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Everything posted by Amalthea1978

  1. I tried Aja with LP Red and LFM...I know I'm nowhere near experienced enough to try combining blends, but my thinking is that adding Aja is more similar to adding cops to a blend than it is really mixing blends together..but this was definitely not good. "The guy" at work was rude and ticked me off first thing, which is not normal at all. All day were both just irritable towards each other and not on the same wavelength, which is unusual. I think it was maybe even me more than him, at one point he kept asking me "Why are you angry today?" It's weird because I didn't notice any bad self-effects when I sampled Aja at home, so idk if it was the combination of the two or what. Or maybe it was along the same lines as wearing cops in an inappropriate setting. I was definitely starting to notice friction between me and the guy when I was wearing cops/cops heavy blends before. Anyway, I'll keep testing, although probably not much at work. Maybe once more to see if that day was a fluke, but if it gives me another bad day I'll know it's not work-appropriate.
  2. This is one I would like to try out as well, so that I can test SS4W...unfortunately I don't like the smell of Sneaky Clean (I know, I know, I must be the only person who doesn't LOVE that one, but soapy scents just don't do it for me). I'm sort of afraid that it will be another one that I'll need a fb of!!!
  3. I love this! I was afraid LP Red would be one of those that everyone loves except me, but I totally agree that it's wonderful! I'm thinking of boosting my little sample vial of LP Red myself - I have Heart and Soul, Empathy Potion, and straight Est. I'm thinking maybe Heart and Soul would be nice with this. How many drops should I add to a trial vial? And now I'm thinking of adding some Aja to it too. Or maybe just layer them so it doesn't change the scent. Hmm...
  4. Got my second November order today - I was so excited, my full bottle of La Sylphide! And just about the time I'm getting over this yucky sickness, too, so maybe I can actually wear it without my sinuses going crazy:) And I have to say that Mara is SO amazing - not that everyone didn't know that already - she sent me freebies, which I was totally not expecting, since this was my second order in November and for some reason I thought freebies were only once a month. Also she sent me another Aja sample that I was not expecting either. I guess I should have, since she did say all orders over $25, but I just wasn't expecting another one! And I finally get to try out LP Red, which I was afraid I wouldn't like, but I've already sampled and I think I'm going to LOVE it - I see a full bottle in the near future! All in all I have to say that this little package of goodies made me VERY happy today! And now I can't wait until January:)
  5. Halo it did break out my chest and neck too, but I ended up not washing it off and it went away in a few minutes. I wonder what it is in G&L that's not in any other lps? I'm going to keep testing it though, it's not unusual for me to break out in hives since I have a condition called dermatography where pressure on the skin causes an allergic reaction:( I'm hoping that after that initial skin-freakout I'll be able to wear it.
  6. Put on my G&L about half an hour ago, and was thinking how nice it is and if the Lace plays nice on me I might need to go fb in January, but now I see that it is breaking me out!!! Big itchy red splotches on the insides of both elbows - this has never happened before with LP. Anyone else ever have this problem?
  7. So glad I ordered a full bottle of this instead of waiting until January! Maybe because this one was so popular and went so quickly, Mara will rebrew?
  8. I tried this one at home tonight...I definitely get the dirty honey smell. And it is definitely strong!!! I quite like it, but I'm afraid to other people it will smell too dirty - kind of like the reaction I got when I wore Sexology III. It will definitely have to be covered. I'm wondering what phero blends everyone is wearing this with, and what the reactions are? Is it super sexual, like cops? I'm guessing you wouldn't want to add it to a blend that has cops already. I'm just wondering about wearing this one out of the house. I think I'd like to try it (in tiny amounts) with my Honeyed LP - they seem somewhat similar, like maybe they would layer well.
  9. I tested this one today...and I have mixed feelings. Wet it is just WAY too floral for me. I smell almost straight rose, and I really don't like florals too much. But then, like everyone else says, after it's dried down and a few hours in it just becomes beautiful. Right now it smells gorgeous! But I just don't think I can wait out the rose. So, sadly, (or maybe not TOO sadly, since I've been spending ALOT of money on lps lately!) I think I may just enjoy my sample until it's gone, and not go fb on this one.
  10. I tried out my sample yesterday, and I love it! However, I did have two different people tell me I smelled like a candle. I don't usually get many comments on my lp's at all (which makes me sad, because I think they smell amazing - but I'm thinking maybe they just wear close to the skin), so at least I know with this one that I'm not the only one who can smell it!
  11. So my last-minute order is in...so much for waiting until January! La Sylphide had to be full bottle, after reading so many great reviews I was afraid it would sell out! Plus now I have straight Est coming, and a sample of LP Red because I've been wanting to try it forever, and just didn't think I could wait until January. I think I'm just going to have to avoid the new releases for the first few months of the year, so that I can catch up on the older scents I want full bottles of!
