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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. I keep going to the new release page and refreshing it hoping to see the new ones. My refresh button is worn out from today. I think I should let it rest and get me some rest and dream of lovely LPs that have yet to come.
  2. At least I know my low-key lifestyle isn't totally abnormal. We're out there, but nobody knows we exist because we're hermits! Really great smelling hermits.
  3. That happened to me the first few times I tested this. Then it stopped. Something odd about it. I'm not sure why it did it. Same thing happened with Happy Water but it didn't stop. I've come to suspect that maybe certain pheros or phero combos do this when you use them the first few times. Androtics Shine did that to me at first. But now when I wear it not so much if at all, which is good because who wants a headache?
  4. Awww, hopefully you'll get some rest after the pages load and the order come rushing in and then you ship... because I suspect you won't rest until then. You ladies are the best. Kittehs too!
  5. I think having to do a couple of months of scents makes it even more laborious for them because they have to create each page for each scent, add them to the main page, the perfume page, the sample and new release page (plus in categories if they choose to but that could probably wait) and THEN connect all those links. It can be outright tedious. Best to do offline and the when it all connects and looks good in the program update the site with it. But if you figure 10 scents for this month (I forget how many there are) that's a lot of work. Ten individual pages plus adding ten to samples and then the new releases, etc and then all the different links. OMFG! It's the sort of thing that's best done in small steps like they did a few months ago or your head kind of feels like it's going to implode (unless maybe their wearing some Tantric Butterfly!) I had to do this for a few classes and projects in college and it's okay a first, but then, tedium kicks in. I'm just thrilled that I got descriptions of last months because I really need to know what's in them to get an idea of which ones will have a good shot with my chemistry. Three looked like they might work. YAY!
  6. Mara, you're such a tease! I saw your ID and got all excited. Well, I'm actually very excited to read last months descriptions. A few still have me intrigued so I may end up being a bad girl who gives you multiple orders to sort through.
  7. Don't know if any of you chickas noticed but Mara's Rocket Fuel is up in the custom section. I grabbed a bottle of it right away though I did email the ladies and ask them to put one aside for me. I resisted before because I didn't want to spend that much, but I LOVE the scent and the SS4W, so it seemed like it would make sense to just get it.
  8. I keep hoping for an update with details. DETAILS. I really need to get a life.
  9. If you got it from LPMP you should let them know because it's a mix of CPS and pheros and who knows what ratio leaked out.
  10. I put PG on with Black yesterday and it was delicious.
  11. Are you giving it a good shake to mix it up? Also, sometimes you need more than you would for perfume. I roll it up and down my neck area a few times and sometimes a little over my hair. But I'm like you lifestyle and all, not getting out a lot so the gym and errands and maybe a cafe are where I see hits if any. But using more might be what you need. And shake the bottle good. For me, it gets some looks and attention or people hovering around you, but nothing to major beyond some recognition that I'm present in the room. And I use kind of a lot. Also, I notice more attention when I use it before the gym and then get sweaty during a workout. So winter weather might have affected diffusion factor and results if you're sort of in passing with people but not really in contact talking, sitting with them, etc. Between you and me, I sometimes wonder why I even bother with the pheros given my borderline hermit lifestyle. But when I get the attention it makes me feel a little better, like I'm not a complete hermit (though for the most part I am).
  12. Yum on nutella and fluff and cool whip. Now there's a scent for us!!! I'm the same way- emotional eater though since december I seem to have swung to emotional non eater for some strange reason. Seems if there's stress or anxiety or upset above a certain threshold I can't even think of eating and get queasy if I do. Not complaining though because I did lose 10 lbs that I spent 6 months trying to lose with diet and working out. Then I get some major health issue and boom! 10 lbs gone in two months. Go figure.
  13. Sometimes we just need the fun and attention.
  14. This might be a great one for at the gym for me. Though me being extra focused on a workout might make me 'scary chick' instead of 'hot chick' seeing that I'm not exactly a lightweight lifter. I used to intimidate the guys at my old gym, which became sissy land once Golds opened up. Now at Golds, at least half the guys do lift more than me - well on a good day anyway. For a while there I was wondering if I had more testosterone than them, which is NOT GOOD. :unsure: Plus when I'm ultra focused I think I get 'bitch face' which does come in handy at times. Very curious about the ingredients. And honestly, maybe some of the guys at Golds could use a little bit of 'scary chick with the bitch face' since half of them seem to think they're God's Gift to humanity. As if!
  15. Last posted in a thread on how many of what we have I think we had 18 bottles in stock. This is because we used to use pharmacom - I think that's the name - and now use Stone Labs so when pharmacom stock is gone the potions they made will be gone forever, though they're aiming for some rebrews I think or similar matches. Might be less now if people really liked it and wanted to grab up the last of it. I'm not sure.
