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La Femme Noire

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OK, follow-up: I got distracted and forgot I had planned to shower and change my clothes before going to a workplace related social event this afternoon, where I needed to schmooze people. (So not my best thing!). So I still had on the Bat... and I couldn't figure out why all the men were chatting me up endlessly (not in an overt, hitting on me way, just super friendly and really wanting to keep talking, although one 19 year old boy ended up totally DIHL). Women also seemed to respond very positively and to want to engage me in conversation. I was all confused and then I remembered the LFN....


I didn't feel I'd veered into the inappropriate range, based on people's reactions, but it was quite different from my usual experience at these events. I tend to cling to the edges of conversations that people I already know are engaging in, and I find listening to/attempting to make small talk excruciating. With the Bat, even though I didn't precisely enjoy it, it was far easier for me than usual. Liking the LFN indeed!


And to repeat what I said above: I have the feeling this phero takes its direction from the scent its paired with. Bat is not overtly sexual and I think that helped keep it in the appropriate range.


Wow BC -- great review, good to know, thank :heart708: you :heart708: ! Knowing the phero'd blends could be tempered by the scent ingredients is a treasure trove of info :rolleyes:

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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Black Cat & Donsie: That's awesome! Sounds like you hit just the right balance with this one! I agree with what you said about it taking direction from the scent you pair it with. I look forward to experimenting more with it, perhaps with some in the UN version.


I think I put too much of the Unbridled on when I tried it cuz I seemed too remote/removed from everyone/everything....which can be a good thing at times, but I haven't found sweet spot with this one yet, either. Having a feeling La Sylphide's going to be great.

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@olderbutwiser, no the intern has gone unscathed so far. But tomorrow: it is on! I got LFN in UN, so I will have to pick a scent to accompany it. Thinking about Marigold & Amaranth. Or Orangzipan... Hehe, I 'll make sure to get him in the target zone. But he's just a baby, I wont hit him too hard. He needs to get some work done, anyway ;-)

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Hehe! Orangzipan! My guy went bonkers over that scent! It'll be a great lure with LFN :D

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^_^ Orangzipan was a purchase JUST for hm. I like it, like it A LOT, but I was on the fence on a FB (I really have SO many already lol) and nearly passed it over...until the man mauled me when I came within several feet and announced I smelled delicious - and proceeded to lunge for me....then, well, one thing led to another....:heart: And it wasn't just once, but he had similar reactions each time I wore it around him. He's not the only fella that likes it either. Something about those notes make the guys hearts go pitter patter...among other things...:D

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Alright, ladies, Orangzipan it is! LFN will have this yummy baby at her side today. (As well as high heeled boots and a tight fitting dress.) Lets see if it will bring out the monkey in the intern... Will report back later

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You had me at high heeled boots...:hubbahubba: I LOVE shoes...:D

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What's this now?!?! Orangzipan? You ladies are killing me!!! Yet another blend for GUS, my wishlist is burgeoning at the speed of light dolls. What's a girl to sell to support this habit :lol: ? I'm gonna have to get creative really quickly. LadyV and QG had some great fundraising ideas in the Stalk Talk thread :lol2:


Maroon, dear, you are the bees knees :love: cannot WAIT for the LFN-Orangzipan report!

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Report of two days of LFN and Orangzipan. I can say that La Femme does marvelous things to me: I was witty, charming and my mind was working sharply, and my boss that I had to work with closely agreed to all my proposals. I was carried by a quiet conviction that I was queen of the castle, and I ruled the day. A had a few nice hits, even two DIHL moments. The Rocket fuel makes for a fun girly sexy vibe with me, and the reactions match that. LFN makes things more intense, somehow. More regal in nature. I liked it.

But here's the kicker: I love love love Orangzipan. I could roll in it's almondy goodness and the orange and tangerine and vanilla, but alas, my skin swallows it all up and amps the nutmeg and sandalwood, it seems. I thought I left the house as a little marzipan confection - but I was told I smell like Indian cuisine!

