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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. YAY! Happy you are enjoying them!!! Sale...hrmmm, maybe another 2 weeks?
  2. Oh, it will still have your name on it, Sweetie! I will just make it's own unique label.
  3. You talked us into it. Danna is doing a rebrew. D'oh! Did I mess up on the label name? Sorry! Oh well, anyway, we'd have to do a new label if we're making more bottles of it. I only use the "generic" pin-up girl spritzing herself with perfume when all I make is a couple of bottles. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox M
  4. I'm wearing Black today - I love it. But this is not like LP Black, which is a sweet syrupy resin and vanilla. Oh, I'm just going to quote myself from another thread:
  5. Yes, it's a simpler version of LP RED. I did all of these with the most consistantly reliable ingredients at my disposal, so I can rebrew them year after year without too much variation. I wanted to do LP RED and Sugared Honeycomb types, because these are the two most popularly requested perfumes for Copulin add-ins. Oh, and Ail told me I had to.
  6. Welcome, Ms Snake! Wow, is that pic of you? What a hottie! (Or is that a famous actress and I am being dense?) Ok, I came in to report my OCCO Blue experience from yesterday. 11 hours after application...my neighbor comes over to ask me about moving my car. Male, married. never flirted with me before EVER - known him for 3 years. So we talk for a minute or two, and he turns around to leave, and then he stops dead in his tracks. Freezes. Turns back around slowly and looks at me FUNNY. Head tilted to the side - gazing at me, vaguely confused looking, then gets this grin on his face that keeps getting bigger and bigger as the rest of this goes on.... He says, "There's something different about you....what is it?" and he starts walking towards me again, so I start stepping backwards. I pulled my collar of my shirt, like all the way up covering my nose, hiding, and said - innocently, "nuffin'...." And the grin gets bigger...and he's still walking towards me - teasing me now, "C'mon! What IS it! Don't walk away - let me see you, c'mon!" Now I'm "pretend" panicking, still backing up, going "Nothing! Really! Nothing!" And this continues another round and for a few more steps until I've backed all the way to my front door, and then I say "G'bye please!" and slam the door in his face, with him still laughing outside... HAD to be the fumes.
  7. No possibility of getting these back, sorry. I will say that the stories 'other' places have spread around about Chris and P-com are largely fabricated. Chris was a very talented formulator, and I, too, will miss several of his blends.
  8. Yay! Glad you are enjoying it, Robert. Smelling delicious is very very very very fun. Happy Birthday!!!!
  9. Hmmm, interesting. I noticed the same kind of thing when I was bottling up SS4Men - (Danna and I started bitching at each other for no reason while the stuff was in the air) - but never had that kind of issue with the women's version. I get GREAT reactions from Rocket Fuel, from both sexes.
  10. Only if you like them! I very deliberately kept the perfume recipes uncomplicated and only used ingredients from my most reliable, consistent suppliers, so I could continue to make them exactly the same, repeatedly, for years. That is, if they are well received and people continue to want them.
