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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. No no, it's IS okay like that. It's okay to put in an oil warmer or potpourri warmer. What you DON'T want to do is use pheromones to make candles with a wick, because when pheros touch flame they produce a toxic gas. Some companies offer pheromone candles - TOXIC! Some people have poured pheros into the pool of wax around the wick of a burning candle - TOXIC! Oil warmers, potpourri cookers, wax melts - are all OK!
  2. Thanks, Invi! Box has been shipped. Hope you enjoy all your goodies! AC, let me know when you decide. xoxoxo M
  3. I think yes. 9 parts CFM to 1 part Cougar (or less) would get you pretty close.
  4. Noooo, really? It's closer to LP White or Karmiel's Silken Moonlight to me...but with a tiny dot of citrus. It's NOTHING like LP9!
  5. Invi - yup, you got one. I think I have a box going out for you today so I am putting it in there now. Who's claimed the second bottle? Umm, yes, please use the GC thingy to pay. Thanks!
  6. bwahahaha! That reminds me, I need to make a dentist appt.
  7. Gah, I thought you were right, but I just looked it up. It was actually Passion in Pink! Funny enuf, the caramel in TMI is my staple caramel that I use most often. It's been in tons of stuff!
  8. Different caramel. Tyvey asked specifically for a salted type of caramel for this one...I believe I have only ever used it in one other blend and I can't remember which one it was! D'oh! But it wasn't TMI.
  9. If you don't mind me chiming in....just my opinion...your mileage may vary... I tested this in combo with Vicars & Tarts the other day, which is one of my staple scents lately, and I found it not to be exactly congruent. The scent was too cute for the sophistication of the phero blend. My favorite comfy any time phero blend is LACE, and V&T works great with that because LACE is cutesy too. If LACE is Marilyn Monroe, then La Femme Mystere is Sophia Loren. I find the phero blend to have an approachable voluptuous sophistication. I'm going to try this with Sensual Harmony next, because while it is also a cuddly scent, it's a more womanly scent rather than a girly scent. Know what I mean? For me, the phero blend wants to be paired with a womanly scent rather than a pure foody. It wants a touch of floral, IMO..like almost everything from the January set, which mixes the edible florals with the foody notes. ATO Pearls, ATO Gold...any of those. Interested to hear everyone else's opinions and results!
  10. I was thinking this might be a good one to blend with La Femme Mystere phero blend. It has the right level of sophistication, but also cozy approachability.
  11. There's two bottles available, only. I THINK they were claimed by Invi and Halo on the review thread, but I could be wrong. Ladies, would you like to confirm or leave available for the next person who asked? Thanks!
  12. Yes, if you stop wearing it for a few months, you will start to detect it again, but it can quickly become invisible again if you start to wear it often once more. Scent memory is one of the strongest senses we have - next to that of sound. Even stronger than eyesight. But anyway, yes, you can bring back your awareness of it if you use it a lot less.
  13. Sometimes, when someone is used to smelling a note all the time, they discount it when they smell it in a perfume. Scented Cougar is FULL of grapefruit - it's the overwhelming first impression of it, but if you are used to using grapefruit essential oil often, it would make sense that your mind relegates it to the background. Same issue with one of the other gals here that wears vanilla in everything...keeps asking me to add more vanilla but can't seem to smell it. We get desensitized to smells that are part of our everyday surroundings. Great report, Eggers, thank you!
  14. And here's the secret PE!!! Lady Victoria's Midnight Snack
  15. Hi Eggers, We should still have sampler sets through the middle of the month. Only the 10 fragrances are included in the monthly sampler sets. It's $50 worth of perfume discounted to $30 including shipping on the month they are released. The unscented phero trials we sold in November during phero month were $15 for each one.
  16. I told Invi that I actually wanted to do her idea as a monthly, but a couple of the key ingredients were in such short supply, I only had enough to do a tiny amount. But it was a lovely idea, smells awesome, and I wish I could have made more!
  17. Yet to be revealed! It is a surprise gift from one forumite to another, and until the recipient receives it, it's a secret. Shhhhh.... Heh. It's realllly good, and there's only 2 spare bottles.
  18. Use your nose as a gauge. Blatant Invitation has a "medium" load of cops - not as light as say, Cougar, and not as heavy as an OCCO. Yes, the alcohol spray form of a 1x will likely dry down quicker on the skin...you're also getting some up in the air from the spray, so maybe if you move into another room from the one you sprayed in, you'll get the most accurate sniff.
  19. Very valuable, Rosebud. Thank you so much, that was very helpful.
  20. AC, I made my earlier post partly because I was wondering about male heart patients too. Rosebud: Hypothetical situation - if a guy is a heart patient and it's not safe for him to take Viagra for example, can he still take testosterone treatments? Or is testosterone equally as dangerous in that case? I hope you don't mind the imposition on your time and expertise. Thank you in advance for your reply, and please let me know if you do not feel comfortable with me asking you these questions and I will respectfully cease. xoxox
  21. My old buddy Kevin McCarthy would always order a Martini with a packet of oyster crackers on the side, which I thought was hysterical because the bartenders always had to check..."Excuse me, did you say Oyster Crackers?!" Anyway, I tried a taste of one once and it was SOOO STRONG I couldn't swallow it. Yowza!
  22. If I use a trial vial every day, it will last me a week or more. But some people say that if they "slather", then they will get through a vial in three days. Some scents are a lot more potent than others, so that has something to do with it too. LP RED and Sexology are both rather strong scents, so I would say that if it were me, I'd probably get around 8 applications from each vial. Ditch the dipper stick and use your finger to draw a stripe on yourself. If you just trail a fraction of a drop from the dipper stick, it's NOT enough. Some people test that way and then say the scent didn't last, but that's not the way to sample the fragrance properly...you need to use more than a fraction of a drop.
  23. Yup! Thank you! Moonholly, you'll have to make your own PE anyway, as that one sold out already!
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