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Not That I Would Try This But- Just Curious & Feeling Mischevious.

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Don't shoot me...LOL! :smiley-laughing024:


I am really curious though. I have read that cops is not supposed to be sprayed directly into your hair. I have smelled cops in products before and it smells strong, but not bad. Kind of a cheesy, musky, sweet hint of something.




Has anyone ever deliberately/accidentally sprayed cops in their hair?

What happened when you did?

If it smelled bad - was the bad smell intensified by being sprayed in hair?

How long did it take to wear off/wash off?

Did it affect the hits you got? Like did you get more hits from having cops in your hair?


I am just curious....I

Edited by Honeycake
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They will stay there a long time at a minumum. And I suspect the scent will not get better.

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Before discovering the wondrous LP and learning about pheros properly I tried one product that stank to high heaven (2 words, M... P..). It was supposed to be a "perfumed" phero, but it smelt like off-buttered manliness, even though it was for women. I don't know if it had cops, or some other strongly scented phero in it (they don't tell you what it contains). But I sprayed it in my hair a couple of times. To me, the awful scent became stronger and more putrid as the day went on. And it clung to my hair and skin like sticky tape. No other perfume scent could cover this smell, it was so overpowering...


And yet, people reacted very positively to me while wearing it. Particularly men. I'd describe it as being like a sexy social type of phero feel. I will never attempt to put cops in my hair, because this experience alone taught me bad smells in hair = double yuck! But I found it so interesting that others didn't react to me as if I smelt bad at all.

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I have gone there.....and it STANK! Cops mellow on me to an over-ripe fruit smell, but in hair.....TOTALLY NOT!


And, if you bleach or dye your hair, it will usually be worse.....because the hair is more porous. And, it stays until you wash your hair. The only thing I could use to remove it was Prell. Which is almost like paint stripper. Hits were not good. I kept getting the statements "What smells so BAD?" Same goes for spraying it on your clothes. Cops really need to meld with your skin, if they don't, you get the STENCH....and......IT. NEVER. GETS. BETTER.

Edited by Dolly
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I've never tried it in my hair thanks to all the good advice I'd seen here back when I first arrived. I was deathly afraid of having it turn into a wretched mess!! However, there were a couple of times very early on when I didn't let it dry down enough before putting on clothes and it was horrible. I tried so hard those days NOT to move so that I wouldn't disturb the air around me and make it worse!!! I don't mind the smell of cops overall but on anything other than skin, I could definitely tell the difference and even if others said nothing, it was a noticeable stink to me.


Even if the effects of others is not negative, I guess I would find it hard to enjoy them if I'm self-conscious of how it smells.

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I accidentally got cops in my hair, and I didn't think they were EVER going to come out. Like Dolly said, I practically had to strip my hair. Not cool. Cops will meld with your skin chemistry, but hair is dead. Ain't nothing gonna happen with the cops except get old and rank!

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OMG Dolly, Prell wow a blast from the past.


HC.. it's stinky and never in a good way. I think it has been covered here. The cops have nothing to blend with like BB said.

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I find this really interesting! Since I everything I've ever used with cops is scented, I don't think I've ever gotten the full experience! I'm not really familiar with the stink - the only thing I think I can actually even smell the cops in is Cops and Robbers.

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The only cop heavy scent that I feel covers the cop smell is Purple Puff. I get the initial scent of cops but it vanishes quickly. Must be the marshmallow and vanilla covering them well. But, I still won't spray it directly in my hair.

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I wear 2-3 light sprays of Occo (usually pink) on the ends of my hair underneath perfumed spray or hairspray.. never had a problem.


I don't mind if it stays longer than a shampoo, saves me money on re-application..lol. No noticible stinky, in fact Im always complimented on how nice I smell when I do wear them in my hair. Occo Pink is very artfully blended though.


