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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Hi AC, I may not be the best person to answer this - perhaps we'll get lucky and Dr. Rosebud will chime in. My personal instinct is to say that Open Windows may not be the best one to try, because it's rather high in Alpha-Nol. Not everyone, but some people have reported feeling wonderfully uplifted using big doses of Alpha-Nol, followed by feeling emotionally exhausted. I would assume, that something like Tranquility Potion or Teddy BB would be good for helping ease your anxiety level...they are soothing and relaxing, comforting, but I don't know if they would have any effect on aiding actual chemical depression. We have a few people here who have experience with chronic depression and maybe they would be willing to share their personal experiences. Anyone else have opinions they would like to share on the subject?
  2. Hi JJL, do you mean to grab the phero trial spray? Use the gift cert option here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html It's the second option down. You'll need to put in a qty of 3, because the items costs $15 and the GCs are in $5 increments. Then in the area where you can write, please write in that the money is designated for your Trial Spray of Open Windows. Does that help? Call me if you need to - our phone is back on today, yay! 818-508-6525
  3. Ahhh, I put a fair bit o bacon in there! I suppose I can always send you a tiny vial of my bacon-ish combo to help amp it, if it doesn't morph enough in that direction after a few more weeks. Glad you are enjoying it thus far, anyway!
  4. Both are considered dangerous and no longer used by reputable phero houses. I have them on my Wiki list purely for the purpose of issuing warnings, rather than encouraging their use. I just haven't gotten that far yet in writing everything out. Thank you for the link, quietguy!
  5. I thought this one was the most diabolically cute kitteh ever. C'mon, it's doing it on purpose!!! And here's a cute lil puppy too: Luckily for you, these are looong sold out. Just glad you are enjoying the labels!!!
  6. Phero Girl is back in the cart in trial size. We generally put 1,000 in the cart of items that are always available. It just happened to wind down to zero last week. Sorry about that! We put it back in.
  7. The sprays are a "special order" kind of thing. We can turn anything into a spray, but it adds $15.00 to the price. (I think I made an exception for the unscented pheros.) Here's a FAQ about the choices and differences: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/FAQ1 We have the levels adjusted so that the efficacy of 1x in oil form is equal to 1x in spray form. It's just a matter of which method you personally prefer. As far as 1x vs 3x? Please remember that with pheromones, more does NOT mean better. Most people get the best results using a modest amount of pheros. I suggest you try things in 1x first. If you find that you are getting better results using MORE than say 6 sprays of it, then you can up to 2x or 3x, but generally, 1x is a good level. You just need to experiment yourself with how much you wear to find your "sweet spot". Anything with copulins, especially heavy copulins - it's the general consensus around here - oil is the preferred method. The "social" blends without copulins are popular in spray form, aka Popularity Potion, Lace, Super Sexy.
  8. BETA-ANDROSTENOL ~ May be worn by both women and men, and is known for creating rapport, a sense of intimacy and emotional bonding between people, as well as instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person for a long time - even if you have only just met. Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people, including the wearer. A little of this pheromone goes a long way - one needs to use a smaller amount of beta-nol to produce a larger effect than other molecules of greater concentration. Beta-Androstenol may be used alone, but is most often used in conjunction with other pheromones in order to take advantage of its' bonding, intimacy promoting qualities.
  9. If you can see it, you're allowed to read it. Non-members cannot even see them - they are invisible.
  10. Our email address is CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com When you order, there is a place to enter your screen name if you are redeeming forum freebies. The ordering process provides us with your real name and email address. You do not need to send an email along with an order unless you have to for some reason. NO, don't put any personal information on your profile! That's public. Just make sure WE know who you are when you communicate with us. You would not believe how many emails we get from people that are unsigned, no name of any kind, from unfamiliar email addresses. It just makes it a lot easier to communicate if we know who we are talking to. Enjoy your weekend!
  11. Hi Eggers, It's fine to have more than one email address, we just have to know who a person is in real life in order to satisfy trading requirements or redeem forum freebies and credits. We just need to be able to link the real person to the screen name to the email address(es). No worries, you don't need to change anything, just make sure when you are communicating with us over email or phone that you use both your real name and your forum name so we know to whom we are speaking. But if you would like for us to change your official forum email address to your hotmail account, we can do that for you, no problem. K? It's safer for you not to put your email address on your profile page.