I know that my body really throws the scents out there, so people can smell me from afar, without knowing it's me. There were people in the hallway saying, what's this, somebody cooking a masala? Apparently I give off a strong reminiscence of a scicy curry dish with Orangzipan. I had the exact same reaction the first time I wore it. Everybody could smell it up and down the hall. The first time I think I had a little Occo Ambrosia in the mix, so people kept smelling me and saying, no, it's not you. But now it was clear. Husband picked me up from work and when I got into the car he said: Jesus, babe, you smell like a third world food stand! Thaf did it. I cannot be caught with Orangzipan in public... Too bad. But thumps up for LFN!

This morning, husband woke me with: rise and shine, Bombay queen, coffee is ready...

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D'oh NO! Curry?! Oh my :( Well - at least hubby recognized your queen status ^_^ and your run with LFN was productive and positive.


So sad about the Orangzipan though. I find it hard to smell it on me after a half hour or so, I get a hint here and there but to my nose it practically disappears. That's why I wasn't going to bother with a FB. I only know it's there because others are complimenting me on it, like hubby and work mates. If hubby hadn't raved so much I would have passed - I like to smell delectable - but I like to be able to smell my delectableness :D


So maybe option #2 next time, Marigold & Amaranth? :heart:

Edited by NuTrix
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Hello Ladies :)


I was wondering how much of UN LFN do you use each time, be it in oil form or in spray.


i have it in spray 60% alcohol / 40% oil. I ususall wear two spritzes on my tuumy. Do you wear more or less?

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I'll do that halo, thaks for the advice :) I'll try three spritzes tomorrow as I'll be aroung my "target" ;)


One more question ... If I do three spritzes, should them all be in the same area, e.g tummy, or is it better to do two on the tummy and one on wrists?

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I'll do that halo, thaks for the advice :) I'll try three spritzes tomorrow as I'll be aroung my "target" ;)


One more question ... If I do three spritzes, should them all be in the same area, e.g tummy, or is it better to do two on the tummy and one on wrists?


I would spread them around. One on tummy, one a little higher up above that under breasts and the third spritz split between two wrists. Best to cover all the bases and get that LFN mystique dispersed as best you can :wink2:

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Wow Maroon! So sorry that mix didn't work out for you. Having tried it twice, you have clarity for sure. Ah well, there are countless blends at LP there is yet to try. Maybe one day you'll run into something similar that won't cause you to 'curry' lol. Your husband has a great sense of humor!


You're right to take comfort in LFN remaining on your must have list. The great reactions say it all! La Femme Noire can be paired with a lot. I recently ordered my first trial vial. Totem: Bat with LFN. One of the girls wrote a fantastic review that prompted me to buy the trial. Normally I just go ahead and buy full bottles...

......But now it was clear. Husband picked me up from work and when I got into the car he said: Jesus, babe, you smell like a third world food stand! Thaf did it. I cannot be caught with Orangzipan in public... Too bad. But thumps up for LFN!


This morning, husband woke me with: rise and shine, Bombay queen, coffee is ready... :say19: too cute :D



NuTrix - that totally rounds out the experience, doesn't it :Emoticons0424:


....I like to smell delectable - but I like to be able to smell my delectableness :D



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Well, yeah, ladies, bummer about the Oranzipan but I did get some laughs out of it. And I am keeping it for days I have to myself. It was just curious how far that scent travelled. I only put it on in the morning, never refreshed.


Reading up on how much you ladies use, I guess I put on quite a lot of LFN, seeing it is an UN. I did a lollipop and one 3 inch line each at left and right waist line. I never refreshed that one either, but late afternoon I fanned myself a bit because the office was getting a bit hot and a phero cloud wafted up from me, which actually made me sort of woozy and I had to sit down. And wouldnt you know, two minutes later a male colleague comes in and just stares at me, like he's never seen me before. That was one DIHL moment.

