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Everything posted by Amalthea1978

  1. I agree that the packaging was super cute! I didn't even have to go to Mardi Gras to get some beads:)
  2. I love that you're asking so many great questions! Still being a semi-newbie myself, all this info is good to know, and some of it is stuff I would never think to ask. Thank you!
  3. Nutrix, I'm just a little put off by the description of the phero when it says it gives the feeling of a "calm male presence". I don't want to come off as masculine! The smell doesn't seem masculine to me, but the phero makes me worried. Does nobody have problems with that?
  4. Amalthea1978


    Okay, I wore Nola as my perfume today, so maybe I can give a better review. I'm still a little stuffy, but it's better than it was. I'm surprised that so many people said they had to slather - I wore about my regular amount (since I have a trial vial, that's about a swipe of the little stick across my neck, a drop in the cleavage, and a drop each wrist that I smoosh into the opposite inner-elbow, and a swipe of the little stick on the back of my neck). With that much, which is probably alot less than it sounds like, Nola was strong - like probably one of my strongest LP's. Oddly, though, it was strong for probably four hours or so, and then it totally disappeared! I still say the scent is weird. Not bad-weird, but just weird in that I don't necessarily know how to describe it. Since I wore it longer this time than when I tested it before, I have to say that after it dried down completely and settled a while, I did get the vanilla, which I did not get before. I still didn't get any smoke, which is absolutely fine by me! Overall I really like it, but I can't quite decide if it goes on the fb list for me.
  5. Welcome! You'll find that not only are the products at lp addictive, but the forum is too:)
  6. Hmm...I haven't tried wearing this out into the world yet, although I'm using it every night before bed. Based on Mara's review, maybe I should wear it out and about as well!
  7. StacyK, I've been noticing that I think we have very similar tastes in scents:) And thank you Mara for this one, I think I'm going to wear it today, even though I'm still stuffy and gross-feeling (WHEN will it end?). I think it's soft enough to slather:)
  8. Amalthea1978


    I agree. Everyone loves Allumette, adores it even, but on me I get cigarette smoke:( Or maybe I'm just so sensitive to cigarette smoke, that any smoke at all makes me think cigarette smoke. But when I sampled Nola, I didn't get smoke as an individual scent - I guess it just all blends together to make something different that my brain doesn't read as smokey.
  9. This one is so not typical for me - I don't usually like florals at all. I've only sampled it so far, but I think I'm going to like it! It's a floral, but a very sweet floral. Also, it reminds me of something specific, I just haven't been able to put my finger on what it is exactly. Maybe once I wear it some more I'll figure it out!
  10. DD you will love it! I'm still trying to get over this sinus-y problem I have going on, and it's killing me because I want to wear this one out SO much!!! I'm only wearing super-soft scents until my raw throat and sinuses can handle more:(
  11. I think Ceiling Cat is my favorite rank that I've seen so far...me and the guy were amazed when we found the Bible translated into LOLcat one night at work:) I always forget to do this, but congrats to all those who have moved up!
  12. I really need to lay off the smelliest (but it's SO HARD! Lol) and start buying some more UN pheros. I keep changing my mind about what I want though! And in the meantime, I really want fbs of Nola, Moon Sugar Candy, and The Big Easy. And I still haven't even finished trying out my February samples yet!
  13. This is an unexpected love for me! I got the sample just for the phero, but I actually really love the smell. This is going to have to be a full bottle.
  14. Actually Cherise that's not too far off! At least for me, for now, and I am still sick and stuffy, so I might get a little something different when my nose is working properly again. But I'm really not getting any banana, just a cozy, comforting, toasty scent:)
  15. Finally have my hands on Warm & Toasty and it does not disappoint! Omg I LOVE it! I notice that there's no review thread for this one yet, and I didn't want to start one because I'm not sure if there's a review thread "etiquette" for these kind of things, especially for PEs.
  16. So what are we guessing for March? More spring scents?
  17. Stalking already? I just got my February order in the mail...
  18. Amalthea1978


    So I shouldn't really be reporting on this one yet...it just got here, so it could smell different in a day or two, plus I'm still all stuffy from this cold...but I just couldn't wait to try it on. I have to say - it's weird. Not in a bad way though! Just different from everything else I can think of. So far I'm not really getting the "uber-vanilla" which is why I wanted to try this one out in the first place. Thankfully, though, the smoke isn't going all cigarette-y on me, but I honestly don't smell the smoke much at all. I do think I can smell the bourbon, but so far this is one of the few alcohol notes I've tried that actually smells good on me. Something in this reminds me of Absinthe of Malice - it must be the anise, or the combination of anise and vanilla, since that's what the two have in common. I really like it, and if it smells the same in a few days (once it settles and once my nose is working properly again!) it will definitely go on the full-bottle wishlist.
  19. Fingers extra-crossed that I'll be over this sick yuckiness so I can actually smell them when they DO come in...
  20. I got my notice!!! Fingers crossed for new lps in my mailbox on Monday:)
  21. Actually, I guess it's just the dirty honeys, which I think is what's in Hot Honeyed Fig, that bother me. It occurs to me that I can wear Honeyed LP just fine - it's actually one of my favorites. But I think that's the only honey scent I've managed to wear. And Aja - no way, no how!
  22. Congrats everybody! Rose, I love the Unicorn Jockey! I'll be trying to hit 400 pretty quickly, just so I can be one too:)
  23. I seriously considered asking for a bottle of this one from the description - it sounds awesome! If I could just win that darn lottery...
  24. I just got this in the mail and even though I should have resisted I tried it on straight out of the package. Something in this one is going kind of weird on me - sort of soapy but not exactly soapy - waxy maybe? I think waxy is a good way to describe it. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping and praying that it's travel shock, and in a day or two that weirdness goes away. I want to like this one SO much!
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