  12. D'oh!!! John just found another stash of the phero trial sprays that had gotten scooted off to the side, so I just added them to a NEW list, located here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6533
  13. These are what is left over from our Pick Your Potion - Phero Trial Sprays Promotion...we made lots in advance and have a few left over. Same price as before, $15 each, or $10 each if you buy 10 or more at one time. If anyone wants, just post here then buy via the Gift Cert option in the cart. Thank you! 1 BAM for Women - Princess Fiona 1 Charisma for Men 6 Mother's Little Helper for Women - 1 for Ravenwing, 2 Open Windows (unisex) - 1 for JJL, 1 for Princess Fiona 1 Swimming with Sharks (unisex) 2 Tranquility Potion (unisex) - 1 for Alien Changling 8 Heart Throb for Men
  14. I just checked out the listings for SoE on Amazon. I didn't see the concentration listed, but I did see that the ingredients are the same as our Like a Magnet blend, just FYI. Of course we do not know the levels he uses, but Copulins and Alpha-Nol are a great combination in any case. (Suggested originally by Dolly, of course!) And luckily, they are both also less expensive pheros compared to others, so we charge less for that combo than we do for our other mixes. (The Magnets (aka LAM) go for $29.95 per bottle.) Monchii ~ I'm not a Wiccan, but rather a Pagan. I am interested in the whole history of religions and lore from around the world and throughout time. Anything outside of the Judeo/Christian/Moslem pantheon is considered Pagan. And I am quite happy to be considered a Witch, which I find a compliment, just not specifically Wiccan.
  15. Welcome, Eggers! One of the most interesting things about copulin studies has been that they only seem to work on men, raising their testosterone levels, when their is a target female present. As such, I think it's yet another tick in the column of wearing them on your body in oil form, never as a spray. Despite the stinky factor of copulins dispursed in the air - they may be attributed to anyone, while if you wear the product on your skin and it's emanating due to your own body heat, the source is clear. YOU are the target female that is raising the man's testosterone level. (Oh, and I would suggest going for the already-scented copulin mixes too.) DHEAS is considered somewhat of a youth syrum because it produced by men and women only up to around the age of 24 and then production drops dramatically. I would definitely suggest trying it in a mix like our Perfect Match blend, rather than alone. This might be an excellent one to wear, for example, when out for the day together, having a good time. It can help renew the feelings of that first blush of love between a couple. It's not so much a sexual mix as a happy lovey dovey mix. DHEAS, Copulins and several other pheros are produced in higher qty by people during their young, healthy most fertile years, and that is what we are biologically wired to be most attracted to...for reproduction. So many phero blends, like Cougar, are designed to mimic that exact state - the chemical signals produced by healthy, young, virile and fertile people. Thanks for joining us, looking forward to hearing about what you experiment with!
  16. Not at all, honey! It was waiting here just for you!
  17. When I was done brewing it, I was surprised that it reminded me most of Vampire Bait, which is one of my personal all-time faves...but I didn't expect to arrive there with the notes I combined.
  18. Ok, I thought of maybe an easier way to explain. Pheromones start out as crystals, just like sugar. A: I can take one spoonful of sugar and add it to 1 ounce of hot water in a glass to liquify it. B: I can take that same spoonful of sugar and add it to 8 ounces of hot water to liquify it. It's the same amount of sugar in each glass, total, right? But the sugar in the first glass is way more concentrated. Therefore, 5mls of what came out of glass B contains less sugar than 1ml that came out of glass A.
  19. Welcome, Monchhi!!! That is confusing, isn't it? It does not mean the same thing at all, because every company has a different standard of pheromone content. We chose our 1x baseline to be 1,000 mcg of pheromones per 1ml, which is very concentrated, specifically so we could add it to perfumes and not take up the whole bottle with simple dilutant, so we are jamming a lot of pheromones into a tiny amount of liquid. Another company may only have 25 mcg of pheromones per 1ml. So you have to ask - if they are saying there's 5mls of pheromones...ok, but what is the concentration? How many mcgs does that really equal? Don't try to make a comparison in the way you are currently trying. It won't work. It's not 10% pheros per bottle - forget that idea. It's 1,000 mcg per bottle. Compare it to how many mcg per bottle of the other product. That's how you will know what you are actually getting. I am not familiar with SoE, however, I AM familiar with the pheromone supplier for that product, which we also share. Stone Labs - THE pioneer of the industry, fabulous company. When we have them make phero blends for us, I have to specifically ask for the concentration of 1,000 mcg per 1ml. I have had disccussions with them about their preferred baselines for different pheromones differing from 333 mcg per 1ml, to 666 mcg per 1 ml.,,,which they figure on the very scientific basis that each pheromone has a different style of "kick". Some require more to do the job, some less. But I wanted to keep our products at a constant consistancy, no matter which supplier made them for us. So, I ask for the same concentration across the board. It makes it easier for customers to understand. It makes my job a little harder when I am blending the phero ingredients myself, because I've had to learn like the scientists, when making a blend, how much of each ingredient to use to balance a blend properly, (same thing in perfume making, so that's ok!), but when you know that each ingredient has exactly the same concentration as a baseline, it's far more logical a starting place. Did I make that harder or easier to understand?
  20. I think I used pimento leaf EO actually. and if I recall correctly, it smells closer to cinnamon than black pepper.
  21. I was going to say no, but I just looked at the recipe and apparently I did! Just 1ml of some pink sugar...and it was the last thing I added, so I think I felt it needed it to feel like "birthday cake". Thanks, LadyV, I'm so happy that Suzy is enjoying your thoughtful gift!
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