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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. We, at least I, like things concentrated and rich. So the upcoming perfume oil sprays will be sold thusly: The same amount that's in an oil roll-on bottle (1/3 fl.oz of concentrated perfume oil) will be added to 2/3 fl.oz. of perfumer's alcohol. We've experimented with lesser concentrations, and while (far less than) 20% is the commercial norm, and in fact the legal FDA rule for calling something a perfume, I am not satisfied with that dilution because it changes the quality of my intended final product. I want it to smell like I want it to smell like, and that happens with an entire 1/3 oz of concentrated perfume oil. So it looks like, the price of the glass spray bottles, alcohol (and associated taxes) and the increased shipping weight will add around $15 to the price of perfume sprays - $39.95 retail per ounce. However, the price of the pheros will not be affected the same way, because the pheros will be experiencing more of a replacement of base, rather than an addition for the most part. I think we'll be able to keep those within $5 - $10 of the original price (including available fragrance-add options), and you will also have the option of ordering 2x and 3x strength (at 2x and 3x the price) since we'll have the room in the larger vessels, but as both fragrances and pheros experience a wider diffusion in the air in alcohol, you'll probably not need it. They will seem much stronger in alcohol - both scents and pheros, but, as we've discussed before, will probably have a shorter life-span on the whole. Each option has it's up sides and it's down sides. It's all a matter of personal preference and the manner in which you intend to use them. And climate. And intent. And so on... I do not believe one base is "better" than the other. I think we will have fans of every variety, according to a person's personal preferences and needs. To answer a few concerned emails - again - no, this will not change the entire nature of LPMP. We are indy perfume artists. That still is and always will be the focus of what we do. The pheros are a fun and exciting added dimension to what we do, but we do not make them! We buy them from scientists who blend them for us. Please don't be concerned that we will be, or are striving to, alter our biz to cater to the "as seen on tv" or "PUA" communities. Not a chance. Ick. xoxoxoxoxox
  2. LOL! I think we've finally hit the "can't leave the house smelling like this" dirty sex limit. BWAHA! (I was actually there with Phero Girl! Dayem, I was practically there with Tea & Strumpets!) The Gods help anyone who tries this as their first LP experience. I shudder to think. ETA: Maybe we can sell it to the users of "Vulva".
  3. In future, call them after 2 days. The longer something is "lost", the less likely it is to be found. There are many items in that box that are not replaceable remember. We called them first thing this AM as well, and they said they'd call us back by 5pm, they have 9 minutes. grrrr.
  4. Lorien! You NEED to call them! That's totally not right. We're going to try to track it on our end too, but PLEASE call your post office. It was sent in a Priority box! Did you get the perfume racks at least? They were sent separately.
  5. Hey, I'm sure I've mentioned that on the boards before! It's a very easy to whip up little blend, but it's not so overwhelmingly popular that I felt I needed to keep it brewed and ready at all times. xoxoxox
  6. Mystree, this is a great idea. I know we wouldn't be allowed to sell a pheromone product specifically for weight loss - at least we couldn't market it that way, because it would cross the FDA line from "perfume" to "drug", but we can still ask Dr Stone if he can come up with anything like this, and then just be very careful in how we describe it's intent. I will ask Dr Stone when I speak with him next. We did make a fragrance for this purpose tho. Come look here: Anti-Piggy It's listed as sold out, but it's extremely easy for us to make. You can request it as a custom.
  7. It's also an issue of them being UNscented. There's nothing to sample as far as the fragrance goes, and the effects of pheromones are sooooooo subjective and personal, based upon so many different factors...mood, environment, etc.
  8. Welcome, Mtn Jim! Thanks for joining us! I LOVE San Diego - the waterfront part, where the convention center and that darling town is, and the shipping containers and the train station and airport and military areas...you might think I'm kidding, but I'm not, I love that area. I have stayed in every one of those tall hotels down there, and watched the planes sail right by my windows, through the center of town, to the landing strip. That's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen - totally mesmerizing - seeing planes sail so close between high-rises to the landing strip, in the middle of a city. Stunning! (I'm a New Yorker! - Technological architecture is an accustomed high, but we never see anything like THAT!) I'm curious - what is the climate in the mountains above SD? Do you get the sea breeze? Or is it like desert or mountain weather? You're so far south, I can't imagine the weather being comfortable except on the coast. ??? Glad you've joined us, Jim! Welcome! xoxoxoxox M
  9. We didn't do Maple Syrup or Maple Sugar, kids - we did "Dry Maple Leaf". Different vibe - fear not!
  10. We have a few different Oakmoss varieties. The one that is the nicest, meaning that it's the most true to nature, is also the one that is the most powdery. We have another that is much much more masculine, I think a drop may have gone into Thane. And the third is like wet tree roots, dark and bitter - I don't think we've used that one for anything yet. When asked for the "moist oakmoss", we probably used the nicest one, but added wetter notes to give it the moist effect. If you are concerned about it in Cocamama, Liz, don't be. It's a minor minor note in there. We went for intoxication and humidity, it's gorgeous.
