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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. This sounds like something out of a batman cartoon. A quick spritz of T-DHoc and ZAPPPP!!!! BAM!!!!! POW!!!!!! The target gets dizzy then sees you for the very first time. And of course your wearing a boatload of super sexy. Yeah, that works.
  2. I'll probably end up dosing myself more than them! I am tempted to go heavy with phero girl just to be a wee bit evil
  3. Eh well, Friday nights could be worse. I'm curled up in my bed, online and watching TiVo - I have around 36 hours to get through. It's insane! So many shows that I love... Good thing I'm building a stockpile of pheros though. All I'm missing at this point is cuddle bunny since I have BI in the newest LP. I think I'm just going to start dosing the gym boys as a freak experiment. A girl's gotta have fun... might as well bowl em over with pheros, just not the super sexual ones
  4. Roo is adorable!!! Such a cutie! Do you pay her in catnip?
  5. You're not alone in your vents. You'd think with me going to Gold's gym, I'd be able to find some kind of decent guy. I'm convinced it's the approachable thing. Plus, they probably are worried they'd look like tools hitting on women at the gym. Of course, it's the older ones that have no problem. Heck, I had a college professor (who was both annoying and creepy!) from way back when I got my first undergrad degree in '94 checking me out. And this is a man who I asked to write a recommendation letter for me the year after I graduated and he couldn't even remember my name. 1 stinking year! And I had multiple classes with him, plus he would start conversations with me and my friends and a short lived tool of a boyfriend whenever he saw us in the cafe. Of course I'm much more fit now than I was back then, but I'm willing to bet he still doesn't realize I took his classes (where he bored me to near death). How's that for a vent?
  6. I think Mara posted that they went out yesterday or the day before they moved... I'll scroll back and check... link to her post Posted on Feb 18 -
  7. I keep checking the likely links hoping to catch some details. I'm a bad, bad girl. And with the orders I just made for pheros, I should be on my best behavior. Oh well... love my LPMPs
  8. I've gotta get me some of this! Or SS4M if Super for men still isn't around. Of course, it might make me lonesome. Then again, maybe not.
  9. Makes a lot of sense to me. I kind of wish we had an unscented phero for what's in Allegro and Happy water. Alpha-Androstenol. That's the one. It's available as an add-in but that limits you to that one scent. But it is in almost all the unscented phero blends. Perhaps a blend that's more relaxing like DYG? Or DYG mixed with an extra boost of Alpha-Androstenol? Perhaps put Alpha-Androstenol in a scent that is good for layering with most other scents or a scent that makes you feel happy and upbeat? edited to add that PP might achieve this goal too.
  10. I know M&D are probably either still busy with the move or tired from it. I'm still really excited to see what the new scents are. The unveiling is so much fun! I know they'll be revealed within the next several days when the ladies have time, and I'm really looking forward to it!
  11. And as such, stkatz will be wearing this to work everyday. (just teasing)
  12. The self effects I experience from DYG is that I'm more relaxed and easy going. It's a very calm feeling and my guard doesn't go up as easily or quickly whereas normally, I don't like feeling vulnerable, so I'm very guarded and don't show emotions. I'm less prone to be friendly toward people I don't know as well. So this one works like a charm for me. Relaxed, easy going, but not chatty or spilling personal details. That might be more of true confessions. I think this one does exactly what it says, it drops your guard but you're not confessing up details of your life. At least I haven't when I've had it on. edited for terrible spelling
  13. Ah .... tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone = T-DHoc Thanks! Big words and lack of caffeine - not a good mix. Thanks Luna!!!
  14. What's T-DHoc? I feel very dense right now. Sorry. Lack of caffeine perhaps. Again Ail, I love, love, love your input and feedback. It's always immensely helpful! Thank you ever so much for taking this time to post when you are very busy. I appreciate it more than you know.
  15. Thank you so very much, Ail! I'm going to do that. It sounds like a perfect blend. I'm especially happy you were here today to answer this question.
  16. So Cuddle Bunny is far more sexual than I'd have thought. Good to know. I guess I'll stick with Intellectual Woman and maybe another super sexy for women. I'm not sure about True Confessions. I like the idea of having people be more talkative with me, but not of hearing life stories when I barely know them... or of spilling my own. Any other recommendations?
  17. I have love-scent EOW, the alcohol based one. I'm barely dating these days, so I'm not even going to bother with that until I have a relationship. Right now, I want to focus on being more approachable. It recently came to my attention that I have a major issue with vulnerability and so I put out this energy that has made me seem unapproachable probably for the last 20 years. So now, I'm using DYG and TH to help me relax and get these walls down. They seem to make a difference the last two days I've worn them, not in just me, but I can see it in guys around me. There's a distinct difference. I think Cuddle Bunny is probably the most sexually oriented one I want to get for now. It would be a good one for even more intimacy or sexual allure when that time comes. I want to keep the vibe a bit less sexy for now. Between Super Sexy and Cuddle Bunny and even Intellectual Woman, I'm probably hitting all the ranges before going into the hot zone. Edited to add - I do have phero girl and Me, Jane. So I've got the cops when I want to use them.
  18. I was thinking Cuddle Bunny would be good. And super sexy, which I have. But I think I'm going to order cuddle bunny and intellectual woman because I think those would be good while not giving off a total 'do me now' vibe.
  19. Awww. Now I feel really badly about all my whining for descriptions. *bows head in shame* I promise I will wait very patiently for forthcoming descriptions. I will be very happy just to know the names and see the images given thus far, and I will cherish them until the descriptions are posted. *hope the move went smoothly*
  20. Oh yes, I've tried that, too. And then I started getting the pheros I didn't have. And making customs. So I've pretty much decided that LP is my crack. No, I'm not cooking heroin or meth. I'm not sticking a needle in my arm. But I come here looking for stuff that makes me feel good. Thank God it's not illegal because I'd be so sitting in a 5x5 if it were.
  21. Or, as a parent, over time, your willingness to be patient while your kids wear you down to a tiny little nub of the person you were before you were a parent dwindles into oblivion...
  22. No kidding. Patience clearly is not one of my virtues. But I keep telling myself that anticipation is a good thing. Of course, every time I do, I know it's just bullsh*t
  23. Maybe it's the benzoin or some note that got sharper since I've last worn it. So long as I can layer it with something else, I don't think it's an issue for me. Next time, I'll layer it with LP Black because I suspect that might be kind of cool.
  24. I just put on Super for women after not using it for about two months, and it started out like yummy cake batter but in around 10-15 minutes headed south, which it never did before. It always stayed pretty much like cake batter. This time it was I guess metallic would be the best way to describe it. Not like cake batter and sharp. I just covered it with C&J's treacle trollup which took the edge off but that sharpness is giving the patchouli a run for its money, and I didn't think anything could give patchouli a run for its money. Luckily the sweet maple in that mix is what's coming out.
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