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Sorcerer v2

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PATCHOULI ~ Soothes, uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.
RED MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing, wisdom, longevity, protection, wishes granted.
DANDELION ~ Wishes, intuition, faithfulness, happiness, promotes psychic powers; aids in psychic communication.

Pheromone Enhanced with Super Sexy for Men

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I want to give this one a try too. Maybe the dandelion will help the Mrs. know via psychic means when I am in the mood. She swears that is pretty much always so that might not be a big help haha!

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Yeah I'd say the advantage would not be in her knowing so much as her being willing. ;)


Hahahaha - hey - wait a minute!! Are you two talking behind my back lol. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget: you gotta bring your a-game when you wear this one. No half-steppin,' son.


I hate to argue with the one of the experts here but this seems to be about as close to an "A Game" in a bottle as you can get. The attention I have gotten from females when I have been wearing this around town doing chores is funny to watch. I even had a receptionist (early 20's) follow me down the hall to the door trying to finish a polite conversation we had started before I went in to see her boss.


This is a perfect deep "Go out for the evening" kind of scent, whether you are out on a date or looking to make something happen.


The patchouli, musk and amber seem to blend in together for a nice deep scent.I cannot really pick one note out over the other but that is me. The vanilla is there but it is more of an accent even when this is still wet. That is interesting as when there is vanilla in something, it is often very strong on me at least through dry down and then sometimes even beyond that. But here, it is always just a nice background note on my skin. I am sure the sage and dandelion are in there but I cannot detect the notes. I guess they just blend in with the first three I mentioned giving the overall scent their particular highlights.


The Super Sexy for Men certainly seems to get the attention of women. I know it has gotten my wife's attention in the past. It has been a solid performing sexual mix for me although it has a slightly different feel than <3 Throb which has slightly different ratios and has cops thrown in there.


This scent is well worth a full bottle.

Edited by quietguy
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So what you're saying is you need no additional effort?

I'm sure various men will be so relieved! :lol:


Haha - not for my purposes - I am just being social. Now if I were trying to close the deal so to speak that might be another story lol.

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I've been eager to get SS4M on my hubby - I hope he likes this enough to try it for me :great: (or I will just hold him down and douse him against his will! :666: and then we will do other things that I'd wager he would be only too willing TO do...)

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I don't have a memory I can dredge up of the original Sorcerer although I have a trial vial of it (I don't think Quince wanted to keep it after he tried it). In this version the sage is really potent at first, and it takes quite a while to back off on me. But when it does the resulting mix is "classic guy" scent to my nose, it immediately says masculine. It's nice although it doesn't really make me swoon. In that way it reminds of something like Excalibur or Merlin without smelling exactly like any of them. It's one of those scents which I believe a guy should have just to provide the proper olfactory cue in a particular situation.

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I just ordered a full bottle from reading the reviews (this and Raven Moon which goes to my fiance). I'm really hoping that Sorcerer v2 smells close to the original. I LOVED that scent!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I hate to argue with the one of the experts here but this seems to be about as close to an "A Game" in a bottle as you can get. The attention I have gotten from females when I have been wearing this around town doing chores is funny to watch. I even had a receptionist (early 20's) follow me down the hall to the door trying to finish a polite conversation we had started before I went in to see her boss.


This is a perfect deep "Go out for the evening" kind of scent, whether you are out on a date or looking to make something happen.


The patchouli, musk and amber seem to blend in together for a nice deep scent.I cannot really pick one note out over the other but that is me. The vanilla is there but it is more of an accent even when this is still wet. That is interesting as when there is vanilla in something, it is often very strong on me at least through dry down and then sometimes even beyond that. But here, it is always just a nice background note on my skin. I am sure the sage and dandelion are in there but I cannot detect the notes. I guess they just blend in with the first three I mentioned giving the overall scent their particular highlights.


The Super Sexy for Men certainly seems to get the attention of women. I know it has gotten my wife's attention in the past. It has been a solid performing sexual mix for me although it has a slightly different feel than <3 Throb which has slightly different ratios and has cops thrown in there.


This scent is well worth a full bottle.

