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Everything posted by Amalthea1978

  1. TMI worked like crazy for me today, although not necessarily in the ways I wanted...on one hand, it had the guy opening up to me and being pretty chatty when he first came in today. On the other hand, it also had ME being a bit talky and confrontational too! I usually tend to think that I don't get alot of self-effects from pheros, but it's days like today that make me wonder if I'm getting more than I realize. I HATE conflict, and as a result will usually not speak my mind and stand up for myself if it means it would create conflict that I would rather avoid. Today, though, I did stand up for myself (in a work matter) with the guy, and while he became a bit defensive at first, in the end he agreed with me. So maybe TMI will end up being my stand-up-for-myself potion! Oh yeah, and I should add that I layered it with Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla, and it smelled really nice! I still like the way it smells better with OCCO white, but would rather not have the cops.
  2. Big order for me this month too - my most expensive month since finding LP! I ordered the sampler, plus a fb of The Big Easy and a fb of Cuddle Bunny '09. Also a couple samplers for my forum freebies, although I'm bummed to see that Papal Purple is now gone, since that's one of the ones that I asked for! Oh well, I'm EXTREMELY happy that The Big Easy is on it's way, as I've gone through almost my entire little sample in record time. I really want to try Charlene's Sanctuary, if there's a bottle left after my order comes in I might have to do an off-order. There are also quite a few of the sugared layerables that I'll be super-excited to order as well.
  3. This all sounds so awesome! And after typing just that one first line, it looks like Mara has put up the list! I'm super-excited about these, thank you Mara! The idea of putting people on the labels is so great too! ETA: Sugared sandalwood? Omg - this is a must-have for me. Too bad my lp budget is already stretched beyond to the limit this month!
  4. Okay, so I've tested this one out...somewhat. I've only tried it on at home to see if I like the scent, and absolutely yes - I LOVE it! I actually think I will wear it to work tomorrow and give it a real test, especially of the phero since I've yet to really try out SS4W. So I'll report on the scent, and then after tomorrow maybe I can give a better idea of how the phero worked for me. This is so delicious, I don't even know where to begin. It's a very rich, dense smell. I just keep wanting to use the word dense, and also dark, although I don't think dark is the right word exactly. This perfume has a serious weight to it, I guess that's what I mean by dense. This quality reminds me of Glitter Kissed in a way - it's so dense and heavy. I love it, but it's not something I could wear every day. So far it's definitely gone more foody on me, I'm not getting the incense smell that a few others have reported. I love it, I can't wait to try this out for a full day tomorrow!
  5. Amalthea1978

