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Everything posted by MissHazel

  1. MissHazel

    Black Candy

    I have some coming in a trade but my hope is that it stays more anisey for me. love the anise scents thus far that I've tried and I too am a big lolita fan.
  2. It is female domonated though because luna ignored my question about it being female dominated. so actresses, or regents or...?
  3. which one's been the hardest to describe so far this week?
  4. But do you think you could have a goddess line without any fertility ones?
  5. There's some that did nothing for me right off the bat, like BALLS! I find that sometimes there's a little difference for bottles just arrived in the mail from trades (and thus have aged) and letting them hang out a bit and maybe let my nose get used to them and appreciate them more. however, for those fresh off the line like BALLS! I definitely noticed a difference after it had aged for several months.
  6. I tried my sample of OCCO SLF when I first started with LPMP back in January, I think. I didn't particularly care for it as it was heavily syrupy and honey in my mind. Now that I've had to rely on my bottle of Jouir De for my coplins, and got Occo SLF and a bottle of EOW in trade, Occo SLF is not as heavy handed as Jouir De and so my senses have been re-calibrated. I know my boyfriend will still hate it, but this is a lot lighter and less "cat-pee," so even though I know that's going to be his complaint, it's not as bad as Jouir De. I just have to see if it's as effective as Jouir De is. I do want to say that I was really unsure about Soie et Forrure (Silk & Fur) because it initially came across as too flowery and grown-up. However, with OCCO SLF, I think this is one "grown-up" combo I could stand to grow into. But I need to figure out a way to get Silk and Fur to stick around longer-- SLF doesn't have that issue!
  7. nah, too early in the month. this weekend or early next week.
  8. I'm just waiting to see the artwork for the Jesus H. Christ on a Unicycle perfume. Though historical women wrestlers could be good too Okay, so LadyV's guess about famous couples is a good one. I said old hollywood/film of the twentieth century. DD's travel posters one was also a good guess. Then there's queens from history, though I particularly liked famous female impersonators better. No fertility aspect so I don't think you could have Goddesses without fertility. Something different, intriguing, and historical. I think the travel posters are out unless it's cities during historical times which would be interesting. Female impersonators probably not. So I think it's something along the lines of: Famous Couples from History Old Hollywood/film from the twentieth century Queens from History Historical cities/historical times travel posters
  9. No, that's actually par for the course. I think it's rare, from my own experience and from what I've read, NOT to be like that.
  10. human, animal, plant, or mineral theme?
  11. Woot! New, different, historical, not fertility or spell related. hmm. Since many of the magician perfumes from April were male dominant, will this historical era be more female dominant? Is it, perchance, film star/old hollywood of the twentieth century themed?
  12. I need to start using this again. I was dumb and excited when I got this package and put some on even though a couple hours earlier I'd put on some UN spray over some perfume. Yeah, that wasn't fun. This is why I don't put on LPs on the day I'm expecting a package. I just cannot help myself. I must put some of the new stuff on no matter what.
  13. MissHazel

    Radium Girl

    Can you layer it with another fruity to keep the florals back? I did that yesterday while testing a bottle I ultimately decided not to keep but the combo still did what I needed it to in order to keep the notes I didn't like in the first perfume at bay. Sometimes you have to whip those notes into shape and show 'em who's boss!
  14. Has someone started a thread for top EOW covering perfumes?
  15. Good choices on LP Red and CP. I haven't tried LP Black, but a couple people were going gaga over layering LP Black and LP Pink, so it might be a good stepping stone to get it so you can layer it with Red and then try it with Pink (if you like those notes.) Welcome to the addiction!
  16. oh that's awesome! That's really cool that she wound up doing a PE. That's what I like about the older threads-- the updates on stuff like that, because really, who, when they're thinking of perfume, thinks up sweet potato? That's what I call thinking outside the box!
  17. This one has been on my list for awhile and now I'm finally "leveling up" and starting to shop with an eye for what can cover EOW. sweeeeet!
  18. Maybe they're not even regular perfumes. They're not spell ones since those haven't sold out yet, but remember the fragrance hydrating waters? Maybe the new releases are different and haven't been done before because they're not what we consider "normal" Mara new releases?
  19. Edit: This was a note to Nutrix, sorry: have you experimented more with using them in place of wax melts?
  20. wait! yes, don't give up on odalisque! Try just your wrists and neck. Or try it when your working out like some use Dominance. or, worst case, use it in place of wax melts but you'd have to ask mara or nutrix what works fordilution so you don't pherobomb yourself. I use old wax plus 1/3-1/5 of a sampler bottle (haven't opened any of my bottles for this so don't know drops.)
  21. wow, how could I have never read about captivation equation before? This sounds amazing. Benzoin scares me since I'm 0 for 2 in trying ones I like, but if it's just a little like stated, wow! Might have to see about buying this from July Girl's trade thread or just waiting and eventually acquiring. It's funny-- I used to HATE sweet potato. I know our tastes change as we grow older (well, actually they're dying off so things that used to be unpleasant might become pleasant at a different strength-- at least that's how it goes with tastebuds; I assume it goes the same with smelling.) I've only started liking sweet potato in the last year. yum!
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