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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ok, wiping the tears off of my face from laughing so hard...deep breath.... Tyvey, it's a more honey sweetness - and I used sweet syrupy honey with very little "bad girl" smell to it, if you know what I mean. The "pinks" that I used in each were of a different source, and there's also drops of Mulberry and Dewberry in Lady V's blend. There's no exact ingredients in common between the two.
  2. ROTFLMOA!!! I just can't compete with your descriptive genius. If Barbie had an aunt...OMFG!!!
  3. Oh goody! I'm glad you like it. I used maple sugar and sugar cane mixed together. And I wore this the other day....TWELVE hours later, I could still smell the maple sugar on my arm. NOMMYUM!
  4. There are a lot of close relations within the PE collection. I think many a time, people simply want their name on a bottle which is a fun thing to have. Sometimes, people will ask for something "just like xxxxxxx, but add a touch more amber". Not saying this is the case with Erin's Sugar Web, but it is the case quite often. That's why we make a distinction between the PEs and our designs.
  5. I'm glad you are enjoying it, Honey! Lady V, what did you think of the Honey Berry by comparison? It had many of the same ingredients on your list, but no musk, and a darker honey.
  6. I hope you got yours too? We like the pretty magical cards, they make me happy. Or hoppy, in this case.
  7. The alcohol spray pheros should last 2-4 hours on your body.
  8. The pheros are for both sexes, it was the scent that was aimed toward men, but just consider that a 'loose suggestion'. Most of our customers do not go much by the men/women tags on fragrances.
  9. Some of the butters, like Shea and Grapeseed, are a little grainy, you just have to let it melt in your hands for a minute before you apply. It may look funny but it works great!
  10. Thanks, Ladies! I just updated the post on this page.
  11. So you won't have to scroll back to the other pages... Here's what I have: 5 bottles of Lady Victoria's Sugar Kisses (1 bottle for CheshireKitten, 1 bottle for Gaia, 1 bottle for Tyvey, 1 bottle for LadyV, 1 bottle for JOC) 6 bottles of Tyvey's Purple Cupcake (1 bottle Snowflake, 1 bottle Cherie) 6 bottles of Celrynnya's Hint of Danger (1 bottle for Gaia, and setting aside 1 for Luna because she needs it even if she doesn't know it yet) 4 bottles of Brandy's Blushing Bride (3 bottles for Ravenwing, 1 bottle Bumbob) 2 bottles of Tyvey's Coffee Cake (but I can make more of this one!) (1 bottle for Calii, 1 bottle for Pagan Lady?) Making more for: Elizabeth OSP, Tyvey. Lady Victoria, and...? Did I get it right? Will invoice later when you guys are ready, or yes, you can buy a GC x 5 and write that it's for one of these PEs. (Good idea, Calii, thanks!)
  12. But always welcome, Luv! Would love to get to know you more on these boards. You have wonderful ideas, and I must admit to curiosity about your life in Roo-Land.
  13. Tyvey's Purple Cupcake does have a flash of that lavender camphor while wet, (which is impossible to avoid), but it evaporates off in a few seconds once it hits your skin. So it's definitely a *must try on the skin* scent, you can't judge it properly in the bottle. On the skin, the maple frosting and vanilla meld with the lavender, making it smell foody, but with a hint of fresh. It's kind of a sneakily delicious scent. Cherie ~ Tonka Bean is very similar to vanilla, but it smells just a touch more "boyish" or full and heavy. Less foodish, more woody/vanilla. This is why it is such a popular ingredient in men's blends too. Vanilla smells great on a guy but it sounds too fem for many, so give them an ingredient that sounds like a Tonka Truck and they're all over it. YAY! Celrynnya popped in! Lady V ~ It is sweet and syrupy, but adding the musk definitely pares the syrupyness back a notch, and adds a hint of sophistication. The honey note is delish. Luna, I have a little left of yours, was wondering if you wanted it in a B&B item? Well, they are all winging their way to their owners now, (except for ElizabethOSP, we are awaiting the completion of her fabulous artwork.) So here is what I have left...open for claiming! 5 bottles of Lady Victoria's Sugar Kisses 6 bottles of Tyvey's Purple Cupcake (1 bottle Snowflake, 1 bottle Cherie) 6 bottles of Celrynnya's Hint of Danger 4 bottles of Brandy's Blushing Bride (3 bottles for Ravenwing, 1 bottle Bumbob) 2 bottles of Tyvey's Coffee Cake (but I can make more of this one!) (1 bottle for Calii, 1 bottle for Pagan Lady?) Making more for: Elizabeth OSP, and...?
  14. We have LOTS of Trianonesque! Just FYI, little drunky girl.
  15. What SHE said ^ I would still love to do the Actor's Magic project because I sunk a tremendous amt of time, energy and capitol into it, but the lab that is supposed to be doing it with me just has not had the time to complete the project, so I am in a holding pattern...that i hope will resolve itself before I turn 90. Trust me, if it ever happens, we won't keep it a secret.
  16. Wow, that's trippy. Well, OW is not Beta-Nol dominant, it's Alpha-Nol dominant, which is usually upbeat, happy. It's usually the Beta-Nol heavy stuff that gets people more emotional, in my experience. Looking forward to hearing what the more experienced users might think - as I've only been using pheros for around 4 years.
  17. She hasn't got it yet! No, it doesn't smell like my Orchid Rose, it's a unique blend. It's a nice balance, but there is more orchid oil in it than rose oil, because rose oil is so much stronger. It is also softened by the lacy-ness of the gentle musk and powdered sugar.
  18. I'll let everyone else describe their own, but since Celrynnya is hardly ever on the boards, I will post her description for you....
  19. Tyvey's Purple Cupcake Tyvey's Coffee Cake Luna's Lurid Fantasies Lady Victoria's Sugar Kisses Celrynnya's Hint of Danger Brandy's Blushing Bride And, ElizabethOSP is working on the artwork for her own label, an OIL PAINTING! It's stunning! OMG, this woman is soooo talented. We must all convince her to share more of her artwork and MUSIC with us!!!!
  20. My experience with it was the latter. I was told things about someone's sexual position preferences with his mate, and...other things I would just rather not re-live.
  21. That was stupid of me... LOL! Actually, I do sometimes have carrot seed oil, but I am all out.
  22. LOLZ! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, remembers, that natural ingredients that produce massive amounts of seeds are always associated with prosperity and fertility. So here's one ingredient you guessed...Dandelion. Which is bunnylicious edible and makes a lovely tea, BTW. So sad to be called a weed. And da most secret ingredient is a very strange little EO from Euro-land, and it's a WILD CUCUMBER. The weird part is, it hardly smells like a cucumber at all, it's known for smelling like an earthy musk. There's also a touch of smooth amber, and Katrafay EO, which is made from tree bark, and has a mossy/wood root kind of smell... it comes from Madagascar.
  23. The sum of the parts, my loves! What should it smell like? Ummm, perhaps in a new thread so we don't hijack, yet again? Weapon X is going over realllly well with the Gents, so the Gals need some equal time with the True Confessions....
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