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Received My OCCO WHITE with UN Stone Cougar Oil ,Need Advise

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Yes I did but I am still not sure how much I should apply for my age.

I dont want to smell bad during the day.

I am hoping the vanilla in the occo is strong enough to hide the Stone Cougar scent and the Cops smell.



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Yes I did but I am still not sure how much I should apply for my age.

I dont want to smell bad during the day.

I am hoping the vanilla in the occo is strong enough to hide the Stone Cougar scent and the Cops smell.





If you are a beginner, start with a low amount at first......also, you didn't say where you were planning to wear it. OCCO is really not appropriate for wearing in an office setting (or many other daytime venues). It sends a strong....and I do mean STRONG....sexual signal.

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Luna will tell you better (or perhaps the stone cougar thread) but with any pheromone that I've tried, I start with two spritzes and then reevaluate after awhile. the first application day I don't go past three. then I may go to four the next time I try it. I have not tried this one UN but I am having it added to some oil perfume.


I know one or two women have mentioned going to five on certain pheros but I would work up to that really slow.


ODing really sucks but it's not the worst thing ever because it helps create limits. I've gottenbad headaches fwice, and a third time I think I overdid the BI and ended up having really low, empty feelings for about half a day but I think my brain was just recovering. Or else I really needed the b-vitamin and mega dose of vitamin d, because after I took that, I felt a lot better.


cops--I haven't tried occo white but start small. I have a roll on of jouir de and notice good effects with a half inch roll of the rollerball so massive amounts aren't necessary--just patience to dry it down fully.

Edited by MissHazel
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I'm 50 and post-menopausal. I can wear a tiny bit of cops during the day, it makes me feel womanly and "juicy", but I don't notice any particular sexual response. Maybe 2 inches in cleavage, that's it!


For sexy-time with Mr. Goddess, I do the Mara Maneuver (around each breast and down around belly button and back) with great response! Allow at least 10-15 minutes dry-down time.


With Cougar UN I'd start with a couple of inches split between wrists, along with a total of 2 inches on neck or cleavage. Dry down and use cover scent. Do this for a few days and see how you feel and if you're getting the response you're looking for. Then increase by 1-2 total inches, test for a few days.



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I wear them out and about too, and even to work. like Halo said, you just have to be aware that you are putting out a sexual signal and adjust your behaviors as necessary.


I wear them on my torso. Your body heat helps disperse them, and I tend to prefer my sexy pheros close to my body. I usually only wear socials on my wrists because I want them getting out when I move my hands. And no, don't get them in your hair! I accidentally did once. Made my hair smell like ass.

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I wouldn't reapply with first wear, give yourself a chance to see how long they last on you, because everyone is different. The pheros will last (i.e. work) longer than the scent. And given how concentrated OCCOs can be, it may be you don't really need a repeat application of cops during the course of the day. You can always apply another scent on top of it, the vanilla scent of OCCO White is really conducive to layering.

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I haven't been able to nail cops fully, so I apply the tiniest amount on the back of one hand, OR my wrist. Or, if I'm wearing open shoes and a skirt, I'll skip my hand or wrist, and just put the tiniest dab on the top of my foot.


Even with dry-down, I've only been able to nail the art of covering once. So this way I feel that if someone smells something not-right, it'd be less likely they'd link it to me and I could easily wash it off if it was bothering me (or I was

going somewhere I didn't want to wear cops.)

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I wear cops on my wrists, cleavage and neck area… I roll it on as I’m getting ready in the morning and once I have put my makeup on, brushed my teeth, and curled my hair, I put on my clothes and it’s just perfect… Enough time has elapsed to allow it to dry properly so I don’t get the ass smell on my clothes.


You should never, ever, never put cops in your hair….

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Thank you everyone for you help!!!

I thought it was ok to wear cops in the daytime

Is it ok to wear them out shopping or doing daily stuff but not at work

or should they only be used for dates?


You can always wear whatever you like.....my statement about them not being appropriate is just to caution you to always try to be aware of the reactions......and be careful because some of the responses can be unpredictable.

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I tried the occo white enhanced with stone cougar today.

I didnt notice any extra attention

I was hoping too feel something

I did love the smell of it after dry down

I used it on my wrists and cleavage and upper chest

Should I apply more tomorrow?

I also have an occo white sample that I have not used yet

Should I use that first ?

I dont think I am naturally giving off cops

because I am almost 49

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1) In what arena did you wear it? Often, even though men are having a sexual response, if they are in a situation where a sexual response would be frowned upon. Bear that in mind.


2) The hits you get ay not always be wild and crazy. They can be small changes in behavior that you would not notice unless you are paying attention.


3)The fact that you felt nothing is not unusual. Some people are what we call "non-responders", who do not get self-effects. Pheromones enhance you, they do not create what is not there. They can give you a "boost", but not change your personality or aura completely.


4) Do not expect every blend to be a hit with you for every situation.


Keep trying, or try it in a different situation......or a different amount.....or even a different phero.....