  11. Welcome new comers! Thanks for joining us!
  12. Oh, yay! I love this one too. Palo Santo is a wood. xoxoxoxo
  13. Oak Moss is (part of) the scent of baby powder, and that's a major ingredient in this recipe. It's also a very long lasting note, so it should be what you smell last after 8 hours+ of wear. I happen to love Oak Moss. But anyway, it's not the flowers and greens that are making that note, nor your chemistry. It was part of the recipe and an intentional dimension of the scent. I believe this was designed as somewhat of a replacement for Aura Armor, and Oak Moss was also a main note in that blend as well.
  14. We actually made this decision a while ago based upon our need to offer this option for our perfumes, to be able to get into certain stores and be reviewed by certain magazines...but in doing it for the perfumes, there's no reason not to do it for the pheros too. So here's a list of EVERYTHING that will be available in an alcohol base, in one ounce spray bottles. All of our permanent line of perfumes, whether with pheros or without, including LP Original, LP Red & Black, Phero Girl, Betrothal Potion, etc. All newly released limited edition perfumes within 3 months of their release date (while supplies last). All the unscented pheros. All the OCCO's. What will NOT be available: Straight EoW (already available elsewhere in alcohol). The Magnets and BAMs (in their current form, because the scent is already soooo light, they can't handle any further dilution, but we may come up with another option, such as adding more scent - working on that). Any LE perfumes older than 3 months, because those are all bottled in 1/3 oz bottles by that time. Keep in mind, the strength of our pheros in oil/silicone are already pretty darn strong, but in those options, they diffuse a little less in the air and lay closer to the skin. So the same strength in an ounce of alcohol should get you an equivalent or maybe even stonger response, plus a wider broadcasting field, (trade-off is shorter life-span), (please comment, Ail & Dolly?). However, we will also be offering them in double and triple strength in this medium, since the larger vessel gives us the room to do so, but as Dolly has already discovered, and we have discovered here at the studio too - double strength is CRAZY strong. Try concentrating on ANYTHING after a whiff. HA! Not. (Hmmm, I wonder how that would work with Focus Potion? Must test....) Other options that will be available are the "Phero Add" one, where you will pick your phero and pick your perfume just like before, but in an alcohol base; and the option to add a light cover scent by perhaps purchasing a Trial Vial's worth of perfume to add to an unscented phero blend. The glass (and metal) spray bottles, alcohol and additional shipping weight add expense to these products. They're going to be a little higher but we are calculating everything to the Nth degree to try to keep the price as low as we can. And, by the way, when I was discussing international shipping with Gaia earlier, I blended up a mix with 60% alcohol and 40% DPG as a test. This is a very nifty combo. It results in a lite "oil spray". I like it. It's easily spray-able, and feels silky on the skin. I wonder if this might be the best of both worlds...diffusion plus length of wear. Will test further and report. xoxoxoxo M
  15. Don't try to remove just the ball - remove the entire piece of plastic together. As Katz says, you can probably remove the whole thing by hand with the aid of a slip-free piece of cloth or rubber, but I do it every day with a pair of scissors. I carefully edge the blades between the plastic and glass, and easily lift the plastic piece right out (using the scissor blades as a plier-like grip), and then drop the whole piece of plastic into the black cap while I work. It's easy to push the plastic back in once done. There shouldn't be any damage at all.
  16. Not sure about that, we'll have to check. The last time I had a conversation with an official from the post office, I was told there was an allowable amount. Ok, here is what is on the USPS.com site right now: And here is the info for your country: Prohibitions: Arms and weapons. Firearms and parts thereof, except under permit. Human remains. Live plants and animals. Radioactive materials. Tickets and publicity for lotteries. So, Gaia, it appears that a small qty of alcohol is ok to mail to your country. :sock puppet shaking no ha: Here's more: And FYI, Our perfume oils are above 200 degrees F flashpoint, and so are not regulated. DPG has a flashpoint of 280 degrees F. Alcohol has a flashpoint of 53 degrees. A mix of 60% alcohol and 40% DPG would get us above the 141°F level (calculates to 143.8 degrees) and puts the item into the category of cumbustable, rather than flammable. Even flammable is allowable by air if packaged in a metal container, and we actually do have 1oz metal spray bottles.
  17. The answer to that is: as much as the fragrance will allow. It's usually around 10% of the bottle, but I may go a little higher or a little lower at my discretion based upon the qualities of the perfume. A very sheer fragrance can't handle that much, while some heavier fragrances mask it so well you can get away with a heavier dose. ETA: If you're playing with mixing EoW into your own commercial alcohol-based perfumes at home, here's advice from the manufacturer, Dr. Stone: 6-10 drops per 10 mls of cologne. We can get away with 2-3x that amount when mixing with oil because the whole thing lays closer to the skin. With alcohol, it's all up in the air so you need to be a little more conservative to get the right balance.