What I do say away from spray are socials or sexy mixes in my hair... especially blends with Beta-nol and Est, I keep those to my skin and cover them very, very well, they are very stinky and I would also never spray anything with none in my hair. blends with alpha or beta thdoc tend to give me high anxiety when I spray them in my hair, even after 2-3 washes. Ive had a harder time washing out complex pheromone blends from the hair as well. In fact last year at the hair dresser I mustve had a buildup of LFM, at the time I was wearing LFM in my hair and I could smell the stinky buildup which I never noticed before.. the shampoo lady had a very strange look on her face..lol.



one last thing I forgot to mention is with haircolor Ive noticed a fade affect when I wear either cops or pheros in my hair especially at the root so I keep the cops to the ends only, so I don't have premature fade-out.

Edited by luna65
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I wear lots of socials in my hair.....especially Open Windows....works well for diffusion, and never any problems.....but I don't find anol or bnol very stinky at all.

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Oh Dear...Dolly, I was just speaking from my personal experience we all have different noses I guess and years of phero use have dulled my nasal capacity, it took a trip to the hairdresser as a sobering reminder of my own phero-output and the blatent affects Im sure had affects on others than just my hairdresser. This is my experience only.

Edited by KrazyKat
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LOL! Thanks Quiet Guy. :)


Have you ever worn cops? On this other board I read where a few guys were experimenting with cops to see what kind of reactions they would get from women or the women in their lives.



They will stay there a long time at a minumum. And I suspect the scent will not get better.

Edited by Honeycake
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Oh wow Vladmyra!


That sounds awful! There's no telling what was in there. I hate it when phero companies won't at least give a hint as to whats in a mix. Some ingredients I have found give me meh results while other ingredients seem to agree with me more. So I like to look at ingredients in order to kind of get an idea how something may play out for me. Especially when they don't offer sample sizes like LP does.


So the scent clung and got worse. How did you eventually get it out?


Those hits sound awesome though! :)



Before discovering the wondrous LP and learning about pheros properly I tried one product that stank to high heaven (2 words, M... P..). It was supposed to be a "perfumed" phero, but it smelt like off-buttered manliness, even though it was for women. I don't know if it had cops, or some other strongly scented phero in it (they don't tell you what it contains). But I sprayed it in my hair a couple of times. To me, the awful scent became stronger and more putrid as the day went on. And it clung to my hair and skin like sticky tape. No other perfume scent could cover this smell, it was so overpowering...


And yet, people reacted very positively to me while wearing it. Particularly men. I'd describe it as being like a sexy social type of phero feel. I will never attempt to put cops in my hair, because this experience alone taught me bad smells in hair = double yuck! But I found it so interesting that others didn't react to me as if I smelt bad at all.

Edited by Honeycake
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Oh wow! That does sound awful! Thank you for sharing your experience.


At least it came out when you washed your hair. So you had to use a harsh/sulfate/clarifying type shampoo to get it out. That sounds pretty harsh on hair.


If you get it into clothes will it wash out the same as well or will it be hard to get out even with washing too?




Now I am curious about what full on cops smells like.



I have gone there.....and it STANK! Cops mellow on me to an over-ripe fruit smell, but in hair.....TOTALLY NOT!


And, if you bleach or dye your hair, it will usually be worse.....because the hair is more porous. And, it stays until you wash your hair. The only thing I could use to remove it was Prell. Which is almost like paint stripper. Hits were not good. I kept getting the statements "What smells so BAD?" Same goes for spraying it on your clothes. Cops really need to meld with your skin, if they don't, you get the STENCH....and......IT. NEVER. GETS. BETTER.

Edited by Honeycake
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Thanks Storemy, Bluebear, and StacyK.


I've never tried it in my hair thanks to all the good advice I'd seen here back when I first arrived. I was deathly afraid of having it turn into a wretched mess!! However, there were a couple of times very early on when I didn't let it dry down enough before putting on clothes and it was horrible. I tried so hard those days NOT to move so that I wouldn't disturb the air around me and make it worse!!! I don't mind the smell of cops overall but on anything other than skin, I could definitely tell the difference and even if others said nothing, it was a noticeable stink to me.


