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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. There's a point being missed about the "per spray" measurements, Liam. I don't "mind" that measurement system either, if it was standardized and true. But it isn't. It's much abused and a clever way of ripping people off. Just so you know, every time I buy an empty spray bottle from my suppliers, I am offered 3 different sprayer capacities - fine, medium, high. Just a simple example: You are told by a company that you will be delivered 10 mcg per spritz. You're led to assume that you are going to get 100 spritzes per bottle, but that's never confirmed by the company. So you assume that your bottle is going to contain 100 sprays x 10 mcg = 1,000 mcg per bottle. ok? But the company is buying 'high volume' sprayers. So you are really only going to get 50 spritzes per bottle, which only equals 500 mcg per bottle. If the company was telling you how much was in the bottle TOTAL, you'd have real information to deal with. If you don't know the total mcg per bottle, and the co is not using true dosing sprayers, you don't have true information about the value of what you are buying.
  2. The lab that made that product for us claimed that they are two different pheromones. Other sites also claim they are different. Stone believes they are the same thing, with two different spellings. Anyone know for sure?
  3. No. I wrote my long post to REPLACE that old information. Please refer to my NEW post. Thank you. Not only did that per spray nonsense confuse me, as I stated above, (as it is designed to do), that original post was made a long time ago before we standardized what our doses would be. All of your questions are answered in my new post.
  4. I have abandoned trying to use the "per spray" relativity, because I realized what a crock it is. It's confusing, confused me repeatedly in the past (as evidenced above in Rosebud's quote), and I realized one of the reasons is because the only way to be certain of the per spray dosage is by using medically dosed sprayers, which no one in the industry does. Each spray nozzle is a different capacity, and one of the scams in advertising that kind of measuring is using high volume sprayers, (aka fewer spritzes per bottle), which tricks the customer into thinking there's more pheros in the bottle than they are actually getting. So, the question you should always ask, is how much mcg you are getting PER BOTTLE; any other information is really BS. Now, that said, one also has to understand that different pheros each have a different rate of efficacy. For example, smaller doses of Beta-Nol will equal the effectiveness of a larger dose of Alpha-Nol. Unless you know what the maximum efficacy is for each and every phero, even the mcg per bottle method isn't really going to tell you everything you want to know. More does NOT necessarily mean better when it comes to pheros. So anyway, when working with both P-Com and Stone, they both formulated for me blends which are at maximum efficacy at 1,000 mcg per 1 ml, intended to be diluted in 9 mls of oil (a 1/3 oz roller bottle), or 29 mls of alcohol (a 1 oz spray bottle). That's an equivalent measure across the mediums. This measure is the amount that gives you the greatest results for the $ you are paying. To explain, you can buy double or triple the strength for double or triple the price, but your results will not be double or triple the results. Diminishing returns. If 3x is not three times as effective, you are essentially wasting money. Our blends are specifically designed to give you the most cost effective bang for your buck at 1x. ----------------------------- Regarding the pheromone enhanced perfumes that we sell for $29.95. They have 1/3rd the amount of pheros in them than the unscented pheros. (333 mcg per bottle). When you purchase a dose of pheros to be added to a perfume, you are getting the exact same amount that is in an UNscented bottle of pheros. (1,000 mcg per bottle). (ETA: Super for M/W and Mara's Rocket Fuel contained 666 mcg per bottle) Just because there is 1/3 of a dose in the phero enhanced perfumes, do not mistake them as being weak in the phero dept. They are not. (This dose is higher than ANY other phero enhanced perfumes on the market. NO ONE puts as much pheros in perfume as we do.) Many people get better results at this dosage than at the 1x dosage, because, once again, more does NOT necessarily mean better when it comes to pheros. You can overwhelm people with too high a dose, and the chemical signal you put out may not compute because the dose is too high - if you find that you are not getting the results you want from a phero, it's smart to try using LESS rather than more. For example, I've had a few queries regarding the phero strength in the Captivation Equation sprays, because people seem to be finding this mix exceptionally effective. The amount is 333 mcgs per 1 ounce. (Alcohol based spray) Hope this helps clarify previous confusions, and thanks for your question, April!
  5. You CAN, but it doesn't really make sense. It does degrade faster than perfume oil alone. The natural oils in the B&B products will turn within 2 years - have you ever smelled rancid cooking oil? That's the kind of thing that will happen. The smell of the degrading oil will start to overpower the scent of the perfume. Perfume can last as long as 6 years if properly stored. It makes more sense to hoard perfume, and add it to fresh unscented B&B products, than to hoard the B&B products themselves.
  6. You only need around 20% perfume oil for a reasonably scented product - not too light, not too heavy.
  7. Oh, ok, let me explain the 6 month thing. It's a safety warning really. As long as a product stays sealed, it can last quite a long time, but when it's used, and you touch your fingers to it, or most especially, let any water get in it (if it's a bath product), then bacteria can grow. I think the 6 month limit is in place so that bacteria does not have a chance to reach a dangerous level. This is not OUR rule, it's an FDA rule, just for safety sake.
  8. Probably listed twice by accident. The ingredients were copied and pasted from the manufacturer, and I guess the duplication slipped past me, sorry.
  9. You've made yourself a perfume spray! You can add some silicone to the mix to make it better on your hair. We have some here that's skin safe (CPS aka D5), but even the commercial "silk base" is fine on hair.
  10. Potion Master