Edited by Dolly
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I wore it shopping in the morning

and I had lunch with a male I am attracted too.

I dont think he was affected.

He works around young girls all day and I wonder if I should use alot of cops?

We are having lunch again tomorrow

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I wore it shopping in the morning

and I had lunch with a male I am attracted too.

I dont think he was affected.

He works around young girls all day and I wonder if I should use alot of cops?

We are having lunch again tomorrow



Well, another thing is this.....he may not be attracted to you in "that way". Pheros will not make someone feel something that they don't.....if they are already on the fence, it can help tip them to one side or the other....if he isn't into you, pheros won't make it so.


Also though, you have to act congruently. If you put on a blend like that and then act shy, he is getting mixed signals and is likely confused....

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I would suggest requesting adding NoCo White (same scent) since most of the mixes for "strong sexual attraction" have a fair amount of cops in them already,

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Or, you can order several unscented pheros and use the NoCo White as a cover scent.



Blatant Invitation is highly sexual.....

Edited by Dolly
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Yes, Noco white will probably cover it. it's the exact same fragrance as OCCO White, just without the cops. But like Dolly said, if you were having lunch in a really public place, he probably isn't going to show if he's affected.


Has he shown any signs that he might be attracted to you?

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I think he is attracted to me

He always looks at my breasts whenever I see him and sometimes he is very flirty

He is 61 and I am almost 49

I thought stone cougar was also good to attract older men

Maybe I should just try my occo white sample tomorrow

I want to give off a younger vibe thats why I chose stone cougar

He drives a bus for college students so he sees young girls all day

I hate getting older!

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Yes, NoCo White would cover BI.....



Cougar does give off a younger vibe.....I love the original scented version because it gives a sparkly youthful aura.....



I still think that if he is attracted to you, he probably won't show it or act on it in public. I would go with a mildly sexual/social blend in public with him, and use the heavy-hitting sex blends for a time if and when you are ever alone in private....

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I wore just my sample of the occo white today.

I felt so good today and people seemed very friendly.

The man I like also seemed very outgoing,I tried to leave because I

had to catch a bus and he kept talking and seemed like he wanted me to stay longer!

I put it on my wrists,cleavage,tummy area and upper chest.

I think I used alot but I felt good and had a good day!!

Is it ok to use cops everyday?

Or will they stop working if you use them daily?

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Sounds like you found your sweet spot!! Yay!


I think you probably can, but I don't use them everyday, so I will defer to the ladies who do as to whether or not you can lose your self effects by daily use of cops. I know you can with other pheros, but then again, cops aren't a true phero.

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Would NOCO White be strong enough to cover the smell of Blatant Invitation?

I love the vanilla scent and I dont want to have to cover a scent myself

If you get NoCo White boosted with BI then you don't have to worry about that, it's the same thing. But if you wear something with a LOT of cops then you'll get bleedthrough, hence my suggestion of not using more cops on top of a blend which already has cops.

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I do get self effects from cops and I have been wearing them going on 2 years nearly every day (I'm 46) with no ill effects. I have found that over the past year I am gravitating to wearing scents/phero's more for me than those around me. Then it seems that when I do that, I feel great and then it starts to affect others. So If I'm wearing say, Pop. potion b/c I feel confident and outgoing that day, I wear the phero to compliment my mood. Then the mood and the phero seem to work together and I notice the effects on others more than when I apply a phero with the intent of "steering" those around me. Does that make sense?


Try wearing the scent/phero that makes YOU feel fabulous! Have you tried super sexy for women? I really like that one for a social phero even though it's sort of listed under the "Sexy" phero category. Also BANG which is SS4W boosted with cops AWESOME

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I do get self effects from cops and I have been wearing them going on 2 years nearly every day (I'm 46) with no ill effects. I have found that over the past year I am gravitating to wearing scents/phero's more for me than those around me. Then it seems that when I do that, I feel great and then it starts to affect others. So If I'm wearing say, Pop. potion b/c I feel confident and outgoing that day, I wear the phero to compliment my mood. Then the mood and the phero seem to work together and I notice the effects on others more than when I apply a phero with the intent of "steering" those around me. Does that make sense?


Try wearing the scent/phero that makes YOU feel fabulous! Have you tried super sexy for women? I really like that one for a social phero even though it's sort of listed under the "Sexy" phero category. Also BANG which is SS4W boosted with cops AWESOME



Congruence is always the best way to get them to work! You can't wear a social blend and then sit in the corner being anti-social and hope for it to do anything.....pheros do not CREATE, they ENHANCE.....

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Hi Everyone,


I want to try my OCCO White that is enhanced with Stone Cougar again.


I am going to put it on my wrists,cleavage area and lower neck.


I do not think I applied enough last time.


Is it also good to apply to my tummy area?Or should I apply my OCCO White sample to this area?


I have good reactions when I have worn the OCCO White applied to these areas but I want to try


the OCCO White/Stone Cougar again!

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