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Papal Purple w/ Heart & Soul

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Fortunately I am unscarred by "churchy" memories or scents because I really LOVE this on me...my chemistry is loving up to this and it's SO comforting and cozy and....pleasant, kind of zen feeling (I am wearing with a touch of Sanctuary, so some of the zen may be coming from that). I'm TOTALLY making one of my bottle into a spay so I can fog in it! This is another scent with that smoke note that DRIVES MEH WILD! :w00t: I am slathering this at a ridiculous rate :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is gorgeous. To my nose it is an elegant floral -- very ladylike perfume in a wonderful way. I get no discernible smoke but there is some heft to keep the floral elegant rather than fluffy (musk, frankincense) and a touch of creamy vanilla very close to the skin. It stays true from bottle to application through dry-down with the only slight change being that the vanilla is only there for me after it dries. I was *so* close to ordering a full bottle but wasn't sure I could afford it. Sad but not a surprise that it sold out before I had the chance, as this one was very special.


I haven't noticed anything from the phero and this is my first time using Heart & Soul, so I have no idea what application I might need. I'll try more next time.

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I like the Papal Purple, but since it's sold out, this review is basically for the Heart & Soul pheromone add-in!!


The Papal Purple smells good in the vial, but even better after an hour. It smells like the inside of a cathedral, but not as musty.


The Heart & Soul seemed to make the soon-to-be-ex follow me around and keep thinking of things to tell me about work. Interesting effect, not so interesting information. I didn't notice any effect on me, other than being a bit annoyed. But of course, I asked for it by wearing that!! I'd think this would work great when trying to get to know someone better, and I think I'll have to order when it comes with a different scent.

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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This is definitely and interesting scent. I am glad i got to try it! when wet i get all the floral goodness but as it drys down the floral fades and i get more of a powdery feel. I do get the myrrh, which is an ok note for me, but mostly a smokey vanilla musk on me. It is beautiful but it is not a me kind of scent.

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Had this on yesterday and I am really happy that I got that H&S Un when I thought this was sold out. When Mara put some up on the Artfire site I was quick to nab a couple but then thought I might not have needed to order that Un, but this is turning out to be a great work phero, and a little bit more...


So it started with me having training, CBT stuff, and although the trainer was indeed attentive it wasn't anything too special. The guy I was paired with turned out to be a great partner though :) He was already familiar with the program and was very helpful, hehe, but I think he was paying more attention to what I was doing on my monitor than his own, then he got himself locked out of his training client so we shared my screen. When the tests rolled around, they were open book and we could confer with one another so getting 100% was - maybe not easy - but easier :D When the class was over he got the door for me and walked me out of the building, but since I was heading over to the other building for the rest of my workday we said our goodbyes, have a great days, and off we went. Then I thought I should thank him once more for his help and when I turn to call thank you over my shoulder - he had been watching me! - all goofy grin and moony eyes :lol: And he LOOKED caught too, as he went all sheepish and thanked me back. I couldn't HELP but giggle as I walked away - I know he was in my direct cloud for 2 & 1/2 hours....


H&S is also showing itself for being great for interacting with co-workers. It's gender friendly - meaning everyone is responding in a positive way to it. I'm going to have to keep taking notes but I LOVE this in the PP scent :heart:

Edited by NuTrix
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You know, I believe you! :lol: My guy responded REALLY well to this. He was sweet, playful, attentive and happy...throw in some cops...hmm. H&S and Treasured Hearts have both been surprise wins for me. I wonder if PP could take a few drops of cops without changing the scent? But I think I want to make this into a spray, so maybe I'll have to experiment with the Un and cops and another fragrance. PP is so perfect, I wouldn't want to risk altering - or worse, ruining - it by putting too many drops in! :wacko:

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A little OCCO Blue in the navel....They smell nice together :)


PP isn't foodie to me. I have OCCO Gold, Pink, Red, Black and White too. Maybe a dash of Red? I think Gold would over power PP, but then, it would just be a smidge in my belly button...I have an "innie"...it hides OCCOs really well. :lol:

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To me this smells like Floral Gums. I don't know if you get them in the US, but they are tiny little hard gum sweets that taste of perfume. I have no idea what they are flavoured with though.


I love them!



I've never seen them there... or here in the UK for that matter. Clearly I don't spend enough time in sweet shops. I'll have to try and find some!

Edited by donsie
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Donsie, somewhere like Mr.Sim's Old fashioned sweet shop would have them.

Don't think we have that one oop North, but we do have some local traditional sweet shops. I'll have to visit one!

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Whereabouts are you? Im in the north west, so you may do.

Oh, really? I googled it and they looked like they were all in the Home Counties. I'm in Yorkshire. I'll have to look again. Hope little Rio feels better soon, btw.

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It's so weird; I was slowly getting used to the way my PP sample smelled on me (still very very floral, but especially layered it sort of worked) and I love the Heart & Soul phero, so I opened my bottle and started using that as well.


And it smells very different from the sample!

Much better, fortunately. :Emoticons04235:


Less one-note-wisteria, the scent from the bottle is much deeper and darker and more complex, and I can actually smell the smoke.


I'm VERY happy with the scent from the bottle!

I wonder what caused the difference though (comparing the two, they're still very different): I alway shake samples & bottles very well before I apply so I don't think it's that.

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Hmm. I wonder how, if at all, different my sample was from the bottle? I blew through the sample so fast I didn't have time to compare....:blushing:

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To me this doesnt read floral heavy, its very wispy. The vanilla smoke is the most prominent on me, the frankincense and floral is present in the background. Its reading VERY sensual and lightly perfumey on me :purr:

This ones 'less is more', i did a quick swipe and it blew up on my inner elbow!


Im pretty sad i missed out on this, its so sweet and LOUD AS A MOFO. I havent really messed with H&S. I originally put this on today so i could see what it does to Mr.Bf, he was being rude earlier n i thought this would make *both* of us feel better.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

I got this one from Bella because I love H&S.


This one is very nice floral scent... I get wisteria and musk and a little bit of vanilla. Very, very interesting scent ;)

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