    Egg 2011

    Congrats Vladmyra! I kept debating on buying that one last bottle:) I have a 3/4 bottle from the trade boards, and this one smells absolutely wonderful! I think it may be my new favorite scent. I've just got my fingers crossed for an Egg 2014:)
  6. NuTrix, the Sanctuary is yours? That's a great name for a perfume, I love it:) What are the notes?
  7. Mara that photo is too funny! It makes me want to watch some He-Man and She-Ra:) I think I actually bought a DVD of the Christmas episode a while back and never watched it.
  8. Hmm...forgive me for my ignorance, but I wasn't around when the sugared line was out before. How does that work exactly? Will they be released in the actual shop, or do we still need to order them here? Sugared Cream sounds delicious:)
  9. I find this really interesting! Since I everything I've ever used with cops is scented, I don't think I've ever gotten the full experience! I'm not really familiar with the stink - the only thing I think I can actually even smell the cops in is Cops and Robbers.
  10. Dang it, now I have to get the sampler...time to re-think this month's order and budget! I have high hopes for Blush, I haven't found a scent I can wear with Perfect Match yet, so I really haven't gotten to try out the phero. Can't wait!
  11. That would be amazing! I've just recently tried Egg 2011 and I LOVE it!!!
  12. Donsie there used to be a perfume at Gap that smelled like grass...idk if they still sell it, since that was YEARS ago but I'd love something similar. It would be so nostalgic:)
  13. Funny, Cougarrific, I'm ordering a fb in March as well! I really do wear tiny amounts, and as a result my trial vials last a long time, but CB was one of my first and it's getting dangerously low. I'm just waiting impatiently for new releases to come out, and then my order will be in!
  14. I know pheromones work your neurotransmitters, although admittedly I'm not really sure what ill effects that could have. Still, I try to go without pheros at least one or two days a week, usually on the weekends.
  15. I love MDC's idea of a signature auditioning scent! I'm the type of person who usually finds one thing I like and stick with it, so I'm kind of surprised that I haven't found that "signature scent" - like just one scent that I fall in love with and want to wear all the time. I think there are just SO many beautiful things here at LP that it's too hard to pick one:) This is very much along the same lines as a question I've had in mind for a while now...it actually prompted me to finally ask on the forum. Umm, apparently I don't know how to link the thread, but it's about how to use pheros for a broader effect vs a more targeted one. Of course I did just ask, I'm assuming there aren't any answers/opinions yet!
  16. Sorry, to start off I should say that I had no idea whatsoever how to title this thread. There's something I've been wondering about lately, and someone else's post had me thinking about it more, but I'm having a hard time wording exactly what I want to ask so bear with me. This is all hypothetical to me, I'm not in any particular situation that I NEED to know, it's just something I've been wondering about and good information to have for the future. If you're wearing a pheromone in a group of people (maybe you have an intended "target" or want to draw people in general to you, or whatever) how do you know that someone will identify YOU as the "source" of the phero? Maybe you have a specific target guy (or girl), and you're going to be in a group - how do you know that they won't smell the phero, be affected, but attribute it to someone else in the immediate area? Like as opposed to when, say, you wear a phero to a gathering with the intent to create a certain atmosphere among an entire group (I'm thinking, for example, when people talk about wearing Treasured Hearts or something similar to create an atmosphere of calm and happiness at a family gathering or some other event). I see it mentioned so many times in the forum - someone will talk about how they wore a certain phero and everybody in their group/at their party/whatever was just relaxed and happy. I'm sure that both effects - wide and targeted - are useful depending on your situation. Am I making sense at all? I'm guessing it's a question of diffusion, really. I guess this was never a real factor for me because when I HAD a target guy we were alone together alot - in our office, just the two of us, so there was no question that he would associate any phero effects with me. But now that I'm thinking of broader uses for pheromones, it's just something I've been wondering about.
  17. I wore Cuddle Bunny today, because I was headed to a meetup, and stopped at the mall...I swear, I had SO many people talking to me, being super nice, but not guys - women! I don't understand it, since CB is just Est and cops, right? Why would that have women being super-nice to me? One woman even stopped me to ask what color my lipstick was, because it was "so perfect." The meetup was for gamers, which I think is fun but I definitely don't know what I'm doing. The first group of people I played with weren't terribly nice, but I think that's because they were super hardcore gamer people and just didn't really have patience for someone as clueless as me. No amount of pheros in the world could have gotten their attention - not that I wanted to! The second group I played with were much better, and one guy in particular got really nice as time wore on...now that I think about it, he was sitting on my left, and I probably put CB on my left shoulder out of habit ("the guy" is often on my left at work because I pull my chair up to his desk next to him, so I've just always put a dab of whatever I'm wearing on my left shoulder). Even when that game broke up, he kept returning and hanging around, usually hovering near me, which is weird because he probably actually knew all the other players much better than he knew me. However, it wasn't "hanging around" and "hovering" in a creepy way, just nice and friendly and helpful. I do really love a good Est blend, and I think CB is one of the best! If you like Cuddle Bunny you should definitely give sexology a try. Back when I was wearing cops, I really liked them both, and found they had similar effects. Sexology seemed to be a little more pronounced - like Cuddle Bunny, only more:) I don't wear alot of cops anymore, but I'm probably going to rotate CB back in, maybe just once a week max because of the cops at work. I don't want to overdo it, but I do really love Cuddle Bunny!
  18. I haven't tried La Femme Noire, but I love the cops-free version, La Femme Mystere, for work. I think you probably started out with a good choice. I'm a big fan of Cuddle Bunny, and would definitely suggest you at least try a sample! It's one of my favorite blends. However, I'm pretty sure it actually is heavy on cops. I think I read somewhere that it had "a boatload". Sorry Donsie! You are awesome:) And if I'm wrong I'm sure somebody here will correct me. Edited to fix my weird spacing...
  19. I feel like this is a hint but I'm not quite "getting" it...
  20. Welcome! If you've used pheros before, do you know what molecules work well for you? Like I don't do well with a-nol, but I normally do really well with Est. I'm still working my way through all the pheros here myself, but I think information like that would help narrow it down. Some things just work better for some than they do for others! I would definitely recommend trying out a few samples of phero-enhanced scents.
  21. I never would have thought of that! Love me some Cuddle Bunny, but I don't think it could get any better than CB '09. See, now I have that song from the Lego Movie stuck in my head again...
  22. I don't even know what I'm hoping for at this point. I just want to see what loveliness Mara has for us:) Although I would like to try Balm Bomb, so it would be nice to have it in a new scent:)
  23. I'm so impatient...I really want to place an order, but then I also want to wait for the NR's. But if The Big Easy sells out without me buying a full bottle, I just might die. So hurry up NR's!!!
  24. I'm still waiting to see one of those out-of-the-blue themed months...like I know there has been a Harry Potter month in the past. There hasn't been anything like that since I've been here though.
  25. This is the sweetest scent:) Very innocent and foody, I think, still without being little-girlish. I still need to wear it out for a full day to give it the review it deserves, but really as far as the scent goes, I think the name says it all - strawberries, cream, and cake is exactly what I smell!
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