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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Oh, kids, you've got probably 6 hours before it's posted. Relax - go to sleep, and hopefully it'll be up by the time you wake up! I have to update ALL the numbers in the cart inventory wise before I can post it.
  2. LOL, LIz! Well, massive inventory yesterday, PLUS some old holds released, so some surprises will be in the cart by late night, and some deeply discounted goodies too.
  3. In a few hours, there will be a whole LOT of things on the sale page...working on it now. Did a massive inventory yesterday.
  4. April, Your package was mailed last month on either the 26th or 29th (I can't tell which from these receipts, sorry.) As you are in a different country, we have no way of knowing how long your country's postal system might take or how long customs may hold onto your package. Sometimes it's much quicker than other times. It's out of our control. The only way to track a package internationally is to purchase International Express Mail, which is around $40.00.
  5. The perfume strength in these is super concentrated, more so than our usual perfumes even. It can handle the added cops, no worries.
  6. The water that I purchased was sold as blessed. Keep in mind, that there's like a bazillion different sects of Christianity, and they each have their own rules.
  7. LOL! I'm sorry, I hope everyone understands that I'm just poking fun at an archaic practice from hundreds of years ago with this potion. I am truly quite respectful of people's religious beliefs, but I also believe that there's no crime in having fun and laughing - I feel that worship isn't only about responsibility, it's also about finding joy within your faith. My family is a multi-faith conglomeration. I grew up going to Catholic Church, Reform Jewish Temples, and "vacationing" in Zen Buddhist retreats. (And by vacationing, I mean, little food, no noise, and lots of standing on your head). I think a lot of people probably assume that I'm a Wiccan, but I'm not. I'm a student of religious history, and if anything, consider myself a Pagan - I have a love of the balance of nature. And I find ritual of all kinds utterly fascinating. I really do enjoy it, and I think it's meant to be enjoyed, or what's the point. I mean no harm by poking fun. xoxoxo
  8. You can buy holy water on the net, find it for sale in Santeria shops, or obtain for donation at a Catholic Church. I bought this Holy Water from a Catholic Church supply company, it says it comes "from the Jordan River in the Holy Land". And yup, you'll have to shake it up! It will appear in a trinity of layers before shaking.
  9. Wow. Just wow. You totally rock, girl.
  10. Interesting thought, May. I have not tried it myself, (male blends don't give me a headache, but they do tend to make me bitchy). I know you have been using pheros a lot longer than me, so you probably know all this already, but I shall respond for those who are newbie-er. This blend is bio-identical to that of healthy young male excretions, just amplified a ton. It may either really change a female's signature and make her come off like a man, or it could come off as totally incongruous and confuse/annoy/turn off people. Have you tried Dominance for women yet, May?
  11. Ok, the long descriptions are up now too. Everything is up and orderable! Whew! Big thanks to Luna and Starlitegirl for contributing their time and talents once again!
  12. And there's also ONE bottle of something, ummm, on a lot of people's want lists. I'm not gonna say - go look.
  13. Yes, please! The short descriptions are almost live, and I hope to have the longer ones up by tonight. Luna has outdone herself once again! Heeee! Oh, and for those of you who were pounding that buy button for Luna's Q&Q Delicious Wood and getting no satisfaction, (we know, we get an OOS email every time that happens! ), I have added 9 to the cart! Plus more of Beccah's Milf, Claudia's Honey Vanilla Musk, Shelly's Sweet Bottom, Rosebud's Pumpalicious, and more! So please check out the PE section too!
  14. WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN, SORRY!!! Here's some more PE's that are finished and ready to ship. Made plenty of itty bitties of this month's PE's to add to the outgoing orders too. The artwork for this group is by an artist who calls herself simply Nataly. I like how it is remiscent of Peter Max.
  15. Just a note about pricing and strengths...each pheromone has a different price, some wildly at different ends of the spectrum. Est is crazy expensive, Beta-Nol is also very expensive, however, luckily, it does not require a strong dose to create very strong effects. Alpha Nol is much less expensive in comparison, but still a large investment when you stock it in quantity. Hormones and steroids however, are generally much less expensive than actual pheromones. We haven't delved into the area much yet ourselves, but may do in the future. Some people believe that certain hormones and steroids may produce "pheromonal effects" and are experimenting to see if they do so. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that less expensive steroids or hormones are being packaged in 6,000 mcg strength at an affordable end price. (For example, DHEA is not an actual pheromone, it's a hormone, but years of experimenting with it suggest that the molecule indeed may have pheromonal effects, and it is becoming a more and more popular addition to pheromone mixes.)
  16. Yes, but PLEASE make sure you specify which month, either in a separate email or in the PayPal notes area. (It might be a good idea to list a couple of the potion names in that note, so we don't get confused!) Thanks!
  17. Oh yes, there will be more Silken Moonlight! It's just not a new release is all. This month there will be fresh brews of Silken Moonlight, LP RED, LP PINK, Phero Girl, and ummm, maybe a few others I can't remember right now. No fretting allowed!
  18. We need a couple of more days before things are orderable, I'm afraid. It's been a pretty crazed month over here. Sorry! The Creole Man artwork was digitally painted by a Canadian Wiccan fellow who went by the name of Ravon...a really neat guy. He created a large catalog of Pagan artwork that he shared with the world, free of charge. When I found his work, I thought it was so beautiful, I used it heavily in the 2004 incarnation of this website, and on many labels since. I sent him a giant package of stuff as a thank you - a magic wand, jewelry, potions galore. He sent me a long thank you letter - said that was the first time anyone had ever done anything like that for him. You can still find his work on many pagan/wiccan/new age sites, but his website has been gone for years. You can see more of his artwork on the following perfume labels: LP RED Banishing Moon Merlin's Blend Woodland Man LP Winter Solstice 2004 & 2008 All Hallow's Eve Odin Claus (I love that one)
  19. The sin is permitted, because the absolution is brewed into the mix! Label by Starlitegirl Since you loved it so much the first time around...here's Danna's newest Constant Cravings variant! Label by Starlitegirl Label by Starlitegirl That's Silk & Fur, in French, hopefully.
  20. Label by Starlitegirl Label by Starlitegirl Phero Enhanced, for both Men & Women to wear. Be nice to Mercury for a change...he's a God of commerce!!! Label by Starlitegirl Label by Starlitegirl The Green Man presents, Danna's version of Bayou Musk for Men!
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