I came on to write a review of Sorcerer v2 and saw QG's review. This sums up exactly what I was going to write only much more eloquently. I think this has become my favorite LP scent (next to Mark's Tonka Tobacum). I like this even more than Thrill of the Chase and Pashazade and that is saying a lot.


Edited to add: I also find the SS4M to work VERY well with the opposite sex. My Beauty seems to really like the phero blend a lot in addition to the scent. The SS4M makes her much more happy and upbeat even if she started the day in a bad mood. It also makes her much more affectionate than normal.

Edited by Snoopyace
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So I've really only worn this around my Beauty twice but both times I've gotten an amazing reaction from her. She loves the scent of Sorcerer v2 (so do I- it is amazing) but when combined with the pheromones, it is a lethal combination.


Yesterday was supposed to be 'date night' and we sent the boy off to spend the night at a friends house so we could go out and come back home whenever. While she was in the shower, I put on about 2" Sorcerer to each side of my neck and about 4" total spread over the tops of my hands (oh, and about 6" down my chest).


She comes out of the shower, asks what cologne I'm wearing and promptly tells me we are going to stay in, order chinese food and 'watch a movie'. Anyone who was ever a teenager knows what that means. :Emoticons0424:


Let's just say it was a very good night that carried over into this morning. SS4M and Sorcerer blend together in an amazing way. Now I'll have to try Super 2 around her and see if she likes that scent as well. I really have to save up and try some of the more recent mens scents.


C'mon lottery! :Emoticons10311:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Edited to add: I also find the SS4M to work VERY well with the opposite sex. My Beauty seems to really like the phero blend a lot in addition to the scent. The SS4M makes her much more happy and upbeat even if she started the day in a bad mood. It also makes her much more affectionate than normal.



Oh yeah, that's exactly how it works! :666:

I've been known to dose myself with it (in the form of SUPER) if I'm in a really bad mood.




Let's just say it was a very good night that carried over into this morning. SS4M and Sorcerer blend together in an amazing way. Now I'll have to try Super 2 around her and see if she likes that scent as well. I really have to save up and try some of the more recent mens scents.



This has done exactly the same for me too. The morning carry over is key!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am still really enjoying Sorcerer v2. I find I don't wear it a lot because I want to use it for special occasions. I decided on a whim to wear it today because I love how much it cheers up my Beautiful Bride to Be. Even if you aren't looking for something sexual this is a very uplifting scent and phero blend.


I've been slammed on Pherotruth because I report on how it affects my Beauty and apparently if you are in a relationship you shouldn't be reporting on pheros. Okay, having said that... I was out and about getting gas station pizza for the boy (there is a gas station chain called Casey's and the 5 year old in the house LOVES the pizza from there- it is actually not bad). This is one of the most consistently busy gas stations I've ever seen. It's in a college town and there are always a mix of coeds on up to seniors.


EVERY woman I passed while waiting for my pizza snapped her head and would stare at me giving me the DIHL. Normally, you pick up your pizza from the counter and take it to the register to pay. Not today. The manager carried my pizza for me after she walked through my phero cloud, did a 180 and stopped to talk to me. A girl in her late teens or early twenties kept lingering near me while twirling her hair and looking at me out of the side of her eyes. It was getting a little creepy for me. I'm used to strong phero hits but this was even over the top for me. I was glad to be out of there.


I get home and even though it's 'girl week' at home, my Beauty becomes much more upbeat and content when I wear this. The SS4M does a great job of cheering her up and helping her feel more loving and happy. GREAT STUFF. Use with caution if you go pick up a pizza, however.

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I've been slammed on Pherotruth because I report on how it affects my Beauty and apparently if you are in a relationship you shouldn't be reporting on pheros.


Things get weird on a couple of the sites - too many young, immature personalities. But I never had anyone imply I should not report anything that happened because I was in a relationship. That is flat out stupid. Nice review!

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Teen-aged son came home after school today and said, "No more Voracious. It's too girly." (Okay, this is only his fourth FB of the stuff.) My Mommy light bulb went off and I said, "So, one of your friends decided it smells too sweet." Of course, I'm rewarded with The Look. Anyway, he's now tearing through all my LP samples checking out the guy ones.