Even if the effects of others is not negative, I guess I would find it hard to enjoy them if I'm self-conscious of how it smells.



I accidentally got cops in my hair, and I didn't think they were EVER going to come out. Like Dolly said, I practically had to strip my hair. Not cool. Cops will meld with your skin chemistry, but hair is dead. Ain't nothing gonna happen with the cops except get old and rank!



OMG Dolly, Prell wow a blast from the past.

HC.. it's stinky and never in a good way. I think it has been covered here. The cops have nothing to blend with like BB said.

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Hey Amalthea!


Me too. Now I am curious. I think all my cops are blended. In all my copped LPs I have never smelled anything, but good.


But I think I have gotten hints of something that may be cops in other products.


So now in an odd way I am curious... about wearing straight cops. :)




I find this really interesting! Since I everything I've ever used with cops is scented, I don't think I've ever gotten the full experience! I'm not really familiar with the stink - the only thing I think I can actually even smell the cops in is Cops and Robbers.

Edited by Honeycake
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Hi KrazyKat,


Thanks for sharing. Its interesting to read a different experience. I think that something like that maybe could be cool for playtime. But only with a well blended fragrance like you said.


You know come to think of it...I have never smelled pure mones, not just cops, but any mones, without scent before. I had no idea that they could also have a smell to others that would be unpleasant.


Why do you stay away from none in hair? Is it because of the smell or the self effect? :)


Good tip about the haircolor. I have never worn pheros in my hair, but this could be fun to try for the summer and I love my highlights. :)




I wear 2-3 light sprays of Occo (usually pink) on the ends of my hair underneath perfumed spray or hairspray.. never had a problem.


I don't mind if it stays longer than a shampoo, saves me money on re-application..lol. No noticible stinky, in fact Im always complimented on how nice I smell when I do wear them in my hair. Occo Pink is very artfully blended though.


What I do say away from spray are socials or sexy mixes in my hair... especially blends with Beta-nol and Est, I keep those to my skin and cover them very, very well, they are very stinky and I would also never spray anything with none in my hair. blends with alpha or beta thdoc tend to give me high anxiety when I spray them in my hair, even after 2-3 washes. Ive had a harder time washing out complex pheromone blends from the hair as well. In fact last year at the hair dresser I mustve had a buildup of LFM, at the time I was wearing LFM in my hair and I could smell the stinky buildup which I never noticed before.. the shampoo lady had a very strange look on her face..lol.



one last thing I forgot to mention is with haircolor Ive noticed a fade affect when I wear either cops or pheros in my hair especially at the root so I keep the cops to the ends only, so I don't have premature fade-out.

Edited by Honeycake
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Oh wow! That does sound awful! Thank you for sharing your experience.


At least it came out when you washed your hair. So you had to use a harsh/sulfate/clarifying type shampoo to get it out. That sounds pretty harsh on hair.


If you get it into clothes will it wash out the same as well or will it be hard to get out even with washing too?




Now I am curious about what full on cops smells like.





When I first started wearing pheros, I accidentally got some a spray from " a company that shall not be mentioned", that was loaded with EoW onto a suit jacket. It was dry clean only, and after they cleaned it, it still smelled. The lady even mentioned it when I picked it up......they didn't charge me, because they couldn't get the smell out, even though they cleaned it twice.


I haven't had any issues when laundering at home.

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one last thing I forgot to mention is with haircolor Ive noticed a fade affect when I wear either cops or pheros in my hair especially at the root so I keep the cops to the ends only, so I don't have premature fade-out.


That's very interesting.....My hair was dyed chemical red previously, but red fades horrendously anyway, so I couldn't tell if it was my normal fade or the pheros....now I use henna, so I don't have fading.



Oh Dear...Dolly, I was just speaking from my personal experience we all have different noses I guess and years of phero use have dulled my nasal capacity, it took a trip to the hairdresser as a sobering reminder of my own phero-output and the blatent affects Im sure had affects on others than just my hairdresser. This is my experience only.