    This is a scent that announces you 20 feet before you enter the room.
  11. I second that! I would wait until after I was done breastfeeding. (Being pregnant, you ARE an Est machine! Est is only created by pregnant women.)
  12. Hey, if you're interested, the artists who make our Picture Image Jewelry, the White Wolf Gallery, specialize in pendants and other jewelry with lovely wolf designs, and other beautiful wild animals. Here's a link to their site: http://www.whitewolfgallery.net/ And here's the Lobo I know....a serious baddie...intergalactic bounty hunter. Apparently, Guy Ritchie signed on to do a live action film on him last December, wowsers!
  13. Surely, the pheros can give you self-effects which totally effect the way you hold yourself, your confidence level, stuff like that, and there's nothing sexier than confidence. Re aura... yeah, it's something you feel across a distance if it's being strongly emanated by someone. As I've always said, thoughts and intentions are tangible, when forcefully emanated. I had this alarming experience a few years ago. I was managing a recording artist, a beautiful gal with a long history of attracting seriously obsessed fans. We were in NYC for a big benefit gig, and the backstage area was packed with people we didn't know. I was standing with her, and the manager of another famous recording artist. All of a sudden, I felt this serious WAVE of malevolence. Like a big wallop of hatred, jealousy, anger. I shivered, and said to the other manager - "Close in, get her between us. I just felt some awful vibe come from somewhere, like someone wants to hurt her." The two of them, thankfully, just obeyed without question. Then I spun around in a circle and tried to identify where it was coming from, and my eyes met with a guy who was staring hard at her, from directly behind me and across the room. It was certainly not something I smelled, or saw, it was something I FELT. "That guy" I identified him to the others, "we need to make sure he stays away from her." And we did, we treated her like oreo filling between us the whole night and he never got anywhere near her. It was nice that the two of them trusted me on it without a second thought - my own bandmates would have done so too, they had experienced my sensitivity in that respect for years and how often I was correct, but these two didn't know me as well. But anyway, yeah, I don't think it's necessarily that chemical/scent signals travel to people who can't smell them, but that scents, potions and pheros have an effect on the wearer's energy and aura, and it's THAT which travels beyond the scope of the scent.
  14. I love the brown sugar scrub. The brown sugar smell is actually very mild. It's got bigger grains than the white sugar, so a little scrubbier. It, too, holds together really well - easy to scoop and lightly sudsy. Personally, I like the soapy base in these better than the oil base in our previous formula. It still has lots of moisturizing goodies in it, I don't find it drying, and it leaves me feeling clean and smooth. Maybe Bookworm will chime in when she has a chance - she's tried them all and did a comparison test for us.
  15. Welcome Lobo! Hmmm, I thought the name was from the DC Comics character. Well, now we have to know. Do tell!
  16. It's available if wanted!
  17. Potion Master

    Bayou Musk

    That sounds to me like Excalibur...have you sniffed it?
  18. This potion has a mother's milk vibe to it. I wonder if different reactions to it have to do with subconscious triggers and scent/sense memories?
  19. I can't remember off the top of my head, and I have no more on hand here, but it's easy to tell. If you detect a note like freshly turned earth, or potting soil, that's the indicator for the figgy skin type. The other is more like a fig jam - just sweet and syrupy, no earth note at all.
  20. Hysterical. I love each and every one of you. A note about figs.... The figs I used in this one were very sweet and syrupy. The fig used in Magi was one of the earthy smelling figs....more of the smell of the skin of a fig, rather than the fruit. I think Luna did a masterful job of being "delicate" in her description. Luna, feel free to expound, if you wish...
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