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Everything posted by Countesszero

  1. I received PG Cougar weeks ago and have been testing it ever since.PG Cougar is now my Fountain of Youth Potion. The scent is to die for. At first I wasnt to keen on pink grapefruit but after wearing it on a daily basis it seems to meld with my chemistry really well. The grapefruit becomes more perfumy/resiny as time goes by and there's a subtle sweetness brought about by the sugars that last a long time on my skin. That's the only way to describe it. The description is right on the money too. It says that the scent of Pink Grapefruit shaves 8 to 10 years off of the age of the wearer. ITS TRUE. I've never felt so youthful and obviously from the reactions I'm getting I've never looked as young as I do now. Cool. Yesterday alone I had 7 count them 7 people comment on how young I look and how I definitely don't look my age. (I'm 42) At least 3 of the comments came from people I had just met. Who would've gained nothing from complimenting me. A really good friend of mine called me a witch that doesnt age last week. Hmm. Interesting. That's been said to me before. Hey I've got good genes I guess. Also my 12 yr old step son actually held a conversation with me about girls and school.Things he's NEVER even told his father before. Oh and I can't leave out how good this potion makes me feel. I feel young,vibrant and super sexy. I'm going to have to stock up on this precious jewel.
  2. My prayers go out to both Calistic and Djac. It definitely is a touch thing to deal with. My mom died about 6 years ago and I cared for her at home with the help of nurses. Bad, sad times. Hang in there ladies. When my mom was going through it I made sure I gave her hugs, kisses and told her all the time how much I loved her. Looking back on it I'm comforted because I believe the last words she heard from me was I love you Mom. So give your Grandma (Calistic) and Mother (Djac) plenty hugs and love. I'm sending my love to them as well. The Countess
  3. I've only started wearing it yesterday. I will say this Sugared Honeycomb has really got staying power. Even after showering last night (with the hubby, how fun) as well as this morning I can still detect a faint smell. It is really intoxicating. Upon first application I get a very strong pungent smell but it soon dies down to something really sweet and long lasting. I actually havent worn it anywhere else but home thus far. The hubby really didnt comment much on it. I do love the scent but on me I think It'll fair better mixed with something like Sugared Honeysuckle or Amber. We shall see.
  4. Wow that was fun. I've just placed my order too. I ordered the 2 month sampler, full sized bottles of Happy Water, Wildflower, Blood Martini, True Confessions, Me,Jane, Blatant Invitation, and Fairest. I can't wait to receive my goodies.
  5. I'm placing my order tomorrow. I can't wait. I plan to spend an indecent amount of money too. I'm so excited and the descriptions are over the top.
  6. I received mine too. The hubby is picking up my package as I'm writing this. I can't wait to get home and enjoy my goodies.
  7. OMG Blood Martini is back and Happy Water sounds great. I was wishing for another potion with just straight androstenol in it. My wish has come true. Now if my money fairy would get here early. She's not due to arrive until Friday. But when she does...oh boy, oh boy. I'm ordering the monthly samples of the new releases and some full sized bottles. I must have Happy Water and of course Blood Martini which is my second favorite next to Potion Bastet. I can't wait. You ladies have done another fabulous job.
  8. Mine are Betrothal Potion with EST Esmeralda's Pink Emerald Me,Jane CFM Original Love Potion
  9. You got it. I'm definitely going to pair it up with some EOW and I might even throw some Pre-Release Dirty (Androtics) in for good measure.
  10. I just purchased a full sized bottle. I can't wait for it to come. I'm going to get some Amber when the new releases come out.
  11. I've heard really good things about sugared honeycomb. Any scent that works well with copulins is a must have in my book.
  12. I've got samples on the way but think I'll place an order for a full sized bottle of Sugared Honeycomb RIGHT NOW.
  13. I can't wait to receive my sugared honeycomb and now it seems that I'll have to purchase amber too. Great post Starlitegirl.
  14. I'm with you Yumyum. I cannot wait. 2 months worth of awesome potions and my money fairy will be arriving soon. I'm just living the dream.
  15. And that is why I'm going to purchase some Super Sexy for Men right away.
  16. I've got a full sized bottle on the way. I can't wait to try it out.
  17. Yesterday I ordered full sized bottles of Treasured Hearts, Sugared Roses with TAA and Cuddle Bunny. I also ordered samples of Me,Jane (a must have) Breaking the Ceiling, Sugared HoneyComb and Sugared HoneySuckle. I'm actually thinking about getting a full sized bottle of Breaking the Ceiling. It works so well and has really influenced my career.
  18. My money fairy arrives today and I can hardly contain myself. I'm definitely ordering some Treasured Hearts, more Me,Jane and I hope to snag more Betrothal Potion spiked with EST among other things.
  19. Unscented Dominance you say. Very interesting I will have to get some. BTW I'm a CPA too.
  20. I figured you'd notice that Dolly. The world can be ours with a little help from LP.
  21. Great report Dolly. I've been meaning to get Treasured Hearts now I'm making it my priority.
  22. Yep it's spiked with EST. The combo should be interesting. I want to order more potions but my money fairy is hiding from me. Oh how I wish I could win the lottery.
  23. If I remember correctly the Pink Emerald was made for you. You have a good nose for scents. It smells really really awesome. I can't wait to receive my bottle and the fact that it's got EST in it makes me jump for joy.
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