  16. Ah, see I think this may be my saving grace. I tried pretty much every scent that was on the perfume page over the past several months and I've deluded myself into being certain certain ones won't work. And now I just stay away from whole groups. Some are certainties, like florals. With the exception of one fragrance (Pink Emerald), florals do not like me, and I've realized that I don't really like them. Something about smelling the scent of a flower on me isn't appealing. In a vase? Yes. Outside? Wonderful. As a room scent? Dandy. On my skin? Not so much. So that leaves me with a much smaller group of scents to test and buy. Incense is another aroma that I'm not fond of on my skin. There are a few I love. But on my skin, I'm very, very picky, which is just about the only thing that is keeping my collection of LPs from taking over the house.
  17. Today I decided to have some fun and did a phero bomb that consisted of massive amounts of SS4W, PP, and honeycomb/amber for scent cover w/ a little added cops. So at the gym, a few guys follow me around like puppies. Another few keep looking my way. I'm in my own little world listening to my ipod while doing my sets. I notice this bit with the guys but don't really give it any thought. I'd actually forgotten I'd applied anything. Next up, the cafe. I grabbed the corner couch, reading and glancing at the TV while waiting for my friend to arrive. And bit by bit nearly every table around me fills with men. The tables are set very close together and there are two sides of the cafe separated by where the line forms behind the registers. I'm waiting for my friend and before I know it, I'm surrounded by men. Almost the entire male population was on my side of the room and the other side? Next to empty! Then my friend comes in and says, "We're moving to the other side. There's too many people here." So we move across to the vacant area, and over the next half hour the other side empties of all but maybe four or five guys when there were just around 25 before and the side we're on now seems to be getting full. We think nothing of it but decide to move back to the other side because of the draft and because the other side has cleared out. So now we're at the other side of the room again, same corner chairs as before, and within 15 minutes (I KID YOU NOT!!!) we're surrounded again... by men! It was insane. So my friend looks at me, shrugs, laughs as if to say 'what the hell with these people!' And I laugh and say it must be my pheros not even really thinking about it. Then we're in hysterics because apparently my phero bomb worked a little too well. Then she points to the bathroom and tells me to go wash them off because she's getting claustrophobic. I think maybe I'll go a little lighter with the pheros next time.
  18. That emoticon is perfect! What's got me pacing like an expectant father isn't the ordering part as much as wanting to know what's in all the different scents. I'm still curious about some of the specifics from last month because a few still have my interest a bit, but I've gotten so good at knowing which scents will or won't work with my chemistry that seeing ingredients is a major help. Patience apparently is not one of my virtues.
  19. So it's not just me? WHEW! I was starting to feel totally obsessed and like I perhaps needed to seek an LP-anon support group. But clearly I need a waiting for new LP release-anon group.
  20. Sadly, it seems they outnumber us these days, but if your default is that people suck then you're pleasantly surprised when you find the ones that don't and aren't left damaged by the ones that do. That's the lesson I kept getting until it finally sunk in but only after years of paying a price that was far too high.
  21. Does this molecule trigger old positive memories or feelings to be forgotten? It seems like it's a reset, and I think you had mentioned in an earlier thread how it gives a second chance at a first impression. But does that mean anything positive along the way, like if a person had a mix of feelings toward you, would that be wiped? Does it do a total reset whammy on them? Because there might be some positives mixed in there that you wouldn't want to lose. So I'm really curious about that.
  22. I hope we get the descriptions soon. I know they're still crazy busy, but once those images go up, I get obsessed about knowing what's in them. I'm hoping it's not mostly florals again this month... then again it would save me a bundle with the way I've been buying. Of course, there's always the pheros...
  23. Well, Scourger's saying it's synonymous with creativity, but with a name like EGG, I think I'll let my creativity suffer and console myself with the fact that chocolate fragrances don't appeal to me much anyway unless they're edible. And there is Tantric Sex Yoga... is anyone else seeing a theme for this month.... nymph, cheap girls, cuddle bunny, tantric butterfly, hotter than hell, belladonna brew ("Belladonna", a song by UFO from No Heavy Petting and Belladonna (porn star) or Michelle Anne Sinclair, an American pornographic actress), egg... :unsure:
  24. L.A. Law -(scroll down to this paragraph on that page) At the height of the show's popularity in the mid-1980s, attention was focused upon a fictitious sexual technique named the "Venus Butterfly". The only clue describing the technique was a vague reference to "ordering room service". Fans and interested persons flooded the show's producers with letters asking for more details about this curious kink. And if you follow the Venus Butterfly link they are even so kind as to provide the exact technique which I believe was given on Rescue Me. (I really have to start watching that show.) ETA: Now I really, really, really want a scent called Venus Butterfly that's got a mega-dose of BI and Cops... the kind of dose that would be like viagra if it were a phero.
  25. You are my complete opposite when it comes to skin chemistry and scents. Sugar LOVES me. Florals seem to think they're soap on me. Another member that is my complete opposite. I don't need to know anything more once I hear 'fertility' aspects. Intent or not, I can just imagine my little eggies racing out of their ovaries in search of sperm that is not forthcoming... and then somehow cleverly devising a way to gestate into a fetus in the total absence of said sperm.
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