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Everything posted by therapygirl

  1. CC I love your combo of PG Dominance and our beloved Sugared Lavender so much (I have seven bottles of SL), that I just ordered a bottle of Slave to Sin amped with Dominance pheros as a substitute before it sells out! I am wearing the combo now and cannot get enough of myself!
  2. Ok ShellyB I'm right there with you, albuterol, late nights, laryngitis and all! My nine year old boy just wants to watch Spongebob over and over. No amount of wine, chiklit or smell goods can help me keep from being a little dumber from watching....only his squeaky little voice (sounding ever so much like Mickey Mouse) saying , "I love you Mommy" , make it worth losing the brain cells~~~
  3. Ladies, she is my closest friend, and so worth "knowing"!! This new person is a lucky guy!
  4. That would be amazing as I think I just sent out my last one. Do you have my addy from the decant swap?
  5. Hey katz, I have a bottle coming, I'll be glad to split it with you. I'll let you know when it arrives!
  6. This one has a textural note similar to Hathor and Scarlet Silk to me, all dusky and smooth. The herbal notes are gorgeous, and it a a sensual experience! It is very different and I LOVE the sugar used in this one. Full bottle. SO approved!
  7. I don't always do great with florals either Liz, but this one is BEAUTIFUL! Didn't go the least bit skunky on me, not normal with florals! Full bottle!!
  8. Me too Djac!!! The SO has already given a thumbs up to that one!
  9. See, baby punting WAS effective!!! (J/k, no babies were harmed in the stating of this violent fantasy)
  10. hmph! I thought my baby punting would be sufficiently violent to motivate her.I don't think the chick is budging!
  11. I got it with treasured hearts!! love it!!!
  12. Crabby here too! Worked three shifts til 10:30 last night and was back at it this am at 5:30. I want to punt a baby!!!
  13. This one makes a great base for other scents as well!
  14. I would love a new one, however it may be something like intellectual man and woman, or even dominance and none. i hate not knowing stuff!
  15. Danna and Mara I hope you both have a lovely Valentine's Day! :bizoo: :abvb:
  16. You ladies are amazing!! I can't wait to see the descriptions!!
  17. Seems like Mr Shelly is very well taken care of!! Lucky guy!
  18. I ADORE Valentine Queen, as does my SO. It was the surprise yummy of the bunch for me! I caught no Tide notes, I hope you will not either!!
  19. OMG, this is one of my very favorites. I had considered doing a sugared scent with vanilla, sandalwood and clove, but then why would I mess with perfection?
  20. I usually apply 4 inches to each wrist, and each side of the neck. BI needs about ten minutes of drydown for me not to detect it anymore. I get out of the bath, apply and by the time I do my makeup it's gone!
  21. My SO wore it this weekend during my horrible pms. It stopped my cramps cold turkey, and made me relax enough to take a nap and awake feeling human!
  22. mmm...I could use me some housework and garbage taken out!!
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