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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ummm, I might have trimmed the stuff about the capt.
  2. I haven't gotten the cart uploaded yet, but yes, the monthly sampler pack will be the usual price.
  3. Oh yeah, the labels on these are very small, so you can see the beauty of the shimmering potions in the bottles. All of the bottles in the picture had labels on them, I just turned them towards the back - that's how narrow they are.
  4. The front page and perfumerie section are now up, with full descriptions, (thus the abbreviated one here.) I will have the shopping cart programmed this evening. We have three PEs but they will not be ready to post today. Awaiting a confirmation on one of them, and artwork for another, so I will wait and post all three PEs in a few days. Thanks everyone! xoxoxoxo
  5. Happy New Year! A trove of riches from the depths of the sea await you with our January collection A Treasure Of… Each scent – with the exception of Mermaids of Atlantis, which contains a pearl - in this month’s collection has been enhanced with cosmetic-grade shimmering mica to match the color of the gem or metal the fragrance is based on. Our special offering includes a Limited Edition sample set (while supplies last): a wooden treasure chest filled with sparkling perfume trial vials, rhinestones, gems and pirate coins, wrapped in a pirate-themed scarf and secured in a separate box for shipping.
  6. Computer is still not completely fixed. Mr Dell says he's never spent so much time on the phone with ANYONE in his entire life. Currently running some scans on both computers. Hoping we will be back up and functioning normally by tomorrow. Thanks for the stalking and the patience! Love you all!!!!! Yes, Xev, January is usually a themed set...and so is this. GET THE SAMPLER SET EVERYONE! The first 50 sets sold will come in some very cute/silly packaging.
  7. Haleluyah! I JUST got the FTP upload software back, so the updates can begin shortly. :heavy sigh of relief:
  8. Woozy Floozy is just straight Alpha-Nol, so you'd be adding more of something already in there - a mood elevating boost perhaps, and you will end up with less of the other ingredients in the process. Nothing wrong with the idea, it would just be like Sexpionage-Light.
  9. Welcome, GingerPanther! There are also "tags" at the bottom of each page in the perfumerie. If you find something that you like and want to find others that have shared qualities, try clicking the tags at the bottom of the page for a list of perfumes that are listed similarly. Going for the trial vials and sample packs is a great way to try scents without investing in a full bottle. We also have a pretty active trading post here on the message boards, so if you are not fond of something you purchased, you can always swap with other members. The trial vial page is here, btw: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html
  10. OMG, that's really serious. Rita's hubby went thru the same thing. Please send him best wishes from me too. Sending healing vibes his way.
  11. Hi Lizzie-M, Welcome! The point of Cougar Potion is to mimic the chemical signals put out by young fertile women, which decline as women age. So it really wouldn't do anything for you...you've already got those youthful pheromones in abundance! When we hit around the age of 24, our growth pheros and hormones start to taper off, so that's a good age to start experimenting with them, but if you want to try something that generally puts people in a good mood around you and acts like a popularity magnet, you might try straight Alpha-Androstenol or one of the blends that has Alpha-Nol as the first ingredient. Maybe...Open Windows or Lace? But keep in mind this golden rule when experimenting with them: More is NOT better when it comes to pheromones. Wearing a little bit gets better results than wearing too much. Good luck!
  12. I am bumping this topic because it is clear than some relative newbies have not read it. Please do, and please be respectful of our simple rules. Again, I must stress that it is not acceptable to use this forum and good will of this community to try to market things to people. I am happy to discuss mutual promotion between our website and yours, if the theme is appropriate and there is mutual benefit to both parties. Artisans who are good customers here are always welcome to share their creativity and sites to purchase their work. I encourage it, when placed in the proper threads. But for those who are not even customers and post only for self promotion, it's obvious, and my patience for it wears thin very quickly. Those posts will be removed. And if they continue, the member will lose their posting privileges. You are an invited guest at a private party. Please act accordingly. Thank you.
  13. Welcome, Jones! Love the pic of you and your honey!
  14. We did an xmas shopping party yesterday. Just a small local one, no time to invite anyone. We brought mostly jewelry and only 10 perfumes (all holiday scents). A little 5 year old boy was most intrigued and wanted to try everything. He chose this one as his favorite (and smudged himself all over his arms). Why? "Because it smells like Daddy!"
  15. I saved some of this aside phero-less. I don't think it's listed, but just so you know, I have it both ways.
  16. Wondering if I should discontinue this blend. Seems like most people prefer Teddy BB or B2 for this purpose, plus the others are more multi-purpose. Opinions?
  17. Invidiana, just checked on yours and it says that they left you a slip on Dec 5th. It's there and waiting for you to pick it up! You can call them for a redelivery too. Liz, I'm getting the same message as you are - I would call them and ask them to trace it. Give them your confirmation #.
  18. Damn, and we're shipping every day trying to get people's stuff out as fast as we can to reach by the holidays. If it's not a PE, we're getting stuff out same day!
  19. Hi Mel, hmmm, I did get one email re this question about a week ago, which I answered, but I do not think I rec'd any email from you. Did you use this address? CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Anyway, I think we still have everything in stock from that set...I do not think we have quite sold out of anything yet tho it is getting close. So yes, it's ok for you to ask for a November set, just MAKE SURE WE KNOW that's what you want by sending a separate email or adding this to your customer notes or something.
  20. Right - the phero enhanced perfumes we sell (for $29.95) have 333 mcg of pheromones per bottle, and the unscented 1x bottles have 1,000 mcg per bottle. But when you specially order a dose of pheros added to a bottle of perfume, you are getting 1,000 mcg just like the unscented ones, but the perfume is used as the dilutant rather than an unscented oil/alcohol/silicone.
  21. I think she means "on it's own" as in, not mixed with any other phero blends, yes? You'll still want to wear a fragrance along with it, JJL. In my experience, when I wear an oil blend on my torso - roll on from belly button to cleavage - it still emanates right through a sweater when my body heats up. Your body temp rises immediately when you are around someone you are newly interested in, and you make a cloud of scent and pheros. I have seen solid reactions from people passing within 3 feet of me, often stopping abruptly and coming closer to me because I've lured them closer. heh.
  22. Sometimes they just don't get scanned along the way. Their only responsibility is to scan upon DELIVERY, anything else is a bonus. Doesn't mean it's lost! Bet you get it today!
  23. Xev, remind me of this when next you put in an order. I will throw in some Zzzzap! spray for a giftie. I don't have that up for sale anymore but still have a few ounces on the shelf and you might really like it. I found that I was my own biggest customer for it so I stopped selling it, but if one likes to feel refreshed and minty, it rocks. It's a "splash" concentrate in a spray, not a perfume.
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