variable rate Priority STARTING at $28.25.


I'm very sorry, but obviously we can't absorb that much of a hit. All orders to Canada must now use the International shipping toggle.




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It was good while it lasted! Honestly Mara, it was so good of you to include all of us Canadian Cuties before. I really appreciated that. I'll just have to factor it in... It's not like I'm going to stop ordering. Ever.

Hmm... Maybe I should have made a bigger order last time! :lol:

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We're going to look into getting a FedEx acct and see if they can do any better. The PO is just out of control, with their 3x per year price hikes. It's just ridiculous. Thanks so much for being understanding. I adore you guys. xoxox

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Mara - what about our current orders? And since I put some pheros from the phero sale on hold... if it's better now I'll pay the $70 I owe asap so you can ship them off before the 27th?


Ack, nevermind, I just saw on paypal that you had shipped my Jan/Feb order.


Would it be okay if I just lumped the phero order with my next website order? If you would like I can pay for the phero bottles I put on hold first, but if you could hold them until my next order to combine shipping?


Thank you!

Edited by maiea
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They won't have the USPS site updated until tomorrow or Monday. But what I can do is - if you give me a list of the items you are ordering (before you place the order), I can weigh that and find out what the exact price is that they are going to charge us. I don't want to overcharge anyone, so maybe invoicing is the way to go until we get this figured out.

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Ok, the rates are up on USPS now. I think what's probably the best thing for now is if you are in Canada, email me your list of what you want to order, and I'll send you an invoice once we weigh your box, so you don't overpay for shipping.


I just did a sample box, an average order in the 4x4x6 inch boxes and it was 13 oz.

First class air is $10.55


Those small flat rate priority boxes for $19.95 are pretty much useless. They are the size of a video tape. The only way we could use these without product being damaged is if you order only 1/3oz bottles - maybe around 6 max, and a few samples. We can't fit a spray bottle in there with the wrapping. There's less than 2 inches in width.


Medium flat rate box is $40.95.


Then there is the variable weight, variable distance option of Priority. For our 13oz package here, it would cost $28.25.


So it looks like the first class air option is the most affordable - and that will go by weight.... unless you are ordering a large amount of heavy items, then maybe the Medium flat rate box - there is a 20 lb weight limit on that box, but most orders do not go over 5 pounds.

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I was just curious Mara, about shipping fragrance to Cananda. I have recently shipped two small packages in trade to Canada. The Postmaster told me that it is illegal to ship perfume to Canada. I just told them it was cosmetics. How do you get around that?


PS I did tell him that the burning point to perfume is so low in the oil that it couldn't catch fire but I received blank look.

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Raq - I'd label it as "essential oil" or "scented oil" or something in the future... we all know it's oil-based, but the postal service tends to freak out when they hear the word "perfume"


Yes I did that- I was just asking how Mara got around that being a fragrance company.

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The postal counter employees are not trained to know about these things, so it's best to avoid trying to explain about flashpoints if they are not familiar already because it always leads to misunderstanding. They are trained to just say NO to anything liquid to make it easy on them. But this is not the actual rules.


Raq, you used the opposite word when you said "low" - you want to say "high".

The flashpoint is so high that it is air-safe. Our perfume oils are over 200 degrees flashpoint. Anything under a certain level needs to be marked with appropriate stickers, may not go by airmail, and cannot enter certain countries.


You definitely do not want to say "essential oils" because the flashpoint of most of those is MUCH lower than our finished perfume oils...say, by an average of 60 degrees or more.


Saying "cosmetics" will be ok to some countries, and stop it dead at customs at others...UK and Germany (if I remember correctly) do not accept packages marked cosmetics. France will not accept packages marked perfume or fragrance. If what you are sending has a flashpoint of over 200 degrees, you do not need to tell them it's liquid. The rule is it must be wrapped in plastic and contain enough padding to absorb all of the liquid should the container break. I believe that most of our swappers list contents as "craft supplies" and leave it at that.


From the USPS site: http://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52apxc_012.htm

For flashpoint above 200º F (93º C):

  • The material is not regulated as a hazardous material. Therefore, it is permitted in domestic mail via air or surface transportation without restriction when properly packaged to prevent leakage during transport.

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Oh okay. I only have ever shipped to Canada, and China once, using "cosmetics" I didn't discuss the oil/flashpoint issue w/ the Postmaster b/c I wasn't sure of my facts. Plus, it's none of his beeswax LOL. And I always wrap my packages to be absolutely bombproof, sealing bottles, tape, bubble wrap, waterproof etc....


I was just wondering If your company got hassles. Thanks for clarifying.



PS I love "France will not accept packages marked perfume or Fragrance." Hmmm,

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Yes, please, Skye. It will come out to less $$ if I weigh it for you first. Canada is still less expensive than the rest of the world even though they have just upped our rates by 2.5x. We'll be programming Canadian postage into the new cart, but this is best for now.

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