No biggie sweetie.....I am glad that you stated your experience, as did I....we are all different and we all detect pheros differently. As with so many products these days, YMMV....

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I have yet to wear a social in my hair.



Does it diffuse better this way?




I wear lots of socials in my hair.....especially Open Windows....works well for diffusion, and never any problems.....but I don't find anol or bnol very stinky at all.

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I have yet to wear a social in my hair.



Does it diffuse better this way?






Yes, I have long hair, and am a "hair flipper" so it tends to diffuse a bit better.

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Many have already stated good reasons not to wear cops on hair or clothes. Really, the warmth, seriousness of your skin and OH are the only things that make the cops smell "meld" with you I think. I have tried the social photos on my hair. If it is silicone based, it acts like a hair De-drizzled. Makes sense really since the ingredients in those hair products are similar. If you have VERY fine and thin hair like I do, go easy since even the slightest bit will weigh my hair down so much that I have had to re wash it!

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I've never worn cops on my hair due to the multiple warnings on this board but I have had my fair share of cops not having enough time to dry down and thus stank like crazy for the rest of the day. If I were to wear non-cops enhanced pheros, I will often put some on my hair. It may be the same phero, like PP, or a different one, like Topper. I either wear it on my parting or run the roller ball along my hair.


I have, however, diluted EoW into my body lotion and spread it all over my body. This was under the assumption that it will be more natural to be lightly "oozing" sexual signals "all over" then just down under. Anyway, ive only done that twice or three times so I can't tell if it makes a big difference and if people I encountered thought I was dirty.

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Honeycake, the strange phero smell washed out fine as soon as I washed my hair. Judging from other people's answers here I don't think it had a lot of cops in it.


I use socials in my hair all the time. I have hair that is a bit dry and prone to frizzing, so I put a bit of the phero perfume oil on my hands and run it through the lengths of my hair. It realy does seem to help get the scent and pheros out there. Don't overdo it though, as it might make your hair look a bit oily. I also find the perfume and UN phero sprays to be very drying to my hair.

Edited by vladmyra
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BBneycake, I don't suggest any blend with none for your hair, It personally makes me very, very angry, it makes other people irritable and it takes FOREVER to wash out, not to mention a urinal smell. You have to find what works best for you though, We are all unique and different and what works for you may not work for others (and visa versa) so its fun to experiment first before taking on other peoples perspectives as your own. But I tend to do things differently than most people...


Ive always found a bit of cops as an enhancing quality, even in my hair (but Im close to 40!), people don't react to me like a walking sex bomb UNLESS I mix none into the equation which stays far away from my hair. Cops have always gotten me nothing but kindness and respectful treatment from others, now if I wear a social or social-sexy on my skin this only enhances the affect.


Im very conscious now of others and the affect I have with my phero signature so I tend to wear much less than when I was younger, (that was what caused problems in my past) and I stay away from mixes containing cops and none both unless Im alone with my honey with the exception of LFN.


Btw, Dolly I was just sharing, no worries!


I love the idea of Henna.. I darken my hair I naturally a blonde, tend to do everything reverse of others...lol!

Im going to look into it. Years of dying my hair has changed its condition, I REALLY

like the idea of natural and probly less expensive than my salon visits..lol. Thanks for sharing your brilliant idea, I really appreciate it.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Now I am curious about this... I think JOC recommend this to me once, but I never followed through as I had all oils at the time.





Yes, I have long hair, and am a "hair flipper" so it tends to diffuse a bit better.

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Thanks Rose and Halo.


Rose, my hair is fine as well, but dense and I am a curly - so I guess de-frizzing may be good! :)


Many have already stated good reasons not to wear cops on hair or clothes. Really, the warmth, seriousness of your skin and OH are the only things that make the cops smell "meld" with you I think. I have tried the social photos on my hair. If it is silicone based, it acts like a hair De-drizzled. Makes sense really since the ingredients in those hair products are similar. If you have VERY fine and thin hair like I do, go easy since even the slightest bit will weigh my hair down so much that I have had to re wash it!



