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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Hmmm, are you in the "TOO PRETTY" category? One of my bandmates was a former model, and of all of us girls, she had the hardest time finding a boyfriend and making new friends, because her good looks were intimidating to people..even though she was completely friendly and down to earth as a person. It was difficult for her to get people to come close enough to her to even find out.
  2. Yes, sweet foody smells and Lavender in particular are listed amongst the strongest male aphrodisiacs. LOL. You sound like Dolly now, having to re-spackle her walls...
  3. La Femme Mystere is an UNscented Pheromone Blend.
  4. Hi PinkNika, No you didn't say too much, in fact writing this out shows us that you are a good communicator, so perhaps that part is not an issue with your ability to connect with people. First, you really can't judge a phero potion based on one sole try. There's too many variables. You've got to try it at least a few times under different conditions to see if it works for you or not. Second, congruence is everything. You have to support the phero blend and/or potion with your actions...one can't expect the phero or perfume to do all the work for you. For example, if one wears a sexual come-hither combo, but hides in the corner all night, it's not going to work. But what jumps out at me, is that you said "People look at me and kinda roll their eyes". Why do you think that is? And you said LOOK - so is it possible that you could benefit from having your look updated or refined, like a makeover of cosmetics or clothes?
  5. Sample pack of LPs includes a nice variety of LP varietals in stock at any given time...nothing is particularly excluded, unless it is sold out. If you are not seeing one in the trial section, it prob means it's sold out in that size. If we have a LOT of bottles but no trials, sometimes John will decant a bottle into trial vials to even everything up.
  6. Danna no longer works here, hasn't in 2 years, but there's PLENTY of her potions still left in stock for her fans. Here's a list, and special offer! Buy 2, get 1 free! Armed and Dangerous Ashes to Dust II Backstage Pass Banishing Moon Bayou Musk Belladonna Brew Black Candy Boddice Ripper Call of the Moon Candle in the Wind Candy Pop 2010 Caught in the Act Creole Man Dark Seduction 3: Lavender Dirty Pretty Thing Eenie Meany Miney Ego Boostier Elementary 2010 Empress of Persica Fayha Feral G-String Gemini Good Witch Groupie Heart of Fire Honey Ho IDK Green Iron Angel Ishtar's Star La Belle Reveuse Liquid Magix Loco en la Luna Lost Highway Mapacho Mercury Retronaught Mielihyva Mistress Christmas Native Soil 2010 Nekomusume Nosfy's Aperitif Offering On the Boardwalk - Santa Carla 2009 Plum Exotique Premeditated Passion Ravished Rowdy Raunchy & Rude Sassy Sibylia Saturday Night Special Shadow Dance Shady Lady Sinister Pink Southern Gothic - 2009 Spectre Potion Temptasia Thief of Hearts Touch of Ebil! Vamp Cafe
  7. LOL! Next weekend is my target, just so ya know. I am doing this in a "partnership" format, hint, so it's all a little slower than normal. Sorry for the wait! @ Lynne, that was really funny.
  8. LOL! Clementine emergency solved....I have heard your voices and gotten over 100 out of stock notices, so....wait and see the New Releases, due out next weekend.
  9. Don't know why the cart does that sometimes. Could be a browser compatibility issue? Are you using some kind of "smart phone" or anything like that? I've heard of glitches with drop down menus and such if one doesn't use a "real" computer with our very old cart system....seriously, they haven't updated it since like 1999. TH or B2 may be the way to go with Dad. Sweetie....I wish you luck with this one. I had to move 3,000 miles away to get along with my folks....was thinking what an amazing relationship you must have with them to be moving into such close quarters! Yes, I can phero enhance the Simmer Oils too. I should reprogram the cart so that's an available option, sorry, as for the moment, we'll have to do it via "special order" meaning, I'd have to send you an invoice for it, once you decide what you want. Making you some special Simmer Oils with the strong candle oil would probably be best, and the dose of pheros does not have to be as high because the heat amplifies the power of the pheros like crazy. Could prob put half a dose into the one ounce Simmer Oil bottles, and that would be really strong. Feel free to post here, email or call to discuss further...whatever makes you comfortable.
