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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Hi Ravenwing! Do you mean the last time you redeemed anything? That was at 1,400 posts, so right now you have $10 worth of posting credits waiting for spending!
  2. Yay, you're here! xoxoxox Warmest welcome, Magnanimity!
  3. Thank you for the thank yous, everyone! And I extend my personal thank you to our own John John~Le Wizard, who is the house elf/owl wrangler, and gets your packages to you so fast.
  4. Yay! A "classic" LP story, (even without pheromones)! Thanks, Paganlady!
  5. The only times I feel icky re pheros, is when I've had a combo of too little sleep and too much caffeine, and I'm blending the stuff FULL STRENGTH into the bottles. And by full strength, I mean with NO dilution, a ton stronger than you guys will ever be exposed to. Then it can make me feel shaky, like in an overstimulated caffeinated way. I've never felt sleepy from them. The alpha-male pheros can make one irritable in strong doses tho.
  6. I'd say, 4 sprays at 2x would last at least 4 hours. More if the medium is oil.
  7. There is ONE bottle of the original Unisexy currently being auctioned off here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6085 Auction ends tonight at midnight!
  8. Compare it to Moon of the Falling Leaves, please Mel? How do they compare? Does it seem like you got two of the same? Otherwise, it could just be personal perception. We're realllly careful but mixups can indeed sometimes happen.
  9. Not much at all really. Remember, Leather is Dominance cut by 50% with Estratetraenol. So it's actually quite feminine, with a touch of "persuasiveness" added in.
  10. LP Black is definitely more a night time or colder weather scent. It's thoroughly incongruous with sweltering summer days - way too heavy for that. This is true for resin heavy blends in general, AlienC. I added a "sort by" (Type of Scent) category in the perfumerie section...tho I have yet to populate it thoroughly because I haven't had the time. In there, is now categories such as Office Friendly, Nighttime Scent, Springy, Summery, Autumnal, Wintery. This is to help those choosing by appropriate atmospheres in which to wear a particular scent.
  11. And the accompaniment to said choco porn, ala Shelly B..... Delicate petals of chocolate, cleaving to your will...melting at your very touch and upon your quivering tongue...
  12. LOL! I wish I could squish some through the phone line to you. John insists on keeping chocolate around here...not good. I iz weak.
  13. He does NOT forget! He eats it on the plane on the way home!!! Can't you get them at Trader Joe's?
  14. It's creamy too, but also powdery. I made it after the English ones actually, you know that kind you crack? CLICK FOR BIG PICTURE
  15. Personal opinion: You'd just be diluting the Leather. You'd be pushing the dominant edge further into the background. Which is fine if that is the effect you're after. The actual pheros wouldn't bind or clash...you'd be *feminizing* the blend further.
  16. Not at all. Dream Lover is delicious chocolate orange and a little *dustier*...it has a powdered cocoa element to it.
  17. Phase 2 of the sale is up! Same address as before.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...;showtopic=5928
  18. Your package said "out for delivery" yesterday. You should have gotten it yesterday or today.
  19. Can you still see it? I thought I made it invisible this morning. Nope. The 30 for 50 - freebies with purchase sale is over. However, I'm programming a "last chance clearance blowout" kind of thing, as is sometimes the custom around here. I will have it up in a day or two.
  20. K, here's the story: Fred & George Weasley - the trickster twins in Harry Potter who eventually opened their own joke shop, concocted their novelty, Canary Creams...they fed one to Neville Longbottom, who swallowed and abruptly turned into a canary. It only lasted a few moments and then he turned back into himself amongst gales of laughter. I used the K spelling because the base is supposed to be a recreation of (OMG YUM!) Krispy Kreme filling....and also because my best bud and singer Leslie from Precious Metal...her band after was called Kanary, which I named, after her last name Knauer, (pronounced Kanower). Just being silly. I amuse myself.
  21. It's not really *green* at all. It's aquatic, woody, and dry leafy - no green-ness, in my opinion.
  22. Just wait, Skye - we have some GORGEOUS pumpkin-based lovelies ready for the Autumn. You didn't miss out...there's lots to come. I've been telling ALL the ladies who want to order pumpkin PEs to wait. It'll be worth it, trust me.
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