I wear socials and calming blends in my hair and have never had a problem. Of course I only do it once or twice a week. As far as cops go, I wouldn't do it. Not only is there the stink factor but there is also the point that hair (on your head) is not a natural place for vaginal secretions to be. Just like you can read dirty if you have them near your face or neck, the same is true with hair.

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I like the lotion concept. If you try it again I would love to hear your results. :)



I've never worn cops on my hair due to the multiple warnings on this board but I have had my fair share of cops not having enough time to dry down and thus stank like crazy for the rest of the day. If I were to wear non-cops enhanced pheros, I will often put some on my hair. It may be the same phero, like PP, or a different one, like Topper. I either wear it on my parting or run the roller ball along my hair.

I have, however, diluted EoW into my body lotion and spread it all over my body. This was under the assumption that it will be more natural to be lightly "oozing" sexual signals "all over" then just down under. Anyway, ive only done that twice or three times so I can't tell if it makes a big difference and if people I encountered thought I was dirty.

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Thanks Vladmyra.


If there is the potential for dryness then I may reconsider. I like the idea of having a scent halo diffusing all around me, but I am curly with very light highlights. Thanks for the tips. :)



Honeycake, the strange phero smell washed out fine as soon as I washed my hair. Judging from other people's answers here I don't think it had a lot of cops in it.


I use socials in my hair all the time. I have hair that is a bit dry and prone to frizzing, so I put a bit of the phero perfume oil on my hands and run it through the lengths of my hair. It realy does seem to help get the scent and pheros out there. Don't overdo it though, as it might make your hair look a bit oily. I also find the perfume and UN phero sprays to be very drying to my hair.

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I appreciate you sharing your experiences. :) I think the only none product I have tested is Blatant Invitation. I am not sure if I had negative seflies or not as it was close to that time. It is on my list to retest again as soon as the weather gets warm.



BBneycake, I don't suggest any blend with none for your hair, It personally makes me very, very angry, it makes other people irritable and it takes FOREVER to wash out, not to mention a urinal smell. You have to find what works best for you though, We are all unique and different and what works for you may not work for others (and visa versa) so its fun to experiment first before taking on other peoples perspectives as your own. But I tend to do things differently than most people...


Ive always found a bit of cops as an enhancing quality, even in my hair (but Im close to 40!), people don't react to me like a walking sex bomb UNLESS I mix none into the equation which stays far away from my hair. Cops have always gotten me nothing but kindness and respectful treatment from others, now if I wear a social or social-sexy on my skin this only enhances the affect.


Im very conscious now of others and the affect I have with my phero signature so I tend to wear much less than when I was younger, (that was what caused problems in my past) and I stay away from mixes containing cops and none both unless Im alone with my honey with the exception of LFN.


Btw, Dolly I was just sharing, no worries!


I love the idea of Henna.. I darken my hair I naturally a blonde, tend to do everything reverse of others...lol!

Im going to look into it. Years of dying my hair has changed its condition, I REALLY

like the idea of natural and probly less expensive than my salon visits..lol. Thanks for sharing your brilliant idea, I really appreciate it.

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Many have already stated good reasons not to wear cops on hair or clothes. Really, the warmth, seriousness of your skin and OH are the only things that make the cops smell "meld" with you I think. I have tried the social photos on my hair. If it is silicone based, it acts like a hair De-drizzled. Makes sense really since the ingredients in those hair products are similar. If you have VERY fine and thin hair like I do, go easy since even the slightest bit will weigh my hair down so much that I have had to re wash it!

OMG!!! I hate auto correct! Typos all over the place! Anyway, I think you know what I meant honeycakes and everyone! :fright04238:

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LOL! StacyK! I think I just might! LOL! :smiley-laughing024:

Honeycake you need to get CUCHI HEAD.



Hi Rose,


I understand. Sometimes I get sticky keys and the like. So I understand. :)


OMG!!! I hate auto correct! Typos all over the place! Anyway, I think you know what I meant honeycakes and everyone! :fright04238:

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