But, hey, might have been the curious curry thing, who knows? ;-)


Anyway, yes, Nutrix, it will be Marigold & Amaranth next time, I have worn that before and everyone loved it.

And of course, I had to console myself with a new order from LP. Got Atomic Mandarin coming my way and some other goodies, too.


Cominguproses, you did such a nice review of the Occos that I picked white and gold.

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Wow darlin'! That is a lot of LFN you were wearing that day. But hey - if it works for you then it has to be right :love: . Lol, regarding the DIHL from the male colleague. Let's just say it was the LFN phero cloud and not the curious curry incident ^_^


It's great you have some goodies headed your way! Atomic Mandarin was rated well, maybe it can pair with LFN if you're so inclined. And those Occos, always a good choice :heart708: . You know your stuff when it comes to layering so you'll get plenty of use from the white and gold. Based on your love for Occo Ambrosia, I recently bought a bottle from the Trades. Looking forward to using it :rolleyes:

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Maroon: Geez, that is a bummer about the Oranzipan. Sounds like you had a good day regardless. My house smells like curry a lot so you would have fit right in here, lol! The name sounded good, but I've never sampled it. Did you see the new line of LPs for June? There is one called LPRouge that has LFM in it that sounds nice. I've never tried Marigold & Amaranth. What about Anthea? Do you have that one?


ComingUpRoses: Should have my OCCO Ambrosia very soon. Sounds yummy. I'm loving my OCCO White and Pink.

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I ordered this UN after reading Halo's posts on it... I havent' even gotten LFM yet (although I know it's good too - I just am pacing my UN aquisition: SWS, OW, BB, TH, H&S, MLH, Topper, Leather,Aja, Sheer Essence and there are SO many more left!) I was a little worried because lately I've been in Cop Burnout having gotten a ton of scents with cops added. But, not to worry, this is an awesome phero! I don't necessarily feel overtly sexy, but I DO feel in charge. Kind of like MLH with a dot of Leather and LAM (which if really mixed would probably be a bad idea - I'm only comparing it based on the EFX I've had with those separately). I'm focused and getting stuff done. Hard to describe the actual selfie; I got an energy boost but it came on more like a V8 engine in a muscle car - deep, powerful, rumbling and there if I need it. As opposed to an explosion of nervous energy that disappears as fast as it comes on.


Now, I did add a little of the bottle of Unbridled (also has LFN) on top of my UN LFN after about an hour (I wanted to test the UN first). I LOVE that scent (you can check my review for it in the threads) and it was a totally un-planned purchase (I stumbled upon a sample - never EVER would have gone for it otherwise).


I'm nearly 3 hours after the initial application and still feeling good (as all the menfolk arrive home) I'm still on a roll with MY projects and not tired! When my boys came to me and said "Mom, what's for dinner" I said "Cereal... I'm in the middle of something right now so it's every man for himself." Woo-hoo GO BITCHES GO.

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@Lovestruck, that's a fantastic description of how LFN makes you feel. Wearing it, I feel in charge and energized and like I am the one calling all the shots. There's no doubt that no one will mess with me. It's a queen of the castle vibe, but for me it's sexy, too.

I am on vacation now, but next week have to meet a new colleague that I have to work with closely. The boss replaced the lady that used to have this job with him. Can't say I was besties with that lady or that I didnt sometimes wish she would go about her work more diligently, but the new guy (I googled him of course) seems like someone who will underwhelm me even more. Anyway I will make sure I wear LFN when I meet him.

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Ive graduated to the alcohol spray with this one. Im shocked to see how much harder the affects are. I was wearing LFM with LFN in oil before.


Last night I was sitting at a restaurant bar waiting for my sweety and the bartender told me that I shouldn't be sitting alone, that Im far too sexy..lol!


Men cannot leave me alone when Im wearing this. SS4W does something similar but attracts younger guys hitting on me more of a hyper mix, slightly impressionable, LFN really seems to leave a deep and unusual impression on people where they cannot forget you.


