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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. YES, Smart Lady! :Lady_walking: Almond DOES come off as cherry many times! Many commercial almond/cherry products are JUST almond! I have searched the world for "pure" almond scents to add to my collection of almond/cherry scents - it's difficult to find almond without the cherry undertone, but both have their appeal. This is one of my faves too. It definitely has a similar vibe to G&L, but has charms all it's own.
  2. It seems like this blend was MADE FOR YOU, Therapy Girl...sounds perfect for your work. Glad you are having such good experiences with it, despite the exhaustion. HUGZ!
  3. Only one way to find out! We do offer Super Sexy for Men too, just FYI. Are you looking to attract women or men?
  4. Up to my elbows in COFFEE this weekend! Made some Coffee Perfumer's Soap (for removing perfume from the skin) and just poured a big batch of the "ZIPPITY DOO DAH" wax melts, amped with Alpha-Androstenol. They are cooling now. Can't wait to try one in my burner tonight. New kind of wax from last time - harder, supposed to be more throw. I'll let you know how it compares to the softer wax we used last time.
  5. BV, to be fair, if you want to get the same kinds of effects as others, you should use the product in the same way as they do. You ordered it added to a perfume oil. We posted that this blend was most effective in an alcohol spray - the ingredients really seem to work best when in the lightest most easily diffused base. I have no idea how much alcohol you added to turn your perfume oil into a spray, but in any case, it's still going to be heavier than a pure alcohol base. It's not going to act the same way.
  6. My Luna kitty does that too, it's hysterical. She's such a neat freak, she leads me through the house and shows me every speck that needs to be picked up or cleaned by doing the burying thing.The other day she had a conniption over a dropped rubber band.
  7. This is all so funny, because I was planning a scent just for kitty affection for next month, with copulins for this reason.
  8. Ok, who's with me....let's bring back the days when you only had a bath once a year, on your birthday!
  9. Yay, Liz! I was hoping this one would make you happy. I often think of you ladies when I am brewing. I thought of Liz while I was making this, hoping she would like it, and missing her not being on the boards much lately. I'm glad you're back, Liz! HUGZ!
  10. I think you did, Bumbob! I have noticed that babies, cats & dogs all love the smell of copulins for some reason. My neighbor's 2 year old girl always wraps herself around the "pretty smelling lady" when I go past, and won't even hug her own grandmother...they say she doesn't like to be touched, but she races into my arms and I don't even know her. My cats are super affectionate if I've been working with copulins, and I was once greeted/stampeded by a pack of snarling pit pulls who slobbered all over me once they got a whiff of me. Maybe some plain and simple "body odors", like copulins, make us come off as "honest" to beings more in touch with their primal natures?
  11. I can point to three of the ingredients which would help create an all-around intensity. It wasn't really designed for focus in the same way as Focus Potion was, but it will create intensity of feeling and emotion and focus between the people present. Sorry if that was vague! If I didn't answer properly, could you please rephrase so I understand the question better? I think that we all react a little differently to pheros, so it's amazing how consistent the reactions were for so many of us.
  12. Such a great review, Lady V! Thank you for the kind words, I am so glad you are enjoying it. Can I move this to the review section? Or are you hiding this in your personal journal so you can hoard and not cause a stampede toward the shopping cart?
  13. Keep in mind, the candle oils and the perfume oils are not the same. The perfume oils DO NOT WORK in the wax, so I will endeavor to make some along the lines of the LP perfumes you like, but doubtful they will be exact, because the ingredient source is totally different. K? What were everyone's favorites from last time?
  14. So you don't have to look it up! Special Delivery Rediscover romance with the luscious scent of chocolate covered cherries! Mouthwatering milk chocolate, maraschino cherries (syrupy sweet, definitely not medicinal), a dash of tangy red currant, and a blend of rich sweet ambers makes you unbelievably delicious smelling! Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: SWEET MILK CHOCOLATE~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. MARASCHINO CHERRIES ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination. CURRANT ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood. SWEET AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. 1/3 fl.oz. Concentrated Perfume Oil ~ 24.95 *Sold Out 1 fl.oz. Perfume Spray ~ 39.95 *Sold Out*
  15. Hello! I have had dozens of requests to re-brew Special Delivery (from the February releases). It sold out in only a few weeks. Well, I now have all the ingredients to brew more, but I have learned from prior experience that people saying they want me to rebrew something doesn't necessarily mean they will buy it, because they become distracted and excited by newer offerings and forget about what they were excited about a few months earlier. So, I'm posting to find out how much interest there really is rebrewing this scent. This thread is for people to pre-order bottles, and I will only make enough to accommodate the people who really want them. Please post if you would like me to make you a bottle, or bottles, and I will send you an invoice. k? Thank you!
  16. I finally got all the materials to make the Wax Melts again! YAY! Planning on making more this weekend. Any suggestions of what you would like me to make? Which pheros in combo with which scents? Our wax supply house recommended a harder wax for our "real" run this time. Further throw, holds more scent, less likely to melt in transit...sounds good to me! I need to warn tho, we totally lost money on the experimental run, both in materials and in postage which I underestimated severely, so the price WILL go up. But I will price everything fairly as I always do, will weigh them and price them once they are complete so I get it right this time. I'm looking forward to not having to hoard the few I have left from the last run. I really really love using these. And, as far as I know, there's no one else on the planet making phero enhanced wax melts in original artisan scents.
  17. Hi Elizabeth, I do have some more, in all three varieties at the moment. And I also have enough butters to make more. The Rocket Fuel and Choco Mango is in the Gift Shoppe under Bath & Body I think. And I have more of the flavored but not in the cart because they didn't come out as I wanted them to, but they still work great, just not properly mixed with the flavors. The scented are $20 ea, the flavored $15 ea, for 4 oz containers. You can order thru the cart if you wish, or give me a call or email. Thanks for asking! xoxoxoxox Mara
  18. Hi Lain, We are getting ready to send your next order, but confused about which freebies you did not receive last time. Trying to fix the error, please advise, thanks. Email us: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  19. I'm not exactly allowed to say, but you can guess, just don't post your guess. But I will say in this case, the source is the Balkan Islands. And it's something, if one is extremely lucky, one may find some of this substance washed up on the shore. It's one of the rarest and most prized perfume ingredients in the world.
  20. And....some may be interested to note....there's an ingredient in Raptor-ish Reverie that hasn't been in my hot little hands since Potion Bastet. We used it all up, put a touch into Catie Scarlet's brew as well...but I think I can still get some more. Breathtakingly expensive, but it's soooo goood, I think I am going to take the plunge and buy a goodly supply before it disappears once more.
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