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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. I hope today we get some more info on the new releases. I'm really curious about what the scents will be like.
  2. Oh, good approach! Coffeemama is suffering. Can we help appease her agony with some lovely scent descriptions? pleeeeaaaasssseeee?
  3. Oh please, they totally tease us with those. I WANT DETAILS!!! I actually placed an order yesterday or the day before because I figured by the time all the details were up, I'd be seriously jonesing for some of the pheros I wanted. I am determined to get my love life moving forward. This stagnation just will not do.
  4. All I could imagine for a minute was Mr. Wonderful leaving the house loaded with the Super Sexy pheros given to him by his gal... and all the women flocking to him. NEVER let a man leave the house loaded with Super Sexy pheros. Bedtime only! HA!
  5. Now don't be getting twitchy. (Just teasing!) Well the new special blends are kind of fun because you can always get unscented versions of the ones that already exist if you like them that much. Sexology is amazing, well, scent wise since I haven't really road tested the phero part.
  6. Not yet. I'm guessing Tuesday since Monday is a holiday, though I've noticed that it seems like sometimes M&D work weekends. But probably Tuesday. The pheros in the sorceress blend has me very curious because I don't think it's one of their currently available blends. I think it's going to be like with sexology where they find a nice mix that's individual to the potion rather than put in one that's already available unscented. Although now that I'm thinking about it, Drop Your Guard seems like it might be a good one because a Sorceress/Sorcerer might want to disarm others. True confession might also be another clever option. Have either of them ever been used in a scent before? DYG actually really seems like an interesting choice for this blend. Hmmm? Edited to add - I think DYG is in a current blend though I can't remember the name of it. I'll have to go look.
  7. SG totally loves this part. Gotta admit, if it were me, I'd think it were fun to watch everyone try to guess.
  8. I just wanted to see if I could figure some of them out now that I kind of have a feel for some of the names they give them. But honestly, it's kind of fun to know SG is getting a kick out of it. I'll be sleeping off my overnight shift tomorrow, so I probably won't even think much about it. Okay, that's a bit of a lie. I am curious to know how far off the mark I was because I though some might be close. It's like trying to figure out a puzzle when you have these clues that can be sort of vague or misleading, but not always because sometimes they're spot on.
  9. Well, I've yet to try a few of them or wear them enough or in situations to get many hits, but I still like them. In no particular order other than what come to my mind... Pherogirl Super for women sexology LP LE with BI Treasured Hearts Happy water (though it gives me a slight headache, which shine did so I'm wondering if that fades?) Me, Jane Drop Your Guard Super Sexy On the fence about getting wildflower. I have two samples I'm using... I have sugared honeycomb with est that I've yet to try... And I just got Dominance which I suspect I'll love. I'm staying away from anything really sexual unless it's an LP scent blend since right now it makes no sense for a single gal who isn't dating to have them unless I really like the scent.
  10. I'm mostly wrong? Seriously? No, I can't be *that* far off. Maybe with a few but you ladies always do names that fit from what I can see. Okay if some are so wrong, I'll say Shady Lady, I don't know but it's green, and Hoyden might be really off in the scents I guessed. Sorceress I still think is going to have personal power and maybe personal psychic power elements given it's a sorceress. Not sure what the phero would be though. Something empowering I would imagine which is why I guess dominance since there's no dominance - or some home blended option that's got some element of dominance. Nothing sexual though. That wouldn't make sense unless your going for dark sex magic or something. *shrugs* And I might be off on the ingredients for Bacchanalia depending on how M&D envisioned it. But I think I'm close with the others. No hints or clues? I'm still sticking with my guesses even if they are so wrong, because I don't think they are completely wildly wrong. Maybe just headed down the wrong path. *shrugs*
  11. OMG! You're my twin! That's what I was doing, and it was so confusing for them I think because I'd have a bottle here and a bottle there. So I'm going to wait for this new round of releases then place an order with the bottles and samples I want. And then wait and hold till next round. Otherwise it's just sheer insanity or a bottle here and there. This way, I can just sit on my fingers and wait until I have one good size order. It also forces me to pay attention to how much I'm spending and I look at my order to see if I'm being silly with purchases, like what do I really need a sexy phero for if I don't have a guy? Makes zero sense unless I love the scent in which case, totally different.