This blend is really intoxicating.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Ive graduated to the alcohol spray with this one. Im shocked to see how much harder the affects are. I was wearing LFM with LFN in oil before.


Last night I was sitting at a restaurant bar waiting for my sweety and the bartender told me that I shouldn't be sitting alone, that Im far too sexy..lol!


Men cannot leave me alone when Im wearing this. SS4W does something similar but attracts younger guys hitting on me more of a hyper mix, slightly impressionable, LFN really seems to leave a deep and unusual impression on people where they cannot forget you.


This blend is really intoxicating.

Good review.

I've been contemplating a spray Un for sometime. I almost bought the spray off AF but I want the 60/40. I was planning it for at home use only but I'll probably take it out for a test drive when the right op presents itself. :)

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Yes, thanks StacyK.


When I changed over to this, I didn't notice reactions right away but then people especially men and attractive men would remember things about me that I didn't. I haven't posted all my hits since switching over because I don't have a journal. My sweety is noticeably more in love and hornier at sexy time. Its got the pull of BI, but its higher value. I would say its as attracting, if not more as SS4W socially but a bit more serious there is a selective factor.


I consider LFN the Louis Vuitton of my phero collection..lol!


Upside is the none in this only causes aggression at sexy time, its really blended well.


The downfall to this blend is it doesn't have nearly the popularity factor with others like LFM. But its truly unforgettable.


Im curious to see how the 60/40 works for you. Im doing the alcohol spray with oil on my pulse points now, but its going to get expensive.

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I love LFN- have it in oil RB. I just ordered Lumina in a spray but after reading this I'm guessing I should've spent the (available) $$ on LFN in spray now!!! Great hits & descripts SK & KK.

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Yes, thanks StacyK.


When I changed over to this, I didn't notice reactions right away but then people especially men and attractive men would remember things about me that I didn't. I haven't posted all my hits since switching over because I don't have a journal. My sweety is noticeably more in love and hornier at sexy time. Its got the pull of BI, but its higher value. I would say its as attracting, if not more as SS4W socially but a bit more serious there is a selective factor.


I consider LFN the Louis Vuitton of my phero collection..lol!


Upside is the none in this only causes aggression at sexy time, its really blended well.


The downfall to this blend is it doesn't have nearly the popularity factor with others like LFM. But its truly unforgettable.


Im curious to see how the 60/40 works for you. Im doing the alcohol spray with oil on my pulse points now, but its going to get expensive.

This is very interesting. I love it's effects for getting certain tasks done. I will look forward to trying this out in this social context.

Interesting comment on the type of men who appear to respond. That's one of the things I've found interesting with pheros.


I love LFN- have it in oil RB. I just ordered Lumina in a spray but after reading this I'm guessing I should've spent the (available) $$ on LFN in spray now!!! Great hits & descripts SK & KK.

I have Lumina in spray it's also a pretty recent acquisition. I've had only AHE to this point. It's a great sparkly social.

With LFN I would spend a little time with the oil first. I've had my oil and a couple of LFN scents for awhile now so it will be interesting to see what happens and compare the experiences.


I greatly prefer it in spray. But honestly I like everything in spray. Even BI. But I wouldn't suggest any cop heavy blends in spray for beginners. I like OCCOs in oil.

I'm intrigued by the spray. If only they'd last as long as the oil. I have used my LFN oil and added a spray of LFM on top. But I'm guessing that the 'none in spray is a different experience. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I wore LFN with LP Pink, and that was a lovely combination. It's like Kat says, it's a special vibe you get, it's different from SS4W, more intense. I had a guy sitting next to me, working with me for a while, and I could tell he liked being there. Today he came back and even though he could have done the last touches on the project with one of my colleagues, he hung around til I came back from lunch, so we could do it together. And the little intern came with all kinds of throughly unnecessary questions...:-)

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  • 6 months later...