  18. Cocamama came out AMAZING. It is reaaalllly intoxicating, like you envisioned. A very unusual combo of ingredients. I love it. I hope you do too! I included an extra bottle in your package for Arturo, since he didn't send me his address. Would you mind passing it along to him for me? Thank you! I'm sorry about the signature...I imagine that with the gigantic pile of orders, your 'no sig' request was forgotten. Rats. Apologies.
  19. I LOVE these reviews, Geena. Good and bad, you made me laugh out loud. And now I get a really good picture of what you like : fruity florals, but the more sophisticated ones - not teenager-y sweet. I bet you'll get some good suggestions from the other ladies regarding what you might like based upon your reviews. Good job, honey! Remember, we've got a very active trading post, so you should have no prob swapping the ones you are not fond of. xoxoxoxox M Oh, ps: Green Shield - the loudest flower in it is Daffodils.
  20. Hi Mystree! WELCOME!!!! Yes, great writing, such fun to read! Shelly B gave you the most excellently correct answer re the cops in the products: Regarding the phero blends, tis similar... 'monthly' phero enhanced perfumes usually contain (unless otherwise stated) 1/3 the dose of the UNscented phero blends. If you special order a phero amped perfume, you are getting 100% phero strength. Which means, the phero dose is exactly the same as the UNscented variety, you are just using the perfume as the carrier, rather than an unscented base. Can one OD on cops? I think you can. (Aside from possible danger from over-aggressive men, and scorn from other women...) I think that the indicator is the same for cops, perfume, or pheros, (for public usage). You end up with people giving you MORE space then they normally would. You drive people a few feet away. Either you are sending out chemical signals that do not compute, in the case of pheros; or in the case of perfume or cops, if they can smell you across the room, they're not going to come in closer. If one is using cops/perfume/pheros as a tool of attraction/seduction, the *Art of the Tease* is extremely important. You want people to get an intriguing little whiff, which compels them to want to move closer to you so they can experience that again - get more. I use them as a lure. Also, try wearing our oil based products on your torso. This is usually the hottest part of your body and oils are aided by heat for diffusion - you might find that you'll need to wear less and you'll radiate more. I roll them from my belly button to my cleavage a couple of times, smoosh it around with my wrists, then rub my wrists on the back of my neck (another good and hot spot). I get fab results that way. Have fun, and thanks for joining us!!!! ~ Mara
  21. We've only ever had the one batch, and it's without indole. We're still on our first. The batches he makes are HUGE - thousands of bottles worth. (Not sure of the batch size he makes for LS tho, but it's gotta be at least that much.) Phil never made it in oil until I specifically asked for it that way, so as far as I know, we are the only ones to ever have it and there is no other batches but ours in oil. I was not aware of the whole indole issue/story until around maybe 8-9 months ago. I don't remember why it even came up in conversation...???...but I thought it WAS still in there until he told me otherwise. I didn't really think it was important to bring up until there began this little dust-up on the web about "the latest batch", so I thought I would try to help clear up any rumors. I was wracking me brain trying to think of what we added the LS EoW alcohol to, and I think it was ONLY Phero Girl. Both in brew #1 and brew #2. We've actually been on brew #3 for quite a while now, and that one definitely has our Essence Oil in it.
  22. He actually talked more about his impression of HER. He found her interesting for her intense passion on the subject, and also a bit "quirky", for much the same reason, I suspect. LOL! Ahhhh, yessss, all we creative geniuses get called quirky, right Luna?
  23. I used to think that cops worked on sense memory alone - meaning, the smell alone, but since my introduction to them, I have learned a tremendous amount, both in experimenting with them and observing reactions like that of my young friend, and also in my discussions with people in the scientific community. Phil Stone is just a marvel to speak with, and funny enough, I have an uncle on the east coast - my mother's first cousin really, who is one of the foremost fertility experts in the country. He's a gyno surgeon. He and I were discussing pheros Christmas before last, not long after we first started using them. (I gave him a bottle of Phero Boy.) So he was sharing with me some of his knowledge on the subject. Then last Christmas I saw him again and we start talking about pheros again, and he tells me he actually knew Astrid Jutte! That she gave him a supply of her original formula! Wowsers! Small world, right? Anyway, I'm in the camp that firmly believes that cops produce self effects in women. I've experienced it in myself, and I certainly see the effects it evokes in other women when I wear them, so why shouldn't it effect the wearer? I've experienced effects from ALL of our pheromone blends while I am pouring them. I think one gets "used to" whatever scent one is wearing and then you don't notice it as much as the day goes on, but other people still do - you know? So, it might be the same thing with pheros and cops. You get the strongest self effects when you first put it on, or when it "blooms", and then other than that, you just get accustomed to it as part of your own aura. Maybe?
  24. Hey Fawn, We actually didn't put it up yet because we wanted to make sure we had enough for your want list. You can order the things you want now, and we're going to put up the rest after we see how much is left after that. K? Thanks!
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