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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Paris Hilton paid nothing. SHE was paid to be a spokesmodel for a perfume release, probably millions. There was a funny quote somewhere...about the fad of marketing perfumes using the names of overpaid, over-glorified tailors. And now that fad has moved on to "celebrities" as insignificant as reality "stars", and people famous for being rich. Trust me, none of these people has anything to do with the creation of these fragrances. They are just paid to front them. That is all. At most, they are given a choice of half a dozen scents, tops, they'd be willing to stick their name on, and that's as far as their involvement is allowed. It's standard in that business to flat out lie about the so called celebrity's creative involvement. As far as pheromone content in commercial scents like Hilton's, I will bet you anything that each bottle contains a negligible amount - like less than 10mcg each. It's just a marketing ploy. That industry would never pay to add the amount of pheros one could actually FEEL. It would blow their pricing structure all to hell. Pheros are EXPENSIVE, and commercial perfumes they charge $50 a bottle for contain around .50 cents of content. They always say the most expensive part for them is the bottle. What you are actually paying for is the multi-million dollar marketing campaign and the celebrity's contract.
  2. Jlynn, you just have to read the descriptions to find out the differences. No, foody does not equal light. Many foody scents are quite dense and fruity/honey/vanilla scents are great covers for EoW. When I refer to light scents, I mean sheer florals, sheer greens, sheer citrus. Yes, LP Red would be a heavier scent.
  3. If you want to add EoW to your LPMP perfume oils, the range you add depends upon how sheer the perfume is and your personal preference. For very light/sheer perfumes, try adding around 10 drops. For heavier perfumes you can add an entire 1ml which with our pipette droppers is around 20-24 drops. I would not generally go any higher than that unless you want to be very daring. The more you add, the more dry down time you may have to allow. Again, the heavier perfumes will allow a shorter dry-down period - around 5 minutes. The lighter perfumes may require 15 minutes of dry down depending upon how much you use.
  4. Making a quick thread to answer a few common questions. Moving posts to this thread from others.
  5. I have! But I might only have one left over the number that were pre-reserved. Cannot brew again with ingredients on hand, so this is all for a while.
  6. Jlynn, your order placed on the 22nd has already shipped and you should have gotten the shipping notice from Stamps.com. The email address it was sent to is the one you used to make the order, aka, your PayPal address. We appreciate when people make fewer/larger orders rather than more numerous/smaller orders. It is not just the shipping and packaging expenses, PayPal fees are very steep. They operate on a sliding scale so that the smaller the figure, the higher the percentage they take. Also, multiple orders take up more employee time to organize. We have to search through stacks of orders to find your other ones that you want us to combine it with, and that slows down the processing time for ALL of our customers, so we would appreciate you just waiting until you can order the 2 items together rather than ordering one at a time. ok? Thanks!
  7. I've been adding a full 1ml to people's bottles when they ask for it amped. Depending on your personal preference - 10 drops minimum, 24 drops (1ml) max., k? No more than that.
  8. Great report, Moon Bloom! This one has only a tiny amount of cops in it (compared to some of our other blends). I think it would be ok to spray in your hair at a 1x strength or less. You might not want to do that every day in case of copulin build up, but at the 333mcg per bottle strength (which is what the scented version is) there's probably little chance of that. Wishing you continued success!
  9. I brewed it without cops both times, and it was optional whether anyone wanted it added, for the usual $5 price for the cops amping. So, $25 plain or $30 w/ cops. Did we mess up your order, Katz?
  10. There's a few - you missed Red Lace and Tropical Musk. What I was trying to do is show off the styles of things that we do best and have been most popular over the years because we are hoping to introduce a lot of new people to LPMP with this partnership and collection.
  11. I think I told you, Luna, that I was initially planning to go in that direction, yes. But just like writing a story that takes on a life of its own, Cry Havoc! had it's own plans and went galloping off on it's horse in it's own direction.
  12. Nah, it's nothing like Jouir De. Just one drop of civit in common, that's it. Don't be scared!
  13. Thanks, Katz!!!! Just posted it. SMOOCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. OMG, KATZ, THAT WAS AWESOME!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was cackling like a crazy cat lady at your comments and the kitty and your set dressing for The Event. (Love those Moroccan lanterns!) Those are great pictures, thank you!!! Would you mind? Can I post one on FB? You're much better at taking pictures of items than I am.
  15. Thanks for noticing, kids! Yeah, we used gorgeous gloss stock to make sure the artwork was shown off at its best. Glad you like it! And the paw print baggies were a fun find to tie it all together.
  16. It's like a cross between Phero Girl and Glistening Buttons with a splash of peach on top. There's cocoa absolute in there that makes it reminiscent of GB.
  17. Cool! I tried my hardest to make you happy! The ingredients were actually pretty different. I had to add more verbena than I expected to get it to smell how I thought it should. I'm glad it worked. YAY!
  18. How in the heck did you remember that?! I didn't even remember that! It's an ingredient that I've used most often in herbal spell pouches for burning.
  19. To continue the convo started on the Potion of the Day thread.... I went to the wedding of my friends Rosie and Wayne on Saturday afternoon and when I got home I made a perfume based on the wedding cake as a gift for the bride. Deeeleeeshus!!! I made a LOT of this, and also designed the label for the 5ml bottles rather than the usual 10 ml bottles, so I have a goodly amount to share if anyone is interested. Price is $15 for a 5ml roller bottle with silver cap. I also made the wedding favors for this wedding - little pouches of white almonds and silvered chocolate heart candies - and this was the artwork I used for the couple's congrats tags, and also used this art for the buffet table, so that's the significance of the label artwork...the label set off the peach colored organza perfectly, Their colors were Springy peach and green. It was a really beautiful outdoor wedding. Their cake was 3-tiered (with a swan on top!) white vanilla frosting covered with shaved coconut on the outside, and deep yellow vanilla cake with a distinct nutty flavor on the inside. I think I nailed it using a couple of kinds of coconut, a lush cakey vanilla, brown sugar pecan, and a deep resiny vanilla absolute (which gives it a nice depth and longevity). If you liked the one we used to have called Dream Pie, you'll like this one too, though this one has more weight to it. Not as "fluffy". It's a substantial coconut cake aroma with really good staying power. Lasted on me until the next day. Any takers? Going to list those who expressed interest on the other thread but just let me know and I will take your name off the list - no pressure. I have around 20 of the 5ml bottles to share. You can reserve it now and pay for it later next time you order. Use the GC x 3 and write in that you want Rosie's Wedding Cake. K? Thanks! Peeps: 1) Raq On 2) ElizOSP 3) Tyvey 4) Luna 5) LadyV 6) Aeaea 7) AlienC 8) BlueBear 9) Rosebud 10) Invidiana 11) Skye 12) Ravenwing 13) Gaia
  20. I'm with Calii - It's definitely happy juice. Feminine happy juice.
  21. There's only a microscopic touch of Dragon's Blood. Wanted it in there for the magickal properties and fitting the vibe but it is definitely not a forward note. Just a touch, swimming with the other resins. It's a bold, dark and mysterious type of scent. Fits the label image quite aptly. Hey, where's Snoopyace? He would probably like this one to wear while doing readings.
  22. I LOVE this one. I slathered my pillow with it on Friday, good for having nice creamy dreams. ;P I hoarded a couple of bottles for myself....the unusual spice combo over the creamy-ness is what does it for me.
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