Haven't worn LFN in a while, just because I was trying out LFM to see what it does. But I put it on yesterday, for a slow workday, everyone is still on vacation, except for a handful of people. I did a round to say Happy New Year to everyone present, hugging colleagues, swapping holiday stories. Then I went to work really diligently and got a lot of stuff done. And by the time noon arrived, three guys that I had a morning hug with had asked me to lunch. So I lumped them all together and we had like a fun big family meal. I continued working really well and even stayed later than the others, very focused and decisive.

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  • 1 month later...

With recent thread re: LFN vs. Leather and given I've been in a funk with past rainy cold days, put this on a bit ago.


I've already cleaned out my fridge, taken out (I won't tell you) how many bags of trash, gone to the store, stalked my mailbox 3x, and I'm just getting started. Next up scrubbing floors and bathtub. My place needs serious spring cleaning prior to spring!


Given my activities (and 45 degree weather), I am wearing dark grey leggings, my fav light grey hoodie, black scarf, my glasses (giving eyes rest from contacts), no makeup and hair in messy bun on top of head. So you get the picture, I'm not exactly dressed for going out in public. And not the type of attire that attracts positive (or any) male attention.


I got definite hits at the store (men opening doors which is not usual when you're dressed like grunge woman). One guy stopped his cellphone convo to check me out and talk to me. Also hits from 2 cute random guys walking their dogs when I was walking my trash out. They did triple takes, one said 'hello' and waved from all the way across the parking lot! Too funny as his head was turned towards me but he was walking his dog in other direction. I was worried he would run into something, but then he stopped and waited a minute looking at me, like he was hoping to convo from across the parking lot? :Emoticons04263: It must have been my attitude with the LFN bc there's no way given distance he could have gotten whiff of me. And let's face it hoodies do not show off any assets to attract attention.


I was not at all self conscious that I look a mess (a HUGE thing I love from LFN, the IDGF feeling). I also went to ask the apartment people about the mail (they can be sooo snooty), she searched through about 20 packages, just to see if there was a possibility my package was in their mail closet. Usually unless you're fully put together (hair, makeup, dressed well). - they won't lift a finger. Took her 10 minutes and when there wasn't anything there for me, she apologized to me. huh?


So, posting this bc this phero is a super all purpose wonderful go-to. And though it motivates me to clean, what I finally figured out is that it motivates me to do whatever I should be doing for *myself*, whatever THAT is. Today, it's cleaning, errands, and getting my place prettier as it was a wreck. Will re-apply LFN later tonight. I'm not going out but want to do some serious beauty maintenance. Facial, mani, pedi, deep hair conditioning, the works. :princess:


If I wear too much (aka slather), LFN flips my bitch switch. But my sweet spot is about 2 3inch stripes inner forearms and circle around belly button.


I'm wearing with betrothal potion. Wasn't a conscious pairing as I had the scent on for a few hrs prior to applying LFN. But I think the scent also had something to do with some of the positive attention. Either way, I feel fabulous and sexy even before the hits. :i-m-a-star: hee

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

LFN makes me feel sexy, but it also lifts me up, gives me a certain energy...

I must retest it for hits ;)

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I'm still trying to find my sweet spot with LFN and LFM, to be totally honest. I wore LFN in Bat the other night, though, and I will say that I had a great time and had some possible hits. The clearest and funniest was a guy I'd never met before who told me how crestfallen he was when I told him I was seeing someone. This was after he'd spent the night talking to me on an off. I guess that was hitting on me but I am almost 100% incapable of knowing when that happens, so I can't say for sure. Another guy who was there and whom I know better then asked if I was indeed still attached, which I sort of thought was a joke but maybe it was a genuine expression of disappointment!


I also had several really great chats with other people there -- those I knew well and those I didn't -- and just had a generally enjoyable time. If there were any selfies they were in making me feel a bit more confident an self-assured.


I think this is one I'd like to play with more.

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