  11. That's very interesting. So what if, say, ALL the girls in the group are Alphas? Reason I bring this up...I was in an all female band for a decade. 5 girls. We toured for 9 months out of the year, shared a tour bus, usually could only afford one hotel room so slept two to a bed. When we weren't on the road, we still rehearsed 3 times per week, we were around each other constantly. My singer was my roomate for at least 5 years, and I lived with my bassist for a year too. And our periods NEVER synched up. Our male support crew - roadies, sound men, etc, would joke - can't tell you how many times we heard that same "joke", "It must be HELL when they all get their periods at the same time". But it never actually happened. So, we've got five chicks in a hard rock band - all pretty aggressive alpha females... do alpha females just REFUSE to be bullied into adjusting their cycles? And it's not as if we weren't close to each other emotionally as well. Our own joke was that the band lasted longer than most marriages we know. But wait - I think I recall reading that the hormone DHEA (which supposedly has pheromonal effects) is responsible for the synching phenomenon. Perhaps it is whomever produces the most - which may not be the alpha female. I mean, don't alpha females usually have a little more testosterone in their chemistry? Along that line of thought, it might be the most "feminine" of the bunch that leads the pack in that regard. :laughs quietly to self thinking about how UNgirly me band mates were:
  12. The Magnets and BAMS are strong phero-wise, but in a very light scent carrier, designed to allow bleed through of the Cops/phero smells, and light enough to still layer your regular perfumes with them. Blushing Milkmaid is a "full strength" perfume, but the nature of the ingredients is very sheer, so you also get a pretty serious amount of bleed through of the Cops, even though there is less in there than in the Magnets & BAMS. (On my skin, the Milkmaid scent really amped the cops.) The OCCOs have the most Cops - not quite as much as a bottle of straight EoW (but, shall we say, close to 4x the strength that Dr Stone advises per bottle - in the range that he laughingly calls "disgusting" ) - but the cover scents are really concentrated. REALLY. (Not as strong as Remind Me Again, but close.) I weighted them this way because I figured the strength of the perfume would give you an indicator of how much to use. How much perfume = how much cops, y'know?, according to your preference. But, I got a little nervous about how concentrated I made these, so I added DPG dilutant to the shopping cart this week, guys, in case you feel these blends are too strong. You could dilute them by 50% and still feel like you had a full strength product. I've tried them all this week, and just a few little dabs is all you need. I LOVE every one of the varieties - they all came out beautiful. I think I am one of those that gets 'self-effects' from the Cops - each of them makes me feel nose-to-the-wrist-devouringly-ravenous. It's like the Cops have been perfectly balanced with the perfumes into "subconscious" reaction territory. They are really hard to detect, but the effect is THERE. I look forward to hearing what you all think of them! Note to Luna: You are SPOT ON about the Blue Shield. You never cease to amaze me.
  13. Nesting instincts. Have you never noticed that phenomenon? I've seen it in pregnant women a few times, and also women who were wanting to become pregnant. They basically develop an intolerance for any other female in their home because they react like the other female is competition, even when the other female is, say, the husband's own sister - so it's not a logical conscious thing, it's purely chemical/hormonal.
  14. Luna and Quin - very close with your guesses re Mother Ship! It's like the milk that's left over when sweetened with breakfast cereals of that sort...a 'pablum' kind of vibe with very subtle hints of vanilla, chocolate and citrus/fruity tartness. (Fairy Lure was intended to remind one of a "creamsicle"!) Anyway, came on to say that all the expanded descriptions are now up and running. Sorry it took so long - this little sale we've been running has been a real time hog! xoxoxoxoxoxox
  15. Yes, some of the oldest and most respected pheromone research states that women react in a pretty wide arc to different pheromones depending upon where they are in their cycle. At one stage - turn on, at another stage - aversion. It's text book. If I remember correctly, the research was about the effects of male pheros on women, but it makes sense that we would react accordingly to any pheromonal signals. For example - when a female is at her most fertile, being around "competition" might be distasteful, or at least annoying. It's possible that your reaction to the scent of copulins was as if coming from "competition". ???
  16. Great article, thank you for sharing! I must agree with Lor on the matter of copyright. It's not proper to copy and paste an entire article from one site to another. We should post a subject line / reason why others might be interested, and then a link to the site of origin. Unless it's a "press release", (ie., an advertisement designed to be reprinted), the writer/site of origin owns the material and it's improper to reprint the material elsewhere without permission or a license agreement.
  17. Hi Misty, Sweetie! Treasured Hearts works great with female to female familial relationships. We made the Couer de l'Amore fragrance (with Treasured Hearts pheros in it) specifically for this type of dynamic. xoxoxo Mara May Day - with Tranquility pheros - might be a good one to try too.
  18. LOL! I can picture the scene - hysterical! Thanks for sharing!
  19. We have direct links to all three on our JALN page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Naughty.html
  20. Potion Master


    Mmmm, Teddy Man...one of my favorites! Hope you like!
  21. I've been told it works too well. I shall quote the email, (I hope she doesn't mind - she's not a forum member): "My hubby liked the paradise one...made his peepee go boioioing! I will no longer wear it! Lmao. Men."
  22. Yeah, verrry interesting.... The dude actually FAINTED any time he was confronted with an Alpha-Male individual...especially his FAVORITE, apparently!
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