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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LP RED was the first blend I made, and I toned it down to make what is now known as LP Original (the first blend I sold). I was harrassed for years by faithful users to release my first recipe, which I thought was a little too scary - because I had some scary experiences with it, being followed down the street and some very forward innapropriate behavior from strangers. I released it finally as LP RED (along with the long disclaimer!)
  2. If you have the ability to lubricate, you are creating "copulins" in the strictest sense. But there is clearly a chemical content to those naturally produced copulins that changes depending upon our hormones or level of fertility. And yes, for thousands of years, women have shared the secret of dabbing a little of their own vaginal secretions on their cleavage or behind their ears to amplify their sexual allure.
  3. Copulins - from the word "copulate" - is the fluid produced when you are aroused and ready to have sex. The scent and chemical signal give off a message to the male that you are receptive and ready to have sex. The formula for lab created copulins was developed by using healthy fertile young women as a model. Copulins are not necessarily a "thing" like many people seem to think. If your body has the ability to lubricate itself in preparation for having sex, you are creating "copulins". It doesn't matter how old you are or if you are on birth control pills or not. It's just, as a matter of comparison to the lab crafted version - they were formulated using fertile young women not on birth control pills, and concentrated, multiplied a bazillion times, to make the smell stronger.
  4. I can't believe you can actually smell ants! I have never even thought of such a thing! Nor have I put my nose near one I've squished. You must have an amazing nose.
  5. Dogs and cats love copulins, just warning ya!
  6. Ducking the flying objects.... We took it out of the cart because we are waiting for a new supply, and that can take a while. I still have a good supply at the moment, but it's low enough to make me nervous and I do not want to be short of it to use in our own blends and special orders, so I have temporarily removed it from the cart to be sold unscented to others. I'm sorry to disappoint!
  7. Welcome, MarkAM! As to your Qs, I am just going to say to Luna's response.
  8. JONES! THIS is exactly what synthetic copulins were originally produced for! They were originally crafted as an attempt to replace steroid use for body builders - a safer and more natural alternative. Intended to be applied under the nose just as you imagine. But it didn't work. They found that without a "target female" involved, that men's testosterone levels did not rise as they hoped they would. The idea to use copulins as a perfume additive was a second thought. 'What do we do with all this stinky stuff now?' It really was an epiphany to save a failed experiment, and turned into a success in the end. You are quite perceptive in your reasoning and instincts. Let us know if you try this combo and how it works for you! ETA: Wait, UNscented cops? The efficacy of these is considered somewhat of a myth. But I am definitely interested to hear if your experiences prove otherwise.
  9. Well, just like with music...you've only got so many notes to work with, but they can be re-arranged to form a multitude of different melodies. In balancing the two blends differently, you really do get quite a different end effect. What we were going for with Heart Throb actually was closer to the appeal of the 'one night stand' blends, but hopefully with a bit more sophistication. Besides the 'bad boy' aspect of copulins, there's a LOT more DHEAS in this blend, which adds an "excitement" aspect. It is a lively, stimulating energizer, and lends the "butterfly in the tummy" feeling. It's also a little more rone/none heavy than SS4M and has an extra splash of Alpha-Nol. They are both awesome blends, but Heart Throb I guess is geared a little more towards emulating youthful enthusiasm and excitement. LOL, the label is a decent indicator of the kind of appeal we were going for.
  10. Potion Master


    It's amazing, isn't it? LP9 smells like bug repellent on me, and so many people love it. I had one customer buy 20 bottles at one time. And we have another customer that buys 5 pounds of LP9 bath salts at a pop. Never ceases to amaze me.
  11. This is a fascinating topic. Thanks to the medical field ladies that have shared their info! Should I move this discussion to it's own thread so we don't completely threadjack Fiona? I originally posted here because I think the issues are related. When we're dealing with men with low testosterone, we can drive ourselves crazy trying to pherobomb them and get a reaction, but maybe there's another part of the equation - in the form of testosterone treatment - that can "help the cause".
  12. I've been trying my best to offer blends that are more subtle and situational than the basic male "one night stand" blends that the industry was birthed on. I think you're right, Jones. Most of the commercial industry is geared in this fashion, because the bulk of the profit is to be had with this purpose and marketing strategy in mind. It's only those who become more sophisticated and interested in the other possibilities that pheromones can offer, that seek and learn and are interested in trying more than the basic rone/none blends. You're just a more evolved being, so you question and seek. Bravo.
  13. I visited my doc yesterday, and we chatted for like half an hour after my appt, and she was talking about how wonderfully well modern testosterone treatments work for men over 45. She said that they are now available in the form of gels to apply to the skin, and patches, while the old way was injections. She said she's been prescribing for her male patients and she sees a phenominal improvement in them at 3 months, and by 6 months, like they've practically, not entirely, but nearly regained their lost youth. She says they lose weight, their posture improves, it relieves depression, and of course amps the sex drive back up. She seemed to be most interested in the way it seems to relieve depression and bring back the men's interest in life. I don't think the testosterone treatments are as 'heart dangerous' as viagra. If anyone can get their male-menopausal husbands to try this out, please report. I'm very interested in hearing more about this type of treatment. And Dr Rosebud, please feel free to chime in if you've any wisdom from your medical knowledge too.
  14. This one reminds me a little bit of one of my personal faves.... Body Paint, surprised no one else has thought so. Amethyst is my birthstone....like Tyvey, this one "vibrates" with me too. And there's really only the tiniest drop of muscadine in here. I added it more for the inclusion of the vibrational wavelength than the scent. Feeling purple:
  15. Thanks, Quiet Guy. We excell at thread jacking over here...we take pride in our abilities to steer threads entirely off their original course. It's a requirement of being part of the "in crowd" here.
  16. Thanks, Quiet Guy...I barged into the boys room and made completely thread jacking comments. LOL! I never ventured out of the little box they've provided for me before...I hope I didn't aggravate anyone. Skye, will send you a nice clean bottle of LP Black in your next box...since you heart it!
  17. Yeah, back from the days when I was still buying pheromones from AD - before I made better, more honest contacts. But again, I have no idea the level at which it is considered dangerous. For example, the FDA has removed saccharine from it's list of cancer-causing items because the sheer volume that was used in the rodent testing was so unreasonably huge, that no human would ever injest that much. If it makes you feel better to toss it, do so, and I will give you a store credit for something else.
  18. No worries, Quiet Guy. Mark and I are friends and our boards are on good terms with each other. Several members here belong to both communities. I wouldn't mind taking a look at the article/discussion. Do you want to post a link? The last research that I read about MeoEst said that it was such a strong carcinogen, that anywhere it touched human skin they could see cellular abnormality...cancerous skin cells. Now, I do not know the strength that was used for that testing, it might be astronomically high - way higher than the concentration used in any commercial phero product. From what I understand, it is naturally produced in horses, but in humans, it is only 'naturally' present in breast cancer cells. I know that AD is/was? using it as a low cost substitute for Estratetraenol, which costs a mint, claiming that it gave similar results. And then P7 followed their lead, but then stopped using it if I understand correctly. Estratetraenol is the most expensive molecule out there and there's companies who do not want to spend the money for high quality/high cost ingredients.
  19. Hi Sweetie, It just says "pending" on our side. It usually clears in a few days, so it will probably be fine. Yesterday was a bank holiday in the US, Sunday too, so everything will probably just catch up at the same time and be ok. I will send you an email if we are told there is a problem, but so far, so good! Thanks for the heads up! xoxox
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