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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. I ditto this whole post. Florals no like me, but I would have loved to try the less potent CB phero. Ah well, to all those who love this and are getting it back, enjoy!
  2. I need to get out more... and wear way more perfume. I think I go too light or my skin drinks it up. *shrugs* But I have Une and Phero Girl I, even amped up the phero girl I with a load of cops last night when I put it in the roll on bottle since I have two of them. So I have one that's light on cops and one that could bowl the average guy over. edited because to and too are very different words
  3. ST and BSG?! I'm in scifi geek heaven! Kara's relationship to the Cylons is so difficult to figure out. I can't figure if she's a clone or not. I think they want us to think she is. I swear, there are days I think we're going to find out they're all cylon clones and the 12 don't even know it, because that would really put their kind of frakked up human morality tailspin on things given that now we're beginning to see that cylons can be just as petty if not worse than most humans at times.
  4. I never notice any response like this from guys when I wear my honey scent. Maybe I'm not wearing enough? Or maybe it's because I'm 5'9 and look like I could hold my own with most men because I carry myself like I'm the birth mother of 'Dominance' - which is why DYG is a regular for me these days. And I'm an honest to goodness honey ho. I probably have just about every honey based scent that LPMP currently makes. And it smells like sexy honey on me. Maybe I'm just not wearing enough. That HAS to be it. *shrugs*
  5. I'm really excited to try LP Pink after all the raves I've heard about it. I have around 3 or 4 others I'd like to try, but I wanted to wait and see what the reviews say about which ingredients come across strongest because there's a good mix of ingredients in most of them that don't work well with my chemistry. They're very tempting, and I had to actually use all my willpower to not get those samples.
  6. Yes, I have EST in sugared honeycomb. I still haven't used it though. Maybe tomorrow since I have to work today and it's a scent free zone.
  7. We all need something like that, don't we? There just doesn't seem to be much in the comforting phero zone. Same with calming. There must be something out there along those lines.
  8. I ordered a bottle of LP Pink and a bottle of CB unscented to split. I'll probably get vials of Sorceress and Bacchanalia next time I place an order after I read some reviews. I'm more cautious with musks, resins, spices and florals as they are hit or miss on me.
  9. Oh I like that. It sounds like something that's non as sexual as CB unscented and more along the lines of CB scented version. here is where she addressed the issue with CB when I was thinking of getting it. So maybe a less sexual version that is similar to CB scented? Has some kick but not a wallop like CB UN? Just a guess...
  10. Samples are always the best way to go if you're not sure about a blend. And like SB said, some of the scents can work very well on men because they're woodsy or rich in sandalwood or other scents that are great on men and women.
  11. Sad thing is that it takes very little to distract me when it comes to pheros.
  12. Sorry. I was confused because the new ones aren't coming up for me. I can wait to order. It's not that big a deal. I just didn't want to miss out on LP Pink since it sounds divine. I actually need to wait to order because I'm adding in a sample for CC but don't know which one she wants yet. But the new releases aren't coming up for me on those pages. Maybe it's me - lack of sleep from working an overnight shift. Yep, lack of sleep and I had to refresh the page when I was on it. Then they all showed up.
  13. link to a post that might give us a hint Not to give anyone the wrong impression because I don't have any idea what she's working on, but this part of that quote makes me wonder a little: Again, I have no idea, but I'm wondering if it might be related to this T-DHoc that can "totally resets their Neurotransmitters that effect long-term memory recall, to absolute ZERO, and I am very excited about its usage in pheromone blends - can you tell? ^_~" to quote Ail. I'm very, very curious and trying new phero blends would be really, really cool. Of course, I'm not sure which people I'd want to wipe their memory recall to zero regarding me. In some cases it would be quite interesting, in others, if there are some good things in there that you don't know about, I'd be concerned they'd be lost...
  14. Mara's Rocket Fuel might be really awesome with Alpha-Androstenol because you'd be happy. Of course, then it would be more like Mara's Happy Fuel. I just loved the scent. It was divine! With or without pheros.
  15. I already have two bottles of C&J's TT... so yummy! Hadn't thought of getting it with Alpha-Androstenol. I also like the idea of using Suki's Boy Bait in place of pure sugar because pure sugar is a little strange on me. I wish we could get the Alpha-Androstenol as an unscented roll on since I don't care for sprays much.
  16. I empathize with you on the floral notes. Almost every one that I have tried to date goes rank or turns to soap on me. Gardenia was one of the few but my skin ate it. And whatever is in Pink Emerald stayed pretty and floral on me. Everything else? Thinks I need to smell freshly scrubbed rather than pretty and floral apparently. So I guess I'm saving some dollars this month. LP Pink, Baccanalia (sp?), and Sorceress are the only ones I think won't turn to soap or go rank with my chemistry. This is a very, very floral month!
  17. If SS4W is low, I second my own request for the non phero version of Mara's Rocket Fuel. Of course, it might not be 'rocket fuel' with out the SS4W. Maybe Mara's Vroom or something like that would fit the non phero version unless Dr. Stone has some unique blend that accomplishes something similar, which would be great.
  18. Ah yes, Mara or Danna, can you put aside a bottle of LP Pink for me pretty, pretty please with PINK sugar on top? I am going to be placing yet another order as soon as the link to order the bottles appear, but since this one is going fast (hope you'll be rebrewing!), I'd love to have a bottle put aside for me. I have some other items I'm going to order and I'd like to keep them together for you instead of doing one bottle purchases. Thanks!
  19. Thanks! She's a favorite of mine... has a very angelic quality to her. And I felt that that sort of change would be perfect right about now. That is the cutest pic - just make sure she remembers to ground the chassis or kitteh go zzzap! (not that bad, but I don't think kittehs and sparks or static mix well. Yes, people really do suck. I mean you get a pet for happiness and love and all the good feelings that come with it. Then when times get tough you just drop it off? I have wonder if maybe the kittehs would be better off in new homes or even on their own if that's what their owners think of them. Times get tough and you toss out a member of your family? To anyone who truly cares about their pet, that would be unfathomable. So you have to wonder about the people who give them up so easily.
  20. Ha! I was right on the Dominance for Sorceress. And I was close on a few other scents... I'm getting good that this. It's like a fun game. "Guess that scent!"
  21. It's because of the economy. People have been dropping off their pets at the ASPCA for several months. Maybe up to a year. And a lot of people are probably dropping them off in different neighborhoods because some people are just tools like that. It's really sad for the animals. I guess if people can't make their house payments then they don't care much though. Or if they lose their job or their home or maybe have to go to an apartment when their house is foreclosed. Of course, I'm sure that there are people who would find comfort in their pets in the same situation. Everything is going wrong and kitteh still loves you. It is really sad though to read about these poor animals being disregarded. Of course, I remember when they had that law that allowed people to drop off their kids and they had to change the law because it was happening far more than expected with much older children. People baffle me.
  22. I sure did stock up! Since I don't have a guy where the most sexual blends will be of use, I figured SS4W would be a good alternative.
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