  12. I'm not big on florals, so for me this month is most likely just LP Pink and maybe shady lady and hoyden. Sorceress depends on what's in it. Hummingbird nectar has me curious, but I suspect there might be some florals in it. I do want to buy a bottle of Popularity Potion and another of C&J TT so far. Fairly certain I'll get LP Pink. Then I'll have to see the other ingredients in the other ones. Now that I've got so many that I love, I seem to be slowing down on my purchases, but also because I know what works and doesn't work for me. I was thinking about getting cuddle bunny and soulmate but with no guy and me not even dating, it seems sort of silly. I can always get them later. So now I'm mostly getting pheros that aren't sexual in nature unless they are in a scent I love because that's like a 2 for 1 deal At least I feel less guilty now about how much I was buying. Now I just get ones I really like a lot. In this economy, I'm trying to be more realistic about what I actually use because I feel buyers guilt when I buy lots.
  13. Okay, here are my guesses: Hummingbird nectar - Sugar! And other things but it's got sugar! Hummingbird nectar recipe Hummingbird Nectar Recipe Directions for making safe hummingbird food: Mix 1 part sugar with 4 parts water and bring to a boil to kill any bacteria or mold present. Cool and fill feeder. Extra sugar water may be stored in a refrigerator. Red dye should not be added. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bacchanalia - bacchanalia link Roman history: The bacchanalia were wild and mystic festivals of the Roman god Bacchus (Dionysus in Greek). Introduced into Rome from lower Italy by way of Etruria (c. 200 BC), the bacchanalia were originally held in secret and only attended by women. The festivals occurred in the grove of Simila near the Aventine Hill on March 16 and March 17. Later, admission to the rites was extended to men, and celebrations took place five times a month. According to Livy, the extension happened in an era when the leader of the Bacchus cult was Paculla Annia—though it is now believed that some men had participated before that. Probably has some kind of wine. Might have scents that are representative of that era and roman culture. Wine is the most prevalent thing that comes to mind as well as berries and fruits. ------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know, but it's green... A green scent, maybe something with something that pays some homage to St. Patrick's Day. But I'm not thinking really green. Some woods and something with a liquor component. -------------------------------------------------------------- Flower of the Beast Dragon flower! Calla Lily - Black calla lily! So that's a major component I'm guessing. -------------------------------------------------------------- La Fleur Cremeuse Creamy Flower is the translation. So... a creamy floral -------------------------------------------------------------- Shady Lady Hmmm? Sexy female scent. Beyond that I've got nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------- Flower of Venus Flower of Venus is a rose! In ancient Rome...the rose was known as the Flower of Venus and lent itself ultimately as an instrument of worship represented by the rosary. And this is only the beginning. Loveliest of flowers...guarded by cruel thorns...the rose symbolized both heavenly perfection and earthly passion...both fertility and virginity. Voluptuous and sensual...the red rose was also known as the flower of Aphrodite...goddess of love. The white rose...on the other hand...was recognized as the flower of light...as innocence and chastity. Red and white roses together represent the unification of opposites. The Mystic Rose (a rose without thorns) symbolizes eternal spring. Its center was the sun...it's petals were the many harmonies of nature. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hoyden Dictionary definition Main Entry:hoy·denFunction:noun : a girl or woman of saucy, boisterous, or carefree behavior The kitteh doesn't really match the name. So maybe it's softened a bit possibly with something creamy because there's a kitteh. The kitteh is playing with the rope. So something saucy, carefree, and playful? But not as 'sexy' as Shady Lady. Might not even have any 'sexy' scents in it. So no musk or honey is what I'm thinking. Aromas that are more playful but also spunky and carefree. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorceress magical meanings of ingredients pheromone enhanced power potion? Hmm? Magical qualities that increase personal power and possibly some sexual undercurrent. Could also be for psychic power increase given that it's sorceress. I'm thinking here are some possible components but I think the base might be might be something a scent that isn't as odd as mugwort. AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses, dreaming. CARNATION ~ Power, energy, protection. DRAGON’S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency. GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones. ANISE ~ Sexual potency, cleansing, wards away nightmares, protective, purification, happiness, youth, psychic powers, luck, calming, soothing, meditation. Wedding rituals. BLADDERWRACK and KELP ~ Protection, money, psychic powers, sea spells. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. DANDELION ~ Promotes psychic powers; aids in psychic communication, wishes. GRASSES ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection. LEMON GRASS ~ Lust, increases psychic powers. MUGWORT ~ Love, fertility, preserves youthful beauty, psychic power, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, astral projection. ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, psychic powers. THYME ~ Protection from negativity, rejuvenating. Health, healing, sleep, psychic power enhancement, love, purification, courage. ------------------------------------------------------------ Those are my guesses.