Snoopyace's great review of Sorcerer v2 caught my eye. Would this be suitable for a 16 year old who (suddenly) thinks Voracious is too girly?

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I think this is a great male scent - once again with the pheromone caveat. But as long as you do not mind the SS4M (which you do not) then this is great. I wish I had SS4M in high school!

Edited by quietguy
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Thanks, QG! In all honesty, he says the pheromone seems to work as a social pheromone, not a girl magnet. He says girls like to hug him more when he's wearing it, but at his very small school, the kids are all pretty close and hugs are more a social thing. So it really hasn't given me any pause for concern. . . yet!


I'm sure you somehow managed to make it through high school without SS4M, big guy! In fact, I'm inclined to believe you managed quite well! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I was a huge fan of the original Sorcerer, as you can see from my posts in that thread. These reviews have convinced me that I will have to buy a bottle of V2. I may even buy two just in case. The amazing part about the original was that even though it was my go-to phero for a long time (in fact, I used it just last week), I still have around half a bottle left.

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  • 5 weeks later...

At the risk of sounding redundant, I love the smell of Sorcerer v2. It has been so long since I'd smelled the original (which I also loved) that I can't really make a direct comparison but I know that I love this new version. We went out last night to a bar for 'sex toy bingo' and I got more compliments than I can count from various women.

I'm sure the SS4M didn't hurt either because I had women literally hanging on me (who hadn't had much or anything to drink). By the end of the night, I was human velcro which made my wife (yup, we are now married) :Emoticons0424: less than happy but thankfully the SS4M was also working to elevate her mood. And yes, a goodnight was had after we left the bar.


Mara, after all the people I told about LP I'd be very surprised if you don't have at least a few new customers (I'd laugh if you suddenly have a run on Sorcerer v2!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh Hey everyone, It been quite some time. I hope everyone is fine and dandy, tonight I busted out my Sorcerer sample and I wore a decent amount of it. I didn't get any noticeable selfies but I would say there is a general mood lift. I slathered that bad boy on my arms and my neck.


Funny snoopy mentioned human velcro because I had similar effects with women that were in my vicinity. A female friend started get flirty and play fighting with me in the bar, basically having a mini food fight with ice cubes and gold fish. She had more fun than she would admit haha and it even led to me tickling her as well, just so you know we just don't touch each other. Like ever, not for hugs or anything at all .


The other case was a waitress, Whenever I wear pheromones around her. No matter what, I get more attention, she calls me darling/sweet heart more and is much more receptive to me as a person. Actually before I started wearing pheromones to this place she was a shit waitress, if some pheromones is all I need to grease the wheel for good service so be it .


I walk in the bar and she's busy because the place is packed, I'm just hanging out with my friends and she is constantly passing right next to me taking care of all the people at her tables. All of a sudden behind the bar she playfully throws a lime my way haha, compliments my hair cut and other banter. She has her own tables to take care off but she makes sure my drink is filled at the bar. I got back at her and put an ice cube down her shirt playfully and she called me a brat. She also always gets more touchy when I wear pheromones as well.Super for Men formula was no different she initiated a hug when I was on my way out . She loves to touch but only does it with people that she is comfortable around and that comes out especially when I wear pheromones. I never initiate but I gladly receive because that's how she communicates and she is by far my favorite at that place.


I didn't get any compliments on the scent but I wore it for myself because I just love this scent. I was just relaxing with some friends but it definitely got fun, flirty and physical with the women that were exposed. They are just friends but it definitely made the night more fun

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  • 1 month later...

Got my first compliment on a LP fragrance today with Sorcerer v2. I walked into a smoothie shop to get my post workout protein infusion. The lady that followed me into the store starts going on and on about how good it smells in the shop. She then walks up to me and asks what I'm wearing. I told her something I picked up in New Orleans in the French Quarter. Sorcerer and Voracious are becoming my favorite two scents so far.

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  • 3 months later...

What are the chances of this making a return? I enjoyed my sample back in the day and still have a bit left. Liked the scent more on the most recent try. Went to order more and I find out its gone....


Make a request in this thread (Back by Popular Demand):




No promise it will happen.

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