  12. I'm in love! I'm so happy that I like this scent, because LFM is my current favorite phero. I was so nervous when I sampled it, at first I didn't like it and then it seemed to fade away altogether when it was dry. But I should know better than to try lps out as soon as they come out of my mailbox - travel shock is a strange and not-nice thing. I wore this for real today and it is so good. It's like it's a floral that I actually like! The nutmeg really gives it a soft warm feel too I think, which helps out alot. Now I know I must have this full-bottle, but I'm wondering if I can wait until January... ETA: I almost forgot! Another thing I'm loving with this one is that it has definite staying power! I've noticed with some lp's that my skin seems to eat them up quickly, but not this one. It has definitely stuck with me all day. It's been well over 12 hours since I put it on, and I can still smell it:)
  13. Amalthea1978


    I just got a TON of lp samples in the mail, and I have to admit that I think this is my favorite that I've tried on so far. The chocolate mostly fades fast, even though just a tiny bit of it does stick around. For a few minutes it goes super-hay, but then settles down into what I can only describe as a pretty, earthy scent. Dang it, this is another one that I might need a full bottle of.
  14. Because LFM is my favorite phero for the moment (as my favorite seems to change with experience!), I really want to love this scent. My sample just came in and I've tried it on - so far my feelings are mixed. I KNOW that it will smell different tomorrow when the travel shock wears off, so I'll definitely be wearing this one to work tomorrow and then give a full review. Right now I'm finding it a bit of an odd mix - kind of a floral-y nutmeg. I'm just so excited to have all my new LP's, I had to post SOMETHING!!!
  15. My box is here! And on a day that I could really use the happiness, too:) My biggest order yet, and for the first time I swiped a bunch of different samples in different spots up and down my arms. Of course, I know that they'll smell different tomorrow when the travel shock wears off, and I've promptly forgotten which ones are in which spots. But I'm happy. And also now freaking out because I have to get that one last order in before the 25th... ETA: Oh yeah, and the trial vials are a bit bigger, too! Is this a November thing, or has lp just switched to different vials? I was impressed - they are large!
  16. I'm thinking of putting in a second November order as well, mostly because after the 25th the unscented phero samples will be gone. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but I think I want a sample of straight Est. All the Est blends work well for me (as long as they're not heavy on a-nol, strangely enough), so I think I'd like to try straight Est. I think any full bottles I decide to buy of the November releases can wait until January. As long as they're not selling out, I don't mind waiting! And I have a fb of Glitter Kissed on the way, I'm thinking that will very likely be my go-to holiday scent for December:)
  17. Mine is very close according to tracking - fingers crossed it will be here tomorrow! I can't wait, my biggest lp order so far:)
  18. So I got my email today, but I'm not sure if it's for my October order, November order, or if they're both coming together. I'm excited, I can't wait to find out!
  19. I'm jealous! I still haven't gotten my October order yet! Maybe I need to work on having more patience...
  20. This one sounds amazing but like most everyone else, I don't need the BI. I have to confess I did test a tiny bit of BI once at work...I can't remember what scent it was in now, but it smelled amazing. However, my target guy was giving me super obvious body language that he was uncomfortable around me. This was one that I knew I couldn't wear to work again, no question. But I do have the sampler coming, so I'll get to smell the deliciousness at least:)
  21. I think after going back and re-reading some of this thread, I might try the LFM and Gotcha combo too! I've had limited experience with Gotcha so far, because it didn't seem to affect my target guy (although I got some hits from others, but lol I didn't really care about them). I've really meant to go back and try it several days in a row but just didn't for whatever reason. LFM works VERY well for me, so I'm wondering now about mixing the two. Hmm, maybe tomorrow's pheros will be LFM and Gotcha!
  22. I rarely get self-effects, so I really can't say how it felt "to me". I can say that wearing sexology I got alot of playful, happy, friendly hits from others (mostly guys, of course). Again, it was at work, so if it affected them in a sexual way, they wouldn't necessarily have shown it. Since then I've stopped wearing cops-heavy blends to work, because it was starting to negatively affect my friendship with my target guy. I do miss the CB and sexology reactions from him and others, though - when they were good, they were VERY good. If you're looking for self-effects, I'm sure some of the other ladies here can chime in and give you a better answer to your question than I can:)
  23. I so want to like this one, because I like the effects of cougar and would love a fb scent, but I'm not a fan of rose, so that scares me a little. Wow, I really want my samples to hurry up and be in my mailbox...
  24. But it was just a weird kind of chatty, you know? Also, for some reason, sometimes when I wear TMI, I feel like I still get effects the day after. Anybody else have that experience?
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