  10. I do not recall one either. The only product thread I can remember (before your time) was the crazy one called Vulva or something like that...it wasn't a perfume for women tho.
  11. Thanks Skye - yay! She likes it! Updated the list. Still finishing new releases, waiting a few more days before I brew these again.
  12. Wellll, when stuff flies out the door that quickly, and ingredients are still at hand....sometimes a rebrew is on the horizon. BUT, I must get through the MASSIVE 20 potion release for this month, due out in just a few days, before I can fit one more thing in my little brain!!!
  13. Welcome, Moon Bloom! Thank you for joining us! I think you will enjoy the company here - several of whom can identify with your situation....not to mention your soon to be LP addiction...bwahahaha... Do let us know when your package arrives and how the potions work for you. Until then, feel free to chat and get to know everyone. This is a wonderful friendly supportive bunch and I think you'll fit right in!
  14. For me, it's watching them eat and drink. It just makes me laugh...they're so dratted CUTE!
  15. Since the cupcakes have taken over my brains!!!!!!!!!
  16. AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting!!!
  17. Tyvey, to ME, what I smell as a residue after dry down is kind of like a soft chemical smell - almost like when you get your clothes from the dry cleaner. It's light, but because I know what they smell like, I can detect it. I have a close friend/customer that often wears them without scent, and I always smell that vague 'dry cleaner-ish" type of smell and wish he would add just a tiny spritz of something light to cover it. He hasn't had any adverse reactions or anything, it might just be me being ultra aware. In the bottles, wet, most pheros smell like musky floral to me, but that late dry down has the dry cleaner smell. Maybe it's just me!!!
  18. I think Darling Clementine and Compromising Potions are both sold out, but I always try to keep a "type" of scent in the catalog at all times. So if you like one but can't get it, there should be at least another in the catalog or on the horizon to fill that gap. (Sorry to disappoint!)
  19. Hi QG, Thanks for the great review! The ratios are completely different. In this blend, the DHEAS is far more to the fore. Everything is balanced differently, but I suspect that the biggest noticeable difference between the two other than the copulins, will be the impact of the DHEAS on "top".
  20. Thank you, Elizabeth! SQUISH!!! Here's a note from RomanceofYesteryear.com upon receiving the package: The oils are absolutely gorgeous. More than I could have hoped for, you did a fantastic job. They capture the look and scents that I wanted but could not have come up with on my own. You are a true artist! We're already shipping so the gals should have them soon, maybe today or tomorrow, so get ready for them to gush!!! The Baltimore Sun thing will be April so I am excited about that. Thanks so much again for such an incredible collection!!!
  21. Picture of Tanuki, please??? Tank yew! I'm glad it came out to your liking!
  22. Awww. great story Teallaid! Thank you! Y'know, we do have a line of what we call "office friendly" blends. I'm putting another out this month, I'm not sure what we have in stock at the moment, they tend to sell out quickly - esp the phero enhanced ones...but the point of them is, they are on the lighter side and of a type that could pass as residue from your morning shower.... "Are you wearing perfume?" "Um, no, that's just the scent of my soap or shampoo!" :innocent face: You really don't want to wear UNscented pheros by themselves. They require at least a light spritz of fragrance or they can be detected quite easily by others...at least by me they can. I keep spelling your name wrong...do you mind telling us what it means? It may help me remember how to spell it! LOL!
  23. Don't be afraid to call them and investigate. The longer you wait, the less chance of finding a lost package. If you call them, they also may have additional info that is not posted on their website - such as - a notice was left or a signature is required, etc. Just have your tracking number on hand when you call them. Their phone # is posted at USPS.com. You can also schedule a redelivery if you were not home the last time they tried.
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