  14. I was trying to speculate earlier and I would think that it would be one that they didn't have in a current blend. So I was thinking popularity potion might make the most sense. Then I also thought intellectual but that's in one right now, though I don't think it's a big seller. But they're also very good with using a little of this and that to give something outside the phero blends like with sexology. So that might be it. Or it could be Dominance for Sorceress and some sort of counterpart for the men. I'm very curious to see about the phero and also the scent. LP pink is the only one I know. The rest, it's hard to even guess.
  15. Damn, it's so weird seeing this pic of him when I'm watching him now on 24. Must say, I kind of think he's even hotter now, but it might just be the sexy, take charge, kick butt factor of Jack Bauer. So much sexy and hotness with a side order of in control. Yum
  16. I went and read the page on it. It looks positively yummy. I'll get a sample just to be sure I do love it, but I'm looking forward to it. Sorceress looks interesting too. technically it is a 'march' release but in feb. which is better!
  17. I'm thinking LP Pink return should be fun! And I KNEW it was coming back. I had a tingly feeling just yesterday on this. *scampers off to read the LP Pink page for details*
  18. I DO! I can't stop sniffing my wrist. I think this is going to be my scent of the day for tomorrow.
  19. I absolutely love this scent. It's delicious! Sweet and rich and creamy maple patchouli. Definitely getting another bottle.
  20. Now I'm going to have to test my super to see if it does this. It used to be yummy cake batter. I hope it still is.
  21. The amber in the LP versions (original, black, red - 'love potions') are very low-key. I think it's a softer amber on whole. I have a variety of ambers, some that are very resinous, some that are reminiscent of soap on me that I have to blend with others, and the sugared one that's delicious. The amber used in the Love Potions (not all the scents but the ones with LP in their name) is what I would refer to as soft. I think it's always good to try samples, especially when they are only $5 and will last you a little while. Also, if you don't like a scent you can always swap the sample in the trading forum for another, so it's a good investment instead of going for the bottle right away. I sample all the scents before I buy them because there have been ones I thought I would love that I didn't and ones I didn't imagine myself liking that I loved. It's hard to tell just by the description what a scent is going to do on your skin. Phero Girl is a wonderful scent - I had it and I have une which is the non-copulin version. It's a delicious honey aroma, very well blended, but then again, I'm a honey junkie.
  22. From my perspective, it really boils down to what you're looking for really. CB is great for one on one intimacy. PP is good for getting a good response from people around you. SS4W is going to give you a good response from men. So really it depends on who you want to target with the most efficiency. Hubby? People in general? Or men? At least that's how I think when I buy pheros. Who do I want to get a reaction from and what kind of reaction do I want? CB has the cuddle and sexual component. PP no sexual but helps for fun with people in general. Not gender specific. SS4W targets men in general.
  23. Well, it appears I've got my dunce cap on for forgetting to shake the vial. Thanks for that post Mara! It made a huge difference. I'm going to edit my original post to reflect how lovely this one is.
  24. I'm so excited to try this one. I have a feeling it